Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 66: God Cannot Reject You!

Day 66: God Cannot Reject You!

Read: Romans 8:31 - 39

All of us want to be accepted somewhere and by someone. We all have a friendships that are formed based on who accepts us in our life. We get together with people who accept us on one level or another and we form these little pacts – I’ll accept you if you accept me; I’ll look after you if you look after me; I will scratch your back if you will scratch mine. We go through life in little acceptance pacts. We crave acceptance. It is just one of those absolute "must have's" in life. Going through life or trying to go through life alone, as I can tell you having done it for the better part of thirty years before I got married 2010 means deep feelings of rejection, not love, were reigning as the true King of my heart.

Do you remember the television show called 'Cheers'. Do you remember the tag line for that show? It was set in a bar where “Where everybody knows your name”. The world just craves that kind of acceptance, where everybody around you knows your name, where everybody loves you and where you’re acceptable. Prayerfully consider this craving, because we struggle for this acceptance, we sometimes have to deal with insecurity. This insecurity is heightened when we experience rejection in our lives. For example: everyone, including our enemies, those who have hurt us, those whose desire is to drive home the completely irrational idea you're never acceptable.

We have all encountered the sting of rejection in one form or another on one level or another. Some people experience it almost constantly and that hurts deeply. I want you to grapple this morning with this one radical idea: that it is impossible for God to reject you. Paul raises an interesting question on this subject in Romans 8:35, “Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love?” If you take a look at that question you will see that at the very heart of that question is a human dilemma - If I am rejected by the community of man, Am I acceptable to God in His Kingdom? If I am rejecting me for what others say I've become am I still acceptable to the God who created me?

The questions I ask you to prayerfully consider are; whether God will accept me in the here and the now if I desire to take my time deciding if I want to accept Him while I am yet still living. Will He find me repulsive because I have not yet chosen Him? Will He continue to accept me regardless of what I have done or may do while He waits for me to make my choice? Will He still unconditionally welcome me or will He put any sort of conditions on my coming to Him because I didn't immediately choose His Way, His Truth, or His Life? Will God take into account that there were certain events in my life when I was angry and felt rejected even by Him? Could He love me for being me?

Let Us Pray: Lord, there are some days when I have serious doubts about who really accepts me at face value. Lord, there are some days when I have had many serious doubts even about my own acceptability in Your sight. Lord, help me to become convinced 'that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen and Amen

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