Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 297: Live Like You Are Completely Out Your Mind

Day 297: Live Like You Are Completely Out Of Your Mind

Read: Philippians 3:12 - 21, Romans 12:1 - 8

I remember as a kid getting into short little races up and down the sidewalk outside of my home back in Amherst, N.Y.. It was a fairly long stretch of sidewalk about 300 feet. I remember my sister and I standing at the top of the sidewalk, she had a watch in one hand and the object was to see how fast I could run the length of the sidewalk and back again. I did not have any specific reason for doing it except that my sister and I, we, just wanted to have some good quality fun together. We did this allot back in the days. I would run as fast as I could, running forward then back. Look at the time, do it again only pressing myself to go faster each time. On your mark, get set and go!

Permit me to challenge each of you to a race up and down the sidewalk today. Let us run the race up and down the sidewalks, the highways and byways of this Christian journey. Let us run as the winds of the Holy Spirit runs to and fro into the lives of people who have forgotten what it means to run. Let us have some serious kind of fun doing the work that the Lord has called us to do. Who is it that said Christians are not allowed to have any fun or be any fun doing what they are called to do? I do not specifically see any specific Commandment anywhere in Scripture where it says "Thou shalt not have any fun!" Live just like Christ! Live like you are completely out of your mind!

“You must be out of your mind.” Well, yes I guess that I am, my philosophy of that is if you say to me that "I must be fully out of my mind" I will probably agree with you, giving my very best effort toward having maximum fun in the process. Live just like Christ! From Romans 12:1 - 2: '1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.' This should be a ton of fun for us!

"You are still out of your mind!" Yes, I sincerely hope so! I pray that I can press on in this Christian life and achieving my goal of losing all of my earth bound mind in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray that I am able to have, in spite of my physical limits, the absolute most fun I have ever had in my life. I fully plan to live like I am completely out of my earth bound and worldly senses. My goal is to live like Jesus Christ as much as possible and in spite of whatever might try its very best impeding my efforts, I am so going to make every effort to maximize the fun. Because even if I do not finish my work, I have confidence that He who began a good work in me will have such incredible fun finishing!

Let Us Pray: Lord, Teach us to have fun in our Christian Journey. To live like we are completely out of our earthly, worldly minds solely for you. Let us live with such a completely reckless abandon, to fully maximize our joy from doing the work of your kingdom. Let the joy of the Lord be our strength! Let the joy of the Lord rise among your people, O God! Transform our minds, Savior Jesus, Renew our hearts, O Holy Spirit that we may have such incredible fun discerning what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect in your sight. God, please let me have some fun!

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