Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 47: The Best Things In Life Are: Bound and Fixed Upon Your Heart.

Day 47: The Best Things In Life Are: Bound and Fixed Upon Your Heart.

Read: Deuteronomy 11:18 - 25

Okay folks, raise your hands if you have ever used duct tape? When you could not fix anything any other way - and oh how hard you tried - it just refused to come together as it was originally intended. My hand is raised I guess no higher than most but I can safely tell you I have used more than my fair share of the stuff. I mean I have several colors of duct tape waiting for the next stubborn fix it job. In fact there are probably thousands of things you can do with it. It is the do everything stuff. Make women's purses, wallets, tuxedos and dresses, this stuff will do anything you need it to do.

'Fix These Words In Your Hearts (v.18). What does it mean, to “fix in the heart”? In some versions of the Bible it reads 'Bind' these words in your hearts'. Fix these words or bind these words to your hearts .... what is the author suggesting? Did the author have millions of rolls of multicolored duct tape thousands of years before it was even invented? Did each Israelite walk up to the author 1 at a time open up their chest and have duct tape with God's word wrapped around their hearts? Of course it does not. I know that duct tape is quite durable, but I have never heard tell of 3000 year old duct tape being found in the middle of the wilderness and don't figure I ever will either.

So what does Moses mean - to fix or to bind words on the heart and the soul? It could not have been a physical thing without killing everybody so it could only be a spiritual thing - something far and away above 3000 year old equivalents of duct tape. So God gave Moses instructions on how to hang these words on their hearts. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates. Make the word of God your very own as your very own skin is a part of you. Inseparable, living and breathing, covering you always.

Moses says, “tie them, bind them, teach them, talk them, and write them.” Basically he was saying, use whatever way possible to remind yourself and your children of these words. His words were, “God has given you these words. Now it is your solemn responsibility to make sure YOU know them and your children know them - not just on your minds - but on your hands - your mouth - wherever your life basically is.” The basic message to us today is - don’t just make these words your Sunday "I went to church this morning" words. Learn how to grow in God’s Word at home as well. Learn how to talk about God’s Word around the kitchen table, in the car, at the park, at the movies - at any situation that presents itself. Bind God's word to your home.

Let us now Pray: Almighty and All Wise God, in you are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Open our eyes that we may see the wonders of your Word; and give us grace that we may clearly understand and freely choose the way of your wisdom; to fix and bind them in our hearts, our children's hearts and the heart's of those we may encounter in our journey through this day. Lord, I give You my heart, I give You my soul, I give You my life, I give You all that I am and ever will become through Your Son, the Living Word who is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen

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