Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 36: Husbands Love Your Wives

Day 36: Husbands Love Your Wives

Read: Ephesians 5:25 - 33

I would like to turn our thoughts today to the subject of Christian marriage and in particular how the relationship of marriage parallels our relationship to Christ. But before we go there, I thought you would enjoy these tidbits of wisdom from some rather intuitive young children (collected from the internet) concerning marriage: The children were asked: “How Do You Decide Who To Marry?” A ten year old boy said this: "You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming." A ten year old girl said this: No person really decides that one, God decides it all way."

I want you to close your eyes for a minute. I want you to see, remember and reflect on what picture comes into your mind. Husbands, As much as you are able to, I am asking you to return to that moment when you were looking at your Bride to be and heard these words from the Minister or the Justice of the Peace: "I, (name), do take you, (name), to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, so long as we both shall live." Now, wives, it is your turn to close your eyes. What were you feeling when you heard these words spoken and then repeated them?

You probably saw your wedding day if you are married. That is a day that you took on entirely new roles in your lives, roles that you did not have before that day, the roles of husband and wife. If you are in the midst of planning for your own special day of standing in the presence of Father Son and Holy Spirit, and a great cloud of many invited witnesses, you are both preparing yourselves, in body, mind and spirit for a prayerfully long, long lifetime of covenant commitment to each other and to God. It would be time extraordinarily well spent for each of you soon to be married people to look into each others' eyes and hearts praying, receiving your share of Jesus' love.

'25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 in order to make her holy by cleansing her with the washing of water by the word, 27 so as to present the church to himself in splendor, without a spot or wrinkle or anything of the kind—yes, so that she may be holy and without blemish.'

Paul, having just finished discussing the role of the wife, now turns to the role of the husband. He begins with this command. Ephesians 5:25a 'Husbands, love your wives,' We hear and say those words often, but what do they mean? Does it mean that we should conjure up strong feelings for your wife? Buy them some chocolate Let them watch their favorite TV show Do only what they want? Husbands and soon to become husbands: What should or does loving your wife look like in real life? What's your own heart borne heaven sent vision and life experience saying to you right now husbands to be? What should covenanting your life long love for your wife look like for your life?

Let Us Pray: Creator God, a long time ago, you breathed life into man. At a time of Your choosing, in one of the greatest expressions of the love You felt for us all, You caused a great slumber to come upon Man taking from him a small piece of himself that he should have a soul mate that by Your own divine covenant should forever live together as husband and wife. To love each other for all time as You first loved them. Help us be for each other today as we were then, when we first stood before You.
Love of My Life - The Wedding Song
DOWNLOAD THIS SONG at The Perfect Wedding

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 35: What Is Required Of Me Now?

Day 35: What Is Required Of Me Now?

Read: Micah 6:6 - 8

It is the day after the 'perfect storm 'Sandy'. We spent the better part of the week in front of the television watching this storm develop, running amok in the Caribbean, moving up though Florida and then the Atlantic Seaboard. There was great loss of life and property as the storm did what storms do so well - wreak great havoc where ever they go. Along the way there was great flooding, homes lost, property damaged by high winds and there was nothing anybody could do to stop it. It had to run its own preordained course. All we could do was prepare ourselves for the inevitable. Well, it has run its course. What's left to do but call the Insurance Company and clean up and try our best to move on?

When all around us becomes daylight again, we'll get ourselves out of our beds and begin the process of assessing what has happened to us individually, as a family and as a community. We will look in our basements to see for ourselves what water has come in. We will look out our windows to survey our properties. We will look to the rising streams and rivers with renewed interest and prayers that all the water stays away from us or begin the arduous duty of cleaning up what water has come in. We will look for the fallen tree limbs and if they are not too heavy and their are no wires flailing about the well soaked ground, we might just try to move them safely away.

Either way, it is not as if there is not enough for anyone and everyone to get busy with. If not the clean up we have to do for ourselves that awaits us, it what we are presented with in our neighbors yard as well that gives us the opportunity to do stuff for someone else who might just well be overwhelmed by what has occurred. It is an overused, but never the less relevant cliche' to ask "what can I do for you?" "Can I help you?" or say something like "Let's organize ourselves" or "Let's come together!" "Let us be the Body of Christ, the hands and feet of Jesus and assign ourselves to the most immediate mission field the storm Sandy has unceremoniously placed before us. God reminds us of His mission priorities:

He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)

First: God deeply appreciates it very much when you take the time to do things for your neighbor in need. God appreciates any effort when any one of us freely chooses to apply themselves to the task of building or re building His kingdom when storms come through and messes things up. Give to God yourself selflessly not selfishly. God is far more concerned with your personal actions 'heart attitude' on behalf of others than with any mind more focused on selfish self centered "see what I am doing" stuff.

Second: What God requires of us is that we do what is right and fair in our day to day relationships with other people. There is an old saying, “honesty is the best policy.” For the Christian, that slogan should be, “honesty is the ONLY policy.” Are you treating the people around you fairly and equitably. Are you doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons regardless of the personal cost to you? Proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring all the issues of life.”

Let Us Pray: Lord, in such a time as this, show us what we must do and how we must do it that we may be the beating hearts, the strong willing hands and the sure and steady feet of Body of Christ in the building up of Your kingdom on this earth.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 34: Honor Me With Your Body

Day 34: Honor Me With Your Body

Read: 1 Corinthians 6:19 - 20

First off ....

Allow me to offer up my most sincere heartfelt regrets and most humble of apologies. This mornings devotional offering comes straight from the Devotional book "Listening To God" by Bruce Bickel. Being in the midst of this 'perfect storm' called Sandy, The once broken now surgically repaired bones in my body are deeply uncomfortable.

God is speaking directly to us as though He was standing directly in front of us:

"I'm going to tell you something you already know: your culture is obsessed with sex, and not in a good way.

This is nothing new. Ever since the Fall, when sin entered the world, people have been distorting this beautiful gift I designed for a husband and wife to enjoy in their marriage. What's new is the ever - increasing temptation.

When you face sexual enticements, I want you to remember two things. First, It's not a sin to be tempted. Only when you give in to the temptation do you sin against me. Second, you don't have to fight the temptation alone. I am there with you through the Holy Spirit.

In fact, here's a good way to keep your body and your heart pure: think of the whole self as my dwelling place. Every time you're tempted sexually, imagine that I am there right with you. Do you want me to see what you see? Do you want me to hear your thoughts? Do you want me to know what you are experiencing? Of course you don't.

Let me help you. When you are tempted, call on me. I will help you to honor me with your body."

19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19 - 20 NRSV)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 33: Please Read The Instruction Manual!

Day 33: Please Read The Instruction Manual!
Read: 2 Timothy 3:14 - 16

It is just like me to buy something that needs to be put together, get it home, unpack it and then have at it and try to put it together. Part A goes here I am sure of it. Part B obviously fits in this spot. Part C looks like a sure fit over there. Part D just has to fit at the exact point where parts A B C all came together so nicely. Except now for the part or parts that always somehow seem to be left over. What did I skip now? It does not make much sense. It all went together so nicely. I did a wonderful bang up job putting it together.... didn't I? Then, like the fool I tend to be when I try to figure stuff out, I see them. Thrown under all the plastic wrappings are the One and Only Instructions revealed to my eyes.

Just like anybody else who foolishly figures they have things figured out before they get started, who get too impatient or too smart for their own good - there it is - the Instruction manual, the 'how - to - this - the - right - way - the - first - time book.' When we get a new gadget, we want to try it out immediately. Usually there will be no harm done in our precipitous rush to get on top of the matter and get er done. We can do this because we can learn all the basics through trial and error and no small amount of frustration. However, skipping the most basic of instructions to get us started is a bad idea at best and disaster at worst. We want full potential now!

The same thing goes for the World's greatest Instruction Manual, which happens to be God's own Living Word revealed - the Bible. God wrote this Book with us in mind. God's revealed and living Word gives us everything we are ever going to need to optimize our lives. I shutter to think if we tried to live our own lives without reading God's life fully revealed through the Words of Holy Scripture. God's message for us is simply this: Do not make the mistake of living our lives through trial and error. Please make the effort to immerse yourself in the lessons already learned by those who've gone before you. Study it's people, memorize favorite verses, live life to the fullest.

Let us Pray: Lord, please don't let me try to do this thing called my life by myself. I ask that You give me a heart for Your Living Word revealed through lives of those who have gone before, from their hard fought, hard learned, hard lived lessons. I ask that You please plant within me the desire to experience the life and love of Your Son Jesus the Christ as He walked the path to Calvary and willingly died that I may live to the best of my ability in Your will, within His righteousness and nothing of my own accord.
Remind Me Of Who I Am by Jason Gray -Lyrics
Video © User ID bobf72450 Remind Me Who I Am sung by Jason Gray from the album, Remind Me Of Who I Am. Cover.
Remind Me Of Who I Am by Jason Gray -Lyrics
Video © User ID bobf72450 Remind Me Who I Am sung by Jason Gray from the album, Remind Me Of

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 32: When Who Is Around You Is Leaving...

Day 32: When Who Is Around You Is Leaving...

Read: John 14:15 - 27

Is there anyone else out there who like me, follows the activities of their High School Alumni Association? I mean those were the days of long ago when things seemed to be a whole lot simpler and far less complicated. There are some days when I check the Alumni page that absolutely make me smile when I see some familiar faces that I once knew. I will look for the names of my favorite teachers to remember lessons I learned and contrast their influence then to what my life has become over the years. Most of them are gone now. I will look at the changes that have taken place to the actual school grounds then remember those places with some measure of fondness.

To some degree as I take the time to remember their faces, their mannerisms, their lesson plans, I find that most of them have long since become a faded memory. In a very real sense we have all left those times and places behind to start new lives and new dreams and new families. There have been a few days when I have missed the crowded and noisy hallways some 400 miles away and 33 very long long years ago. The scene from today's passage of Scripture is another one of those places where, if I had been alive that many years ago I would just absolutely long to return to. Jesus is in the Upper Room with His disciples, He's said He must go away. They'll be alone.

In the passage we read today, Jesus was addressing disciples who were feeling very scared because they were about to be alone. However Jesus has promised that God is to send Someone, the Holy Spirit so they wouldn’t be alone (verses 25, 26). Jesus was everything to those disciples. Jesus walked the earth. It was an unforgettable life changing experience for everyone. It was a three year whirlwind and odyssey filled with great and miraculous signs and wonders, healing's, raising of the dead and authoritative teachings the likes of which they had never heard before. He loved all of them with an uncompromising unconditional merciful forgiving love. Now He's leaving.

Today we call them reunions. Every five years or so we receive invitations from our Alumni Associations to gather together at our school cafeterias or any number of other local establishments and embellish each others with our life stories. We take a few digital pictures to remember the moment. So, for those disciples of long ago who had no 'Kodak Moments', what about bringing those wonderful Father God, Jesus the Son moments back to mind? Here the promise is that though He is going away, Jesus will send another of the same kind. Another helper, counselor, literally another one, The Holy Spirit to come alongside that we will always remember who God is.

Let Us Pray: Lord, it is inevitable that as time marches on for us we will sometimes forget the memories we have shared and the people we have shared them with. For it is the lot of man that his time on earth must one day come to an end. But You O' Father, Son and Holy Spirit are eternal in the heavens and as you have ordained from the beginning of time, there will be many generations who will follow us who will need to be taught and reminded of what You have done for so many who have gone before. O Sacred Trinity, Holy, Complete and United as One God, And as One God, uniting all created things, I pray: bring us all together in all things 'In Remembrance of You'!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 31: When What Is Around You Is Crumbling ...

Day 31: When What Is Around You Is Crumbling ...

Read: Isaiah 28:16

Back in 1966, my parents purchased 40 acres of land in a rural area of Western New York State. My Mother's father had passed away and this property was purchased with her inheritance. It was virtually all woods and several large and smaller ponds were in close proximity. With the help of some friendly locals, my parents were able to clear away an area and it was there that my Mom and Dad were able to set up their very first Korean War surplus tent. It was a very big deal for all of us. It was from their that my parents, I with my three sisters set about the task of making it our home away from home for many summers to come. That was a long time ago.

Today as I walk the land, the buildings that were there are now all pretty much in the hand of Mother Nature. They are crumbling and slowly being allowed to decay by the new owners. They are all returning from whence they came. It is all a barely recognizable memory. Today, I prefer to look at it this way: it is returning to the way God first gave it to us: for the use and pleasure of a new family like we were those many long years ago. As I ponder these most fondest of memories, It came into my mind that everywhere you look today, whether, in your own life, on the TV, or in the news, there are people whose lives are falling into decay and ruin, crumbling away.

For Isaiah's Israel, there was great moral and societal decay. Israel was crumbling. Only a remnant dared to do anything about it only to be shouted down by 'the proud garland of the drunkards of Ephraim, and the fading flower of its glorious beauty, which is on the head of those bloated with rich food, of those overcome with wine! (verse 1). Where was the one who would come forth and become for the nation - the moral compass pointing towards God's sure foundation? 'Therefore thus says the Lord God,See, I am laying in Zion a foundation stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation: ‘One who trusts will not panic.’ (verse 16)

Fast forward some 800 years. When I duly consider the humble beginnings of Jesus, it amazes us that a poor, helpless baby is to be our deliverer. Before Christ, no other writer ever used the word “humble” as an expression of tribute. When Jesus came before His synagogue in Nazareth as a young man, declaring Himself the fulfillment of messianic prophecy, the town rejected him outright, because they only saw His humanity, and could not conceive that one of their own might emerge as the surest foundation for the restoration of their hope and the revelation of the glory of God. Decide for yourselves: when all is crumbling around you: is God your sure foundation to start again?

Let Us Pray: Lord it is an extraordinarily difficult thing for anyone person to look upon themselves and their communities around them and bare witness to all the manners of decay and ruin to which we have allowed ourselves to be subjected to. I pray for the remnant to come forth to clear away the rubble, that in the name of Jesus Christ, our sure foundation, they will boldly step forward to rebuild, restore Your Kingdom. Step by step, brick by brick, building by building to reveal the glory of Your creation.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 30: The CEO Of Heaven: Should I Dare To Imagine?

Day 30: The CEO Of Heaven: Should I Dare To Imagine?

Read: Isaiah 55:8 - 11

This morning I find myself wondering: If I went to Trump towers and at the door, the doorman, who strangely enough looks like Donald Trump told me, here are all the keys to the building I am now the man in charge of this vast global enterprise. I am now the one who makes all the important decisions. I am the one who signs all the checks for the people working the front desk, the cooks, the bell hops the people cleaning the rooms. It is now my sole responsibility to hire and fire anyone and every one from the top down (except me of course). Can I really handle this responsibility? Do I really want to try to sit at the top of all this authority? It is surely quite tempting!

God operates a bigger business, the universe we know and do not know, the world we know and the Heaven we don't. One day God walks up to me and tells me that I am being prepared to take charge of all things. He hands me the keys to heaven and He tells me that He'll let me make all the decisions for a while, chart the course of the stars, and have a say in all things, but that He is still in charge. It is a wonderful thing to know God desires to mentor me and one day hand over this one of a kind authority. Rest assured, He comforts, that He always remains in control, with Him in our lives, everything is going to work out fine. I wonder: Should I really dare to imagine this?

In these few verses, God reveals Himself in a very special way, that He operates at such a higher level than we do. There is no comparison between how we think, our small plans and ideas, our fears and worries, and the way God operates in power, Word, and Spirit. He is always positive and self assured and confident. God is so very different than us, because He knows that it is all going to work out fine. God never says never—nothing is impossible with God. Once God says it, nothing can ever change it, it will always accomplish what it sets out to do. God’s Word in our lives works every time. No matter what you do, You Can’t Get Him To Get Upset With You.

He isn’t going to do things your way, He is going to do them His way—v.8b So many times we try to tell God what is best for us. But God knows better than we do what is best for us, and faith is trusting in the Lord with all our heart. His ways are higher than our ways—that simply means sometimes we won’t understand what God is doing, but it will all work out for good. His ways are better than our ways—God’s plans are better, because He doesn’t wait for the end to see the results, He is the Author of results. He knows every detail of your life, from start to end from the very foundation of the world. Future CEO of Heaven - Would you even dare to imagine it?

Let Us Pray: Lord, now that I have had an opportunity to consider just what it is You do up yonder, I really have only one prayer for You today, please, please don't put me in charge!!
You Are My God (Jesus Culture Emerging Voices) with Lyrics
Derek Johnson sings 'You Are My God' off the new album 'Emerging Voices' on the Jesus Culture Label. Really love this song and just wanted to share it with y...
You Are My God (Jesus Culture Emerging Voices) with Lyrics
Derek Johnson sings 'You Are My God' off the new album 'Emerging Voices' on the Jesus Culture Label.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 29: All God's Children Are Useful.

Day 29: All God's Children Are Useful.

Read: 1 Samuel 1

What kind of dishes do you keep in your cupboards? For me and my house we have the standard stuff we got from places like Walmart. Now, what kind of dishes do you keep hidden away, perhaps even have locked away? Most of us have some special dishes and silverware that we use only for special occasions. These are those china plates, sterling silver, and crystal glasses we use only when we have company. We use our everyday plates, and jelly glasses at other times. Some of us will even find some great uses for paper plates, paper bowls and lots and lots of plastic silverware. Does that necessarily mean that any or either of these or all of these are not usable?

The vastness of the wisdom of God is reflected in the vessels He chooses to use and when He chooses to use them. Hannah had been barren all her life, a condition that was heart wrenching to say the least and also an issue of great social shame. So, with a greatly burdened heart and troubled life she went to God. Her plea was one of desperation but it was also one of faith. She wanted a child, needed the fulfillment that only a fertile womb can provide. So as she prayed she pledged to surrender her child to God if He would grant her petition. Would God ever grant such a petition?

We might think: How much use could this barren woman possibly be? She is mocked, she is outcast. In the eyes of the village she is cursed. However, I ask you to carefully consider what Hannah held in her heart? Did she believe she was useless? Consider how much faith, how much conviction, just how much belief she had in herself to rise above all the adversity she experienced. I believe that God took full notice of her usefulness because after He took full measure of her devotion He touched her womb and she conceived a child. For us the greatest image of all our usefulness to God is Hannah walking into the Temple with her baby boy and dedicating him to God's use.

As I examined the story of Hannah one verse jumped out and grabbed my attention. It is verse 11. "O LORD Almighty, if you will only look upon your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the LORD for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head." In verse 22 Hannah says that this child would "appear before the Lord" – as in the form of a servant, and "remain there forever." Her gift to God would be a gift that God would fully use to serve His purpose and His will to lead God's people Israel. She gave her only son to bring great service and success to God, and to glorify His name.

Let Us Pray: In a land that sees no use for me or mine, I know you have a purpose for me that is uniquely useful to the building up of your kingdom. Thank You My Lord for raising me and my life up to Your throne of grace. In Your Son's holy name I now take this moment to dedicate my all that my life was and now is and will become to Your service. I give my heart to honor You who saw all that was useful about me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 28: A Dear God Letter: About Our Getting Along.

Day 28: A Dear God Letter: About Our Getting Along.

Read: Romans 12

Dear God: "Why can't we all get along?" "What is the difference between a person with an open hand extended in friendship and a person with a closed fist rearing back as far as they can reach ready to strike the first target of opportunity?" "Why are some people so completely bent on pushing people away?" In our lives today, I think about people who use sweet talk to make someone think they are loved, but the real motive is to manipulate them into giving the other person something that they want. Or love that is given only so long as you play along with the other person, but as soon as you make your own decisions you are rejected, cut off from friendship!

One day as I was standing in line at a hardware store I heard someone make this off handed comment: "The more I get to know the human race, the more I love my dog." Treat them right and guess what; those dogs are always loyal, dependable, eager to please, and quick to forgive and forget. Don’t you wish people were more like that?" To which the clerk responded rather tersely "Not in my lifetime friend!" It really stunned me that I heard that in the open. It was really painful for me to realize in such a stark manner as that exchange that sometimes no matter how hard we try to have a relationship with someone, it doesn’t work. People have trouble believing it.

Paul writes to the people and the churches at Rome: 2 'Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect. 9 - 10: 'Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.' Paul uses a very interesting word to describe the love that we are to have for one another – “sincere”. Another way of putting it is to say that we are not to be hypocrites with our love, being real and genuine, not play-acting. What are we to do but strive to Outdo one another in love.

The word Paul uses for love is also an interesting one – it is the Greek word 'agape'. This is a word that talks about the very highest quality of love there is, that of God towards His Son Jesus, and towards all of His people who are both in Jesus and without Jesus. It is not the sort of fickle, sentimental, unreliable love that we know in this world, but it is love that is supremely shown in the self-sacrifice of God for our benefit; it is absolutely unconditional, reliable and unfailing. What we are to do is to strive to outdo each other, in fact, taking great pains to stumble over each other in seeking out God moments, Holy Spirit opportunities giving to all, sharing with all, God's 'agape' love.

Dear God: "What sort of mindset are we dealing with here that so many people are so skeptical about relating to the person standing next to them?" Why must there be all this suspiciousness we struggle to live with in our hearts between ourselves and those who You command that we count as our neighbors? Lord, this is something that I deeply struggle with in the deepest recesses of my heart to overcome? But HOW? It feels like such a natural part of me. I am very much afraid of separating from myself what is too much a part of who I am, who I have become in response to this world." Reveal to my doubtful heart, O God, where I can freely give, freely share thy 'agape'.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 27: "If You Want To Follow Jesus, Deny Yourself"

Day 27: "If You Want To Follow Jesus, Deny Yourself.

Read: Matthew 16:24

More than anything else, GOD wants you to follow Jesus. But GOD does not want you to follow Him if you are planning on "adding" Him to your life, as if He is another one of your self improvement programs.

GOD's Son is not a program; GOD's Son is a person.

Following Jesus means you are devoted to Him. Following Jesus means you make Him the number - one priority in your life. Following Jesus means you are willing to give up everything for him.

When Jesus called His first disciples, He asked them to do two things: First they had to deny themselves. When you deny something, you are saying it is not true. So to deny yourself is to admit you do not have the truth in you. But GOD's Son Jesus does: He IS the truth. Second, Jesus asked His disciples to take up their cross and follow Him.

Child of GOD, this is a hard saying because Jesus meant this in a literal sense. He went to the cross for you, and He expects you to be willing to die for Him. Not that you will have to -- but you must be willing. That is how serious you must be if you want to follow Jesus fully.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 26: "My Word Will Teach You What Is True"

Day 26: "My Word Will Teach You What Is True"

Read: 2 Timothy 3:14 - 16

This morning my wife and I are up in Bethel New York which is 2 hours south of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. She was invited by a long time Pastor friend of hers to preach at his churh here. She is preaching from Mark 10:35 - 45 on "Servanthood". So thismorningand tomorrow I am taking the devotion directly from the book titled "Listening to God" by Bruce Bickel.

"What is truth? That's one of the most important questions you could ever ask and answer.

When you find the truth, you've found everything. Truth will never let you down because when you get to the bottom line, truth is anything that corresponds to the way things really are.

As you sort through your life, start with the biggest truth of all -- then work your way down from there. And what is the biggest truth? It is GOD. GOD is the grandest reality of all.

But GOD is not some abstract philisophical equation, such as GOD equals truth. GOD is personal and loving. GOD wants a relationship with you, something GOD has made clear to you in His Word.

When you read GOD's Word, you are encountering GOD'S truth personally. Everything GOD said in GOD's Word -- the stories, poetry, history, prophect, biographies of Jesus, and letters to the churches -- are there to teach you what is 'true'.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 25: Trusting God: Walking Through Unknown Doors.

Day 25: Trusting God: Walking Through Unknown Doors.

Read: Acts 16:6 - 12

Someone once tried to explain to me the correct use of a door. It seemed to be a very unique and special kind of silly to me but I chose to indulge him anyway. He said that the first thing I must do is to look everywhere for it. Okay, I knew that. Find the ways in and find the ways out - pretty obvious. Then when I found these most useful of entry ways and exits I then needed to know just the right moments to actually use them. Okay, now this is getting interesting. Knowing the right moments to use them seems rather obvious too. Next he told me that I needed to know which door was the correct door to use when I knew I needed to use it. Because I could enter the closet.

Now, It my guess that in my own home I am going to know where each of my doors lead. Although admittedly I do miss the mark and try to enter the door leading to the opposite direction I want to go. Now from time to time I enter someone else's home. It seems now there is sometimes a failure of recognition on my part to identify which doors are the one's that lead to opportunity and which one's lead into the hall closet. I am not so familiar with the doors in the stranger's house and now I am feeling a growing sense of anxiety. I want to respect their homes by not entering and closing all the wrong doors trying to find the bathroom for example or to a business office.

It seems doors of opportunity open and close before us in life. Is it God opening and closing these doors? For a few years I’ve heard my wife saying, “When God shuts one door, He opens another!” It sounds similar to a famous quote by Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. He said: “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” In this time when many are losing their jobs, their homes and their 401Ks let us learn why God uses closed doors to open others. Sometimes our disappointments in life can become God’s appointments.

The things we think of as failures and problems can often end up being blessings in disguise. The best example of open and closed doors is found in Acts 16:6-12. Paul and his friends launched their second missionary journey from Antioch. Along the way, they encountered some closed doors and then an open door. Paul wanted to go through one door, but the Holy Spirit stopped him from entering. He tried another door, again he was turned back. Paul walked toward a third door and found the Holy Spirit welcoming him to walk through. The Holy Spirit opens the right doors at the right time and closes the wrong ones in the same way. Trust the door marked "God."

Let us Pray: Lord all I ask is that you show me the right doors to enter and which to close. There are too many choices to make, too many doors to try that lead to no where I want to be. Lord, I know that there is a doorway that leads to you and this is the door I want desperately to enter because there is the place where Jesus is found.
Show Me Your Glory - Kim Walker, Jesus Culture
Show Me Your Glory by Jesus Culture..Video by me This song is so anointed.. I ABSOLUTLEY LOVE it! I

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 24: Today May Be The Day - Be On Guard!

Day 24: Today May Be The Day - Be On Guard!

Read: Mark 13:24 - 37 (NASB)

She'll be here, my Mom would tell me, so stop being all nervous about it! "Just be patient!" she would exhort me. I would settle down for a little while, look out of my large living room window again, I would look both ways several times then go running back into the kitchen where Mom was fixing lunch or dinner and I would look at her all over again and one more time I would frantically and ask her "Where's Grandma?" "She promised she would be here -- Mom, where is she?!?" I always looked forward to the days when my Grandma visited from Florida. She always had something nice. Every year she had special presents. One year I got a coconut which I still treasure.

I remember my three sisters and I would frantically race from one bathroom to the next to try to be the first one to get all spiffed up for her. I was at somewhat of a disadvantage because I always had to wait a little longer to have Mom tie my necktie. It was look and ask and look and ask as we all took turns to watch for Grandma's car. Finally it happened, four young children looked out the living room window and saw the object of their great desires: Grandma's car pulled into our driveway. Smiles were plastered all over our faces as we all rushed the front door and battled to see who would be the first to open it to run out in a great rush seeing Grandma again.

Many dates have been proposed for the return of Jesus Christ. Many have come and many have gone. I suspect that many more are lingering on the horizon awaiting the same fate as all the others. We simply don’t know when that day will come. And it may come for you or me before the final day arrives. It may even be sooner than we all believe. Today may even be that momentous day. The fact is, Jesus did not know when He was coming back - Just the Father alone. Since we have no idea when the Lord will return, Jesus gives us the better plan: “Be on guard! Be alert!” Rather than worrying about that day, Jesus tells us "Today may be the day - Be on guard be alert.

There are many tasks that God places before us. In the church and in life God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those who are blessed with gifts of administration, those blessed with abundance of spiritual fruits to come along side to be encourager's and exhorter's of the faith, there are builders and movers to engage in the process of placing firm foundations beneath our feet. We are called to attend to our duties, each to his own assignment. We are given a task so that we can just do it. He calls each of us to participate in His salvation plan.

Let Us Pray: Eternal God, it is not for us to be privy to the moment when Your Son will come back to claim what is rightfully His. Give us the grace to just move on with our lives, serving Your kingdom, building spiritual foundations and so very much more. Let us be the one's to keep our eyes toward the heavens, our hands and feet firmly planted on the ground, thoroughly rooted in Your sacred Word's of truth. Guide us along the paths you will have us to tread, asking, seeking, knocking and transforming many hearts many lives for the sake of Your kingdom on earth as in heaven above.
People Get Ready by Misty Edwards Dance
Dance performed at the opening night of the RLCI conference at Resurrection Life Church in Grandville, MI Check out a different performance of

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 23: What Makes God Smile?

Day 23: What Makes God Smile?

Read: Genesis 6:1 - 9:17, Psalm 14

What makes me smile? What makes us smile? What makes God smile? Does God smile? As a newly minted husband I’ve smiled many times as I’ve watched my wife do almost anything. I love my wife and I my heart just leaps into those opportunities to watch her have fun doing something she enjoys. I’ve smiled as she has done something very pleasing to me, or has given me a small gift that she either picked out or created with her arthritic thumbs. I have smiled when I’ve watched her work hard to accomplish something of great importance in her life and in her ministry. I like to smile at my wife very much. It brings much happiness to this foolish heart.

I like to believe that as we smile about our families or friends, for various reasons, so God smiles over us and we can learn what can bring more smiles to God’s face. There’s an ancient Biblical example that helps us in this and points us toward some of the activities that will cause God’s pleasure to beam forth toward us. This is not for to get something more from God than what he is already giving, but is simply for us to be doing and growing and maturing, in response to God’s grace, so that like a parent watches their children grow we’re doing more to bring a smile to God's face. We want to please others, to watch others be happy, we really want to see smiles.

There was a time when only one man, of all that lived on earth, pleased God. That man was Noah. We find the beginning of the story of Noah in Genesis 6, and the background to his story. There were two groups: One group- mostly made God upset and greatly saddened. However, Noah brought pleasure to God. This is where we want to be, as individuals who bring pleasure to God. As we do this, do you know what will be happening? We’ll be living more in line with God’s desires and, through that living, we will be living in respectful reverence toward God who is our Father.

God received pleasure from him and decided that he would start over with only his family so he brought the flood. From this we have the rainbow and God's eternal covenant that man should go on living. I enjoy living and, I believe, you do, too. We’re alive because Noah pleased God and God made the rainbow that we may always smile at something beautiful. This is important for each of us to understand. Our life can make a great difference. Because you live and please God, there WILL be others who live- inside or outside your family, there will be others who, through our smile will enter life through Jesus who will smile too for your pleasing God.

Let Us Pray: Lord, what one more thing today may I do for You and the sake of Your kingdom that will bring a smile to Your face?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 22: The Relevance Of Encouragement

Day 22: The Relevance Of Encouragement.

Read: Hebrews 10:19 - 25

"Be of good cheer". "There is strength in numbers." "It is never good to be alone for too long." "Together, we may accomplish more than we could by being alone." "We are in this together, or we are not in it all!" "Through thick or thin, We will always be here for you!" "Let us stand shoulder to shoulder and together we will try and work things through." "Please let us help you." "What can we all do for you?" "We are all family and in this together!" "We have been friends for just too long, What's up?" "We've been through too much together, you and I, so what do you need from me?"

Can you sense a pattern here? Friendship - yes, very much so. Camaraderie? Yes that is very true as well. Shared and Mutual support - yes I suppose that is true too. Bold, risky relationship building where angels might otherwise fear to tread? Oh that is absolutely positively true to the core of who we are as deeply caring human beings. These are all very much essential and relevant to who we strive hard to be for one another when something is "not kosher in someone's else's kitchen." While the joy of the Lord truly sustains and strengthens us, there are times when we all find ourselves in need, and here is the message I am trying to convey to you .... it's encouragement.

It's not always easy to walk by faith in difficult times. It's not always easy to obey God as we know we should. It's not always easy to live according to God’s Will for our lives. Sometimes we need a help... a little motivation to do what we know is right, to stand up for what we believe, and to spread His Word throughout the whole world. We each need to be encouraged. Encouragement is awesome. It can actually change the course of another person's day, week, or life. You will find, if you think for a moment, that the people who influence you are the people who believe in you the most, who have intentionally sacrificed the time from their lives to build you up.

One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person deliberately helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have been bold enough or dared yourself to cross on your own. In fact, Hebrews commands us to “encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today” (3:13-14). The word “encourage” is in the present tense. It indicates a habit or a way of life. It means we don’t wait for others to encourage us. But we take the initiative. We must encourage even if others could not, even if others would not.

Let us Pray: Ever merciful Father I come boldly before Your throne of grace. Your word says that You give strength to the discouraged, so I humbly ask that You would strengthen me Lord, for I am having a very tough time of it. Bless me Lord with Your presence, that my heart might be encouraged. Help me remember Your faithfulness and Your love that I might stand in faith with Jesus against the issues that face me.
Kutless- Smile
one of my favorite songs by Kutless lyrics: On a plane somewhere again I take my place in line Just like every other time I slide into my window seat

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 21: Praying For Our Leaders

Day 21: Praying For Our Leaders

Read: Mark 10:35 - 45; 1 Timothy 2:1 - 6;

For a long time there were some things that I simply never would have considered doing. Being in authority over someone or a group of someone's is probably at or very near the top of the list. As much as my own personal experience has told me about such positions -- authority goes to their heads and the rest of the body gets left behind without so much as a thank you for being a part of them, they start lying to you and disrespecting you or they step on your neck when you are down. So when one day I heard someone tell me that I should pray for such a person - I said NEVER!

Such a request just cuts across too many grains of lumber, the yucky sounds of chalk boards being scratched runs down my spine. No, a thousand times No. Praying for someone who seems to place more joy in walking amongst the clouds looking down at me instead of being along side of me looking me straight in the eye?!?! Not going to happen. Pray for someone who I am pretty sure does not care that I even exist? Not in this lifetime or the next one after that!. It seemed a wee bit too silly for me. Then something happened to me to reshape my thoughts - Christ introduced Himself!

A} 42 So Jesus called them and said to them, “You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. 43 But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. 45 For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:42 - 45)

B} 1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. 3 This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human, 6 who gave himself a ransom for all—this was attested at the right time. (1Timothy 2:1 - 6)

After reading such passages and connecting them together with the help of the Holy Spirit it awakened me: Christ is first in Authority over all including me and you and anyone and everyone who finds themselves in a position of leadership - whether it be great or small and all are accountable to Him for their actions. So that means I do not have to be responsible for judging them. They have much more to account for than I can ever know.

Another of the greatest lessons that we can ever learn is that the honor that we have to bring requests before the Lord was not given to us in order that we may focus on us. We must first of all remember that: The target of all our prayers must truly be absolutely inclusive for all our neighbors even leaders. All must face the Refiner's fire!

Let us Pray: Lord please help me to overcome my tendency towards judging those You place in positions of authority and leadership. Help me to pray for them just as much as You call on us to pray for each other. For we all must come to You, so let us pray that each of us appears before Your throne of Judgment blameless, cleansed and loved.
Bethel Live- For the Sake of the World ft. Brian Johnson
Bethel Live: For the Sake of the World: Pre-Order the

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 20: Practicing God's Shalom

Day 20: Practicing God's Shalom

Read: Philippians 4:8 - 9

In the game of life there are certain well known phrases that serve to keep us grounded, that keeps us from taking off into the loftiness of our egos. 'Practice what you preach' is just such a phrase. I can remember vividly the times when my Mom would over hear me having a conversation with my siblings - "If you want this you should be doing that because I do it that way all the time." My Mom would tap me on the shoulder, I would look up at her -- she would point her finger in some direction and tell me to go 'do it' exactly the same way I was telling my sisters. Uh Um Okay?!?

Shalom is a Hebrew word meaning peace, completeness, and welfare and can be used a polite greeting between two or people to mean both hello and goodbye. it can refer to either peace between two parties especially that between God and mankind. It may likewise refer to the well-being, welfare or safety of an individual or a group of individuals. Shalom, is a universally understood term that draws a large circle around the whole of our lives to emphatically say there is great joy, there is peace. There is an absence of conflict. Overall, there's an overwhelming sense of 'complete'.

So, Paul puts out there for His readers those things for us to ponder as we practice being complete in God. When we deliberately take the time to separate ourselves from the circle of our current lives, who we really are in the 'worldly' sense, to draw a new circle of our life practicing "God's Shalom. Paul writes for his readers a series of personal reflections that we ought to be praying and meditating over. Each of these reflections taken individually and then as a 'complete' group serves to draw us inward toward the center of all things Shalom 'complete' where The God of Shalom is found.

Call it God's Shalom of Spiritual Discipline: Recommended By God Himself for right relationship with Him. The Daily Recommended Practice of 'God's Shalom: Meditate on these things for a time and a season:

1. "whatever is true"
2. "whatever is honorable"
3. "whatever is right "
4. "whatever is pure"
5. "whatever is lovely"
6. "whatever is commendable, of good repute"
7. If there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise that empowers you .......

Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of (SHALOM) peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:9)

Let us pray: Lord, Bring me now into the deep silence of your presence. I give you my body and ask that it may become your dwelling place. This moment may every part of my being be at peace. Let my heartbeat be in harmony with your heartbeat let every part of my body be filled with your Spirit. Fill me now with your stillness with the Shalom of your living presence. Draw me close to You into that place of Rest.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 19: 'While Listening, They May Not Understand'

Day 19: 'While Listening, They May Not Understand'

Read: Luke 8:9 - 10

“Don’t believe everything you hear” In this age of the internet where rumors spread faster than a wild fire and people’s opinions are presented as fact, that is very sound advice for anyone to pay very close attention to. But while it is sound advice to be discerning in what we believe, we often take this to mean “Don’t believe anything you hear.” We have become a people who are extremely skeptical of all that we hear. The simple fact is that we need to give a full hearing to some of the things we hear. For Jesus' disciples hearing the Parable looking around made interpretation easier.

But what about Jesus' Parables? What about what we hear about living with a view to the future? What about actually taking an action in response to hearing and doing something meaningful for a future somebody or other? What about living with a view that what we hear we are then accountable to? In our passage, this morning, Jesus says that when we hear the word, we become accountable for it in our daily lives. In our current way of thinking it's more convenient to read something then push it aside because of the multitude of interpretations that are preached? What does it all mean?

'Then His disciples asked Him, what does this Parable mean? I ask based on my own limited experience "What am I hearing from You, Lord? Where does hearing lend itself to application? If we hear the Word and choose to make good use of it, we shall benefit from it and the opportunity for greater knowledge and grace will come. If we hear the Word and do not make good use of it, we will not only not benefit from the Word we hear but will lose out on the opportunity to bear fruit from the abundance of God's blessings we now enjoy. Our lives will go spiritually backwards rather than forwards.

We need to realize that hearing the Word or reading the Word will not profit us in our lives unless we believe what we hear or read. The Word works on our hearts and minds and lives only if we believe what it says. It will not bring any blessings into our lives unless it is received with faith. Faith says - ‘I believe what I am hearing to be true and because I believe it to be true I will begin to act on it.’ My friends, that is how we can know if someone is genuinely receiving the Word, living with a vital faith.

Let us Pray: O God, please help me to understand that Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. Help me to accept the fact that I may not always understand Your thoughts and Your ways. Please Lord, remind me of Your promise that if I will call upon You, You will tell me one more great and unsearchable thing that I do not know.
Aaron Shust - My Savior, My God
I am not skilled to understand What God has willed, what God has planned I only know at His right hand Stands one who is my Savior I take Him at His word

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 18: The Relevance of Grieving Our God

Day 18: The Relevance of Grieving Our God

Read: Ephesians 4:30 - 5:2, John 3:16-17

Tell me when you have heard this before: “Imitation is the highest form of flattery.” Any parent knows this is true. You’re out in the garage, carefully pounding some nails in that 2 x 4 you are going to use on that long promised building project. As anybody with any wood working sense knows, you must be very careful pounding those nails in lest you put several gaudy dents in your final product. Suddenly, you hear another hammer pounding the board next to you. There’s your child with the same expression of deep concentration as you have on your face, tongue out the side of their mouth, with a hammer in their hand. This is serious father - child time. A serious time for bonding.

The same is true when it comes to Father God and we who are His children. If we genuinely want to flatter our Father God, there is no better way than trying our very best to stand tall and confidently stride alongside of Him and trying to imitate him. Remember, like any wonderful Father, he has blessed us with every possible spiritual blessing; He looked upon us and He chose us to be his children from eternity. If He had been my earthly father then there would have been no doubt how proud I'd be. Yes, it'd be wonderful except for the fact that there are fathers who miss the mark. There are earthly fathers out there for whom no child would not hesitate to grieve, they would definitely not hesitate to give great anguish to.

There are those who have endless possibilities in life, but for one reason or another, they just walk away, leaving those possibilities behind. They walk away from it all and before you know it they are getting themselves into all kinds of circumstances that are completely uncharacteristic. They are running amok, they are creating havoc where ever they go, with what ever they choose to touch. There is great wander lust and the strongest penchant for getting into the worst kinds of troubles imaginable. It is just unfathomable that if this were any one persons child the grief being inflicted! Some of you reading this can personally identify with it. God identifies with all of it.

What does it mean to grieve God? Grieve is a word used to describe great sorrow. We use it to describe the sorrow that people feel when a loved one suddenly leaves. The greater the love, the greater the capacity to identify with the suffering requiring an even more intense response on our part to grieve the loss. God's capacity to love is limitless so when we continue to mire ourselves in our own ways the intensity of God's suffering through it all is without limit too. God grieves beyond our capacity to imagine. God loves with an everlasting heart. So try to connect the two and perhaps you can now understand a little better God's perfect motive for sending His Son to us.

Let Us Pray: Lord, I don't suppose I will ever arrive at a time in my life when I will ever stop grieving You. I try to do better each day, but sadly it can never be enough. I have tried to apologize so many times that I guess you just shrug Your shoulders and move on saying to yourself "Yeah, I have heard that a few times before." I thank you for Your infinite patience with me. But more so for Your capacity to love and to forgive through the life of Your Son Jesus Christ whom You sent to die just for me. How deep the Father's love Fernando Ortega

Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 17: Always And Forever In The Right Time

Day 17: Always And Forever In The Right Time

Read: Galatians 4:4 - 7; Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 15

I suppose all of us know what it’s like to be late. Being late doesn’t seem to bother some people, but I really hate being late for anything. I suppose it has to do with my Navy days when while in Basic Training when every day I was awakened along with 40 other guys at 430 in the morning. With stunning military precision the lights came on, the horn trumpeted reveille. It did not take long before most of us were awake ahead of that obnoxious ear splitting noise. Then it was a day spent marching in time from barracks to where ever, for whatever, more than a mile away. Always on time.

Most of us know about living under the constraint of deadlines, especially when some important event is involved. We all have timetables. Did you know that God also has a timetable (Ecclesiastes)? Sometimes our timetables are the same as His and His is sometimes the same as ours, but often they are not. And that is very frustrating. We want God to act right now; when, in His wisdom, He chooses to delay for our good. But, my friends, it is absolutely true that God is never early and He’s never late. He’s always right on time. It may not be “in our time,” but it is always “in His time,” which is the right time. Don't you love it when a plan comes together at just the right time?

In our text today, Galatians 4:4-7, we are told that “..when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son..” (v. 4). Isn’t that an amazing statement? In the fullness of God's time, God Sent His Son to us! Take the time to carefully consider just what this means; With an absolute certainty that the absolutely perfect moment had finally arrived ... God sent us His Son. A single moment along the time line of eternity was declared by God to be the exact perfect moment for accomplishing an important task. When have you ever done that with that kind of perfect precision? We can only sense that there is probably a right time for this or that, but absolutely perfect?

Now, it should be important to us because just as Christ came at the perfect time, so God continues to work in our lives at always the right time. In fact, perhaps today is the perfect time in your life for God to move forward in a special way. Perhaps God wants to solve some perfect problem in your life today. Perhaps Christ wants to give you today the perfectly timed answer you have been seeking. Perhaps God is telling you there is always going to be a 'right time' that perhaps today is the perfect time for you to commit your life to Him. If so, let me encourage you to respond to Him today, and He will always meet you..always just in time! Always at the right time. As is His plan.

Let us Pray: Lord of all eternity, Master of time itself. In the fullness of time You sent forth Your Son Jesus into the world of men that they might come to know the perfect time for the perfect relationship. Lord, forgive us when we fail to fully recognize that moment. Forgive us when the fullness of out trust is in only our imperfect deadline. Please realign our eternal clocks with Yours that we may come to a time when we can fully realize You and You alone have made everything suitable for its time. In Jesus' name I pray.