Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 97: His Name Is Called Galeh Razin, The Revealer Of Secrets

Day 97: His Name Is Called Galeh Razin, The Revealer Of Secrets

Read: Deuteronomy 29:29, Psalm 91

There is something about hearing the word "secret" that perks up the ears of the most casual listener, and make him or her more desirous of listening than they were before. There is something intriguing about being the only other person in the whole wide world to know the details about a certain person or situation that is hard for most of us to resist. Benjamin Franklin once said these words: "Three may keep a secret only if two of them are dead." Are you good with secrets? About to bust? Find joy in it? “I know something you don’t know!” [wanna spill the beans?] Secrecy makes Christmas more fun. Could, would or should marriages fail when secrets are kept from one another?

'He reveals deeply hidden things. He knows what is in the dark, and light lives with him. There are some things that are deep and others are on the surface. When you want to get something that is deep, you have to dig deep to find out. Chances are that anyone of us reading this devotional has a deeply hidden secret. There are some deep secrets about life and the Bible tells us that it is God that knows the things that are in secret He can also reveal them. Ecclesiastes 12:14 'God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad. His name is called Galeh Razin, The Revealer of Secrets. The Revealer of our secrets.

Would you like to know the deepest secret to success? Are you not just the least bit curious about the very deepest of all secrets to succeeding in life irregardless of the greatest good, the baddest bad, or the most indifferent of all human conditions? It is the never meant to be kept secret Presence of Galeh Razin's not so secret love within all of us. The deepest secret of all life's successes, victories and unusual exploits that anointed servants of God’s achievement lies in the fact that God’s revealing presence is always with them. Do you want to overcome great problems? Do you want to fulfill your divine destiny? You will need the matchless, all revealing, power of His presence.

Many Christians are completely ignorant of the presence of God. Having the presence of God within us is worth more than riches or fame or power. We can go anywhere when the presence of God is within us. Let me reveal to you one of my most deeply held secrets: I can go to so many places because His presence is both with me and within me. I don’t care what direction it is, if the presence of God is there. A sleep is dangerous when the presence of God is absent. In the presence of God, there is no secret to fullness of joy but out of His presence, there are other secrets: frustration, discouragement, sorrow, fear. Do we have the all revealing presence of God with us?

Let Us Pray: Psalm 91

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