Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 10: Sharing With Family: Conversations About God

Day 10: Sharing With Family: Conversations About God

Read: John 3:31 - 36

Do you ever look for something so hard that you can’t find it? Maybe it’s just my age kicking in but sometimes I’ll lose something in the most obvious place possible. I think so hard about where I put it that I forget to look in the most likely place. I figure that I would have remembered easily if I’d put that thing where it belonged. So instead, I go searching around in drawers or under beds and cabinets-in places I haven’t opened or looked under in years. Finally I just stop. I kick myself in the pants

I stop looking and fretting and let my mind catch up a little and start over thinking more logically and less frantically. That’s when I find it-right where it should have been all along. My own mind had blinded me from seeing it because it was too easy! I bet those of you who are reading this now thought I was talking about my glasses, or my car keys or some other material object. Well, I do lose those things from time to time. However, this morning I am referring to an honest conversation with some one that you love and genuinely care about. Maybe your spouse maybe your children. Sharing with our families and our neighbors having serious conversations about God.

I'm talking about the rarity (at least in my own personal experience) of sharing a genuine conversation with God alongside the one's you love and genuinely care about and sometimes even with those you don't. Wow! I mean just stopping and dropping what it is you're doing and speak to them of the earthly things then the 'God' things. I can remember that while I was on vacation this past summer of sitting by the camp fire with my wife, step - son, daughter in law and we talked about great crab dinners, going fishing for the first time together. But there was nothing shared about our God.

We did not hesitate to talk about and share among ourselves all the truly wonderful moments and experiences of that which we had before us. Looking back upon those shared family moments that we were more naturally interested in sharing 'smores' than we were sharing God. Our testimony was of the earthly things we were so very blessed to have. I do not even remember thinking that much about God. As I sit here and convict myself of not taking full advantage of sharing an Immanuel 'God with us', moment with my family, I wonder if my testimony would have changed anything then.

Lord, I pray for more moments in my life when I will be more confident in recognizing moments when I may overcome my tongue. That I may grant it permission to be forever released from its lifelong bondage to earthly things to share with those I encounter the 'God things' that have transformed my life. Let my testimony be of You!
New Life Worship - Overcome (Lyrics/Subtitles) (Best Worship Song for Jesus)
New Life Worship - Overcome, from the bonus DVD

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