Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 277: The Search For Significance For Husbands And Wives

Day 277: The Search For Significance For Husbands And Wives

Read: Ephesians 5:22 - 32, 1 Peter 3:4 - 9

Let me begin our devotional time together by saying one very critically important thing
to each of you readers out there: God has created us to be significant, has significant things for us to do. He has many significantly “good works” especially prepared for us to accomplish because we belong to him. I believe, and I so fervently pray that you do too that one of the very first places God has significant things prepared for us to do is in our homes. As a husband or wife, parent or no parent as the case may be, we can and do help make or break the future of those we live with. God's Word is both very specific, and very universal: Keep searching for God's significance within each other.

Today, God has placed upon my heart a conversation He would like to have with each of us husbands and wives (yes, God is inclusive so if you the reader are single but you have plans to change that at some point in the future, then this word is for you too!).  The Lord desires to talk with each of us about significance for husbands and wives and how we can make an impact on our spouses. I realize that not everyone in here is married but I hope you will see how valuable this message is for you especially if you hope to marry one day. What a different world we would be living in if we would fully let their hearts be changed by God's love and the powerful significance of God in that love.

I have read and I have re-read the passage from Ephesians. I have conversed long and hard about them with my wife, even before we were married 3 years ago. We studied them as I pray you will study them together too. One conclusion we've come to is that for many people these verses might not set very well. They definitely do not sound politically correct, are “out of date with the new millennium.” However, Biblical calling for men and women must be captured if we are going to make the mark God wants us to make in our homes. You see, God is being very intentional about how He structured the family, specifically the significance of that husband, wife relationship.

The husband and wife relationship. It was not something that He half way did. He did design it for a significant purpose. Husbands, you have a calling to fulfill. Wives you have a calling to fulfill. We (my wife and I), you, all have significantly high callings to fulfill. And the Apostle Paul clearly spells that out for us. It is a way to first of all bring order to the family. The scripture clearly says that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. When you take the time to dig into the significance of that message alone it should set any husbands and wives egos so far back on their heels. Husbands, delight in your wives. Wives, delight in your husbands. Both husbands and wives, present and in the future, delight in God!

Let Us Pray: We thank You, O God, for the love You have implanted in our hearts. May it always inspire us to be kind in our words, considerate of feelings, and concerned for each others needs and wishes. Help us to be understanding, forgiving of human weaknesses and failings. Increase our faith and trust in You and may Your prudence guide our lives and our love. Bless our marriage, O God, with peace and happiness, make our Love fruitful for Your glory and our joy both here and in eternity. Lord, help us to remember when we first met, the strong love that grew between us. To work the significance of that love into practical things so nothing can divide us. We ask for words both kind and loving, for hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive. Dear Lord, Father, Son, Holy Spirit we place our marriages into Your hands.

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