Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 78: Location, Location, Location!

Day 78: Location, Location, Location!

Read: Matthew 7:24 - 29

I really enjoy watching the Discovery Channel or the History Channel on television. I enjoy watching the programs Modern Marvels, or Big Machines. They show being built tall buildings or enormous skyscrapers or houses of all sizes and shapes being built. It absolutely fascinates me to take an extended peak into the seldom seen inside of just how wonderfully complicated our world is to build. I love going inside the factories and listening to the workers as they describe to the public just how so incredibly important it is to meet exacting standards of construction build, cement and concrete mixed to exacting detail so the foundations are strong, going on location, watching them build.

Jesus is telling us that a strong foundation is important in our faith lives. He is telling us that location matters. We need to build upon a firm foundation. However, there is also another important truth we must give our full attention to. Jesus is also talking about in our gospel lesson this morning not just to build upon a firm foundation. He is also talking about building our foundation in the right location! You have heard the expression in realty circles: 'location, location, location'. And this is an important truth for us in our efforts to build up God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus is saying to us to build His kingdom on a foundation of rock! Can you comprehend the effort to do this?

Jesus says to the disciples with this parable, ’You are doing a good job of building, but your site and location are all wrong. There is too much sand from the wilderness to complete the job. I have come to give you a new site, a new location to build your lives. Jesus is saying to us today that we have a choice where to build our eternal homes. Yes we have that choice what and where we will strive establish our sure eternal foundations. The choice is between our striving toward digging the foundation of the building on top of the sand or building on top of the rock

When have you tried to build more than a sand castle on the beach? How long did it last? How much sand would you have to shovel before you realize that you simply can never shovel enough away, dig deep enough before more sand will fill it right back in or the ocean will prove to be stronger at washing it away than you will be at building it up. What kind of effort would it take to hammer, drill or blast enough rock to ensure the right foundation that the building will remain upright, and most importantly structurally sound enough to endure through the very worst of conditions - like an earthquakes? 

With mankind, the effort to push away enough sand would be considered impossible. However superhuman it might be with building on top of rock, with determination and a faith that has been strengthened by the power of God's grace, the perfect love of Jesus Christ, in sure and Holy communion with the Holy Spirit, perfectly bonding all things together in a sure unity of purpose, it can be done! It will be done! Guess What? Its already been done for 2000 years!

Let us pray: Creator God, You have established the foundations upon which all life has been forever established. Establish in me and my life the sure foundation of Jesus Christ that I may strive to work alongside of You and my neighbors in a unity of purpose to building up your kingdom on earth as it most assuredly is waiting for us in heaven above. Amen

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