Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 100: Day To Day Pours Forth Speech .....

Day 100: Day To Day Pours Forth Speech .....

Read: Psalm 19

This morning, on this the 100th consecutive day, I begin to prayerfully contemplate what timeless snippet of God's wisdom this devotional offering might bring into your heart. When I began this act of obedience to the call of God, there was an awesome amount of fear and trepidation stirring around in my spirit. Could I wake up each and every morning at 5:30? Did I possess the necessary level of confidence to bring you sound Biblical teaching making it contemporary enough that anyone could relate to it? Did I possess the spiritual insight to pull out deep spiritual truths to bring it together?

There is just so much Scripture to learn and to study. The Old Testament brings us the story of how our everyday life began and was lived out in very primitive settings. I don’t know about you, but it’s easy for me to forget that the letters in the New Testament were first written as real letters. They speak to bringing about a complete relationship between God in heaven and mankind on earth, powerfully expressed in real life situations thru the responsive actions of real live people like you and me. It is really a deeply humbling experience that God's silent voice bring all things together.

Day after day while we are awake, living and working and night after night while we are asleep in recovery mode, God's silent voice speaks directly into our lives. How awesome is that? Covered by the pinions of His wings by day and by the blanket of His vigilant Shepherd at night. It brings the most wonderful image to my mind of my Mother and Father holding me and protecting me as an infant. At night, they are tucking the blanket under me so I am safe and warm through the night. A relationship more desired than the finest gold! Sweeter than the finest honey any honey bee gave! There is just nothing on earth to compare to the silent voice of our God from heaven!

Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world (Psalm 19:2 - 4a)Do you long to hear God's silent voice. Not an audible sound that only a few ever get to experience, but the still small voice of God coming into your heart and mind, assuring you that He is ever true and always with you? Are you really ready to listen to what He needs to tell us? Are we really prepared for God's silent voice?
Let us pray: Lord, as we take the time to reflect on these past 100 days, we realize more and more on just how much of our own completeness depends on Yours. We thank you for the completeness of Your wisdom and all the moments that we found ours lives inspired our faith emboldened and strengthened. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock, and my redeemer.


There is none like you Robin Mark

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