Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 8: "On This Rock I Will Build My Church"

Day 8: "On This Rock I Will Build My Church"

Read: Matthew 16:13 - 18

Ask yourselves this question this morning? "Does anything I say whenever I say it really make that big a difference?" "Does anybody really listen to what I say? "Why should anything I say make the least bit of difference to anyone, anywhere?" "Why should my words make any more or less a difference than the next guys?" "When it comes right down to it why should I say anything at all about something no body else is going to care about anyway?" "Nobody ever listens to me anyway!" What you say and who you say it to along the course of an everyday conversation builds buildings!

Upon hearing Peter’s words, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”, Jesus made a most important declaration. A declaration that has changed the course of countless people and transformed world events ever since. He said to Simon now called Peter: “On this Rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it”. True to his word Jesus has been building his church and continues to do so to this very day. It started with a fairly simple question: "Who do you say I am?" It elicited a simple yet profound response from Peter and Christ's church began.

The word 'church' means "belongs to the Lord." The Greek word 'ekklesia' describes a group of people who God 'called out'. God called out to His people, the people, in this Scriptural passage represented by Simon now called Peter (meaning 'Rock') took the time to listen and then boldly dared to speak out. Though there were only a few present that day to listen to Peter, and for the last 2000 years Peter's words have reverberated across the entire known world transforming and shaping humanity. There are precious few words spoken in simple conversation that can say the same.

In God’s eyes a great church is one in which you and I become more and more like Jesus thus making Him known. Great churches strive to impact their families, friends, communities and their world with the reality of the risen Christ. The monotonous, humdrum and empty lives of people are transformed by the power of ordinary words from ordinary believers as the life and power of Christ works in and through their ordinary lives. It all began when an ordinary man spoke extraordinary words a whole world of ordinary people listened. That’s what makes Christ's church extraordinary.

Lord God, Let me never underestimate the power of my ordinary words to make an extraordinary difference to someone somewhere somehow and in some way. Amen

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