Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 80: Living Stones: Building Up a Spiritual House

Day 80: Living Stones: Building Up a Spiritual House

Read: 1 Peter 2:4 - 10

It is the second day after Labor Day 2012. The children are starting to get back into the swing of things back at school. Back at the beginning of summer they ended their year long labor to learn what it was that level of education required of them. Now it is the beginning of the next school year and there are more lessons that must work hard to master. Any time they enter a new classroom, there are brand new expectations placed upon them to build themselves up through this process of learning. They are building themselves up class by class, grade by grade right on through college to work hard giving themselves the very best opportunity to become successful in their lives.

Consider the very beginnings of the actual school building itself. Not so very long ago, it was nothing but a bunch of scattered pieces. There was a stack of two-by-fours in a lumberyard. There was a pile of nails in a hardware store. There was a roll of carpet in somebody’s warehouse. There was concrete that hadn’t even been created yet. But now, due to great planning and a lot of hard work and expertise, all those pieces and hundreds more have all come together and been joined into one unit. Brick by brick, nail by nail, 2x4 by 2x4 and on and on. Piece by piece with allot of love and labor it eventually became a sturdy house of learning. We are built up much the same by God.

Jesus Christ takes every part, every stone, knocks off the rough edges, chiseling out a piece here, sanding a piece there, smoothing it out, getting it ready, building it in, fitting it into place in his building as he cuts it precisely to fit snugly and beautifully with every other part. When He’s done, there’s nothing out of place. There are no defective or inappropriate pieces. Together we form a living building, a spiritual house - the Body of Christ alive and well, laboring and working hard, building up the next new generations. We don’t build so that people can say, “What a great building this is”. We don’t even labor so that people can say, “What a great bunch of workers they are.” We exist so that people can look at us saying, “What a great and awesome God to be working for!”

Let us Pray: Creator God, build us up into a spiritual house wholly useful to building up Your kingdom on earth. Ignite our hearts, engage our spirits, put our hands and feet to use in the service of Your living kingdom, building up some one else's spiritual house.

God Rocks! song 'Living Stones' w/ Lyrics. Enjoy!
God Rocks! is a children's gospel group who turn verses from the Bible into catchy tunes.
I do NOT own the song. All rights go to God Rocks! and their people.

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