Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 275: A Sweetness To Our Souls, A Healing To Our Bones

Day 275:  A Sweetness To Our Souls, A Healing To Our Bones

Read: Proverbs 16:16 - 25, Matthew 4:23 - 25

All ye who count yourselves as inhabitants of this world which includes all of you and all of me and all of everybody else out there, greetings and peace to each of you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is a new month and things could not possibly be better. One day has passed so far and except for a few minor glitches in a few things, July has gotten off to a good start for me and I pray it is so for you too. I know that it is not so for some of you out there who have encountered a prolonged period of "when will it ever end?" Perhaps you are encountering such a period of time right now. I'm sorry for my optimism. I know that one day of blessing seems so little.

I do not know for sure how you feel about your current circumstance. I do not know for sure how you view your outlook on life right now - optimistically, pessimistically. I guess from my own experience and the experience of most anybody else out there, it waxes and wanes between one and the other. Like a teeter totter on the playground, you go up when you push up you come right back down, too often with a great bone jarring, teeth rattling thud. Is life being fair or is it being unfair. Your friend who's on the other end of the totter, refuses to let you up, refuses to have fun with you or is it some equivalent of that? Are you feeling unfairly treated at work or somewhere else?

I am certainly sorry and in the healing name of Jesus Christ, I apologize profusely to you and I will pray that your current circumstances will soon transform themselves through the power of God's grace, love and mercy, into an extended period of healing for you. I know that sometimes, nay ... all too often such times as these just keep on going on, no foreseeable end in sight. I am sorry about that too. It could very well be that you are feeling like you have been forgotten, left behind by man and by God. I'm sorry about that too. Such moments as there in life are not the least bit pleasant. Is there anybody, just one person, who will dare to offer you just one hand of healing?

More and more we believe that the world is to revolve around us. We will teach the value of looking out for number one. Now will you compare that 'one' attitude to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Jesus tells us that everyone is the same in the eyes of God. And that the least of all is precious to Him and should be precious to us as well. It is so wonderfully said in Proverbs 16:23 - 24 'The heart of the wise instructs his mouth And adds persuasiveness to his lips. Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. When we are confronted by our seasons of adversity, We can prayerfully pray, intercede for each others healing through Jesus our Healer.

Let Us Pray: Set your hearts and your spirits on overdrive. Let yourself go and let God have everything that is tipping the scales of your life more toward adversity. I pray in my heart, that in the name of The Father, The Son who was once destroyed by our adversity toward Him, yet was resurrected by The Father and ascended into heaven, and The Holy Spirit, we who are the Body of Christ, we who are the Church universal, would intercede on each others behalf the impassioned words of Psalm 63 penned by David so long ago. Let them become alive for you, let them become so alive that your season of adversity and all ours may forever be carried away in death through Christ.


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