Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 56: Forgiving the Unforgivable: Father God Forgive Us?

Day 56: Forgiving the Unforgivable: Father God Forgive Us?

Read: Luke 23:32 – 38; Ephesians 4:25 – 32

How to forgive someone else? It feels like no easy thing, yet it is the most worthwhile thing we can do. The challenges for the day – take the very first unforgivable thing that comes to your mind and then forgive it once and for all. Perhaps it might have come from some deeply cutting words spoken in a brief moment of anger. Perhaps there were uncharacteristically bitter words, sharp sarcasms, insults that wounded the heart or veiled gossip that cast a shadow on your reputation or some other persons. Perhaps there was that unfortunate lie you or they told.

Let me give you a private test? * Name the three persons who have hurt you most … Name the three persons whose company you enjoy least … Name the three persons you would most enjoy watching, over popcorn, fail in life. * Name someone you just absolutely can’t stand or someone you wish all manner of ill against? * The answers to any of these questions may mean that you are in need of the healing power of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. You can’t hide from, nor contain the need to do this.

Ephesians 4:25-32, the Apostle Paul gives some keys to begin healing. (1) Stop lying and start telling the truth – Verse 25! Honest constructive communication absolutely depends on honest conversation. Telling the truth builds bridges and lying builds barriers. (2) Stop hating and start loving – verses 26-27! Anger destroys communication! Anger leads either to aggressive or destructive behavior. It causes us to strike out at others or to put down ourselves. Their forces damage us & those with whom we are angry.

(3) Stop stealing and start giving – verse 28! In your own personal relationships, ask yourself, “Am I a giver or a taker?” Givers tend to see the worth and importance of other people and therefore are apt to bring out the best in others. Takers tend to see the world solely from their own standpoint and their selfishness encourages little more than planting the seeds of more weeds that will need to be forgiven later on.

(4) Stop cutting people off at the ankles and start rebuilding the relationship from the ground up – verses 29-30! Take the initiative - be the first to forgive. (5) Please stop overreacting, taking everything just too personally. Start acting like a Christian – verses 31-32! Focus on the better things in heaven - close your eyes, open your heart, quiet your spirit, humble yourself to pray: "Father God, please start with me."

Pray the Lord’s Prayer making each verse (Matthew 6:11 – 13) personal …. Lord, on behalf of ….. Give us this day our daily bread. Give me the grace to forgive…. Help me to take the initiative to be the first to reach out to this person that the process of healing that vile not able to heal wound between us may begin. Redeeming Lord of all heaven please help us to forgive each other as You first forgave us at Calvary.

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