Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 68: Time Well Spent: Examining The Scriptures

Day 68: Time Well Spent: Examining The Scriptures

Read: John 5:39 - 47, Ezra 7:7 - 10

This morning I will safely presume that at least once in your life you have heard this from someone: If you want to go far in life then there are few things you need to do. The first is go to school and stay in school. The second is to study your lessons hard. The third was probably to pass more exams than you fail, preferably with a higher grade than the person next to you. Most Christians agree in order to assure spiritual growth and maturity, then there are a few things they will need to spend some time doing. The first is to find a quiet place and read the Bible. The second is to examine the Bible. Third; study the Bible daily. They should verify what they have been taught.

Additionally, our just simply reading or examining or studying Scripture is not enough. We likewise need to listen to Jesus speaking to us out of His word. When we hear Jesus speaking to us in His Word we need to allow Him to change our perspective which will change our life. Jesus leads us to life through our receptivity to His word. God knows this is a very daunting challenge for Bible scholars let alone the everyday people like you and I who try to do what we can to attend Bible studies once a week. Intense study was intended to lead us to Christ. Verse 39 "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me."

Jesus adds the Holy Scriptures to His list of witnesses for Him. First-century Judaism deeply studied, painstakingly scrutinized the Scriptures. They knew all to well what the Scriptures said, in fact they intently scrutinized them, but were not always the most diligent to applying its teachings to their lives. Jesus says His contemporaries did not see the central message about the Messiah, about Jesus, how He fulfills the whole Scripture and brings the people to God. He was plainly standing there, in the flesh. The Scripture bore witness to Him. Had they rightly like Ezra, understood, applied the words of Scriptures to their very own lives they should have recognized the truth of His claim.

How about you? Do you have enough knowledge and understanding of God's Word that you can separate God's truth from the lies of this world? Can you tell when the truth is not being taught? Not just about what might be considered small things like the myriad of music or worship styles that do not affect your relationship with God. But on those major topics that directly relate to your relationship with Father Son and Holy Spirit. Major topics such as Grace, Love, Mercy, Redemption, Forgiveness of Sin, Resurrection of the dead unto Eternal Life, Salvation, Prayer, Healing, Mission work. There is more than enough for us to study that we should become knowledgeable of.

Let Us Pray: O Lord our God, your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Give us grace to receive your truth in faith and love, that we may be obedient to your will and live and learn always for your glory; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Laura Story - Faithful God - Lyrics
May the grace that sought my heart on that first day Be the grace that binds my heart to stay May the truth that opened up my eyes on that first time

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