Day 118: "A Miracle of Understanding"
Read: Acts 2:1 - 21
Have you ever had one of those...ah-hah... experiences when all of a
sudden, out of the blue, something you had not understood no matter how
hard you tried, no matter how many times or ways it was explained --
that humorous story you heard on a bus, in your car pool or that one
you should have laughed at when your boss told it that everyone else
laughed at or that simple truth or perhaps some great truth suddenly,
miraculously makes sense? Where was that V-8 drink everyone seems to
hold when the light bulb suddenly appears over your head? Yes, that's
long winded sentence. But
there are too many facets of life that sing of that "Miracle of Understanding" moment within each of us.
They bring with them a mixed bag of emotions depending on the circumstance. Some are enlightening and bring wisdom and humorous "I should have known
that" times. They can also become attached to seriously frightening
moments "I wish I had never known that." Some can be extraordinarily
life transforming forever moments when a person answers "yes" to "will you marry me", when a couple have their very first child and parents their first grand child and suddenly every thing in the world becomes so much more righteous and heavenly blessed. For those 1st century body of
believers: a sound like a violently blowing wind came rushing in and all the believers
were filled with the Holy Spirit.
And the disciples who walked with Jesus on a daily basis went a long time before they had this ultimate ah-hah "I got it now" experience. So, friends and
devoted readers we have also come to celebrate the Miracle of
Understanding -- which is the birth of the Body of Christ, the birth of
Christian Church. Peter, John, James and the rest of the disciples had
spent quite a bit of time following Jesus around. He told them over and
over again what was going to happen to Him, and why it had to happen
that way.
He had fulfilled Scripture---the prophecies from the Old
Testament. The disciples had lived with Him, eaten with Him, followed
Him.....but they still did not understand Him.
After spending
three years living in the presence of God’s One and Only Son....even the
disciples still did not get it! But still Jesus had promised them that
God the Father would send the Holy Spirit to them. And when that
happened He would teach them all things and would remind them “of
everything” Jesus had said to them. It would finally make sense. There
would a day, not as nearly far off as they believed, They would receive
their Miracle of Understanding moment. I wish I could have been there to witness it! The Holy Spirit filled those first Christians. On that
day, at that "Miracle Moment", a community of believers understood. How
about your "Miracle Ah Ha Moment?" It could be closer than you believe!
Let Us Pray: Come Holy Spirit, and
fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Your
Love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created, and You shall
renew the face of the earth. Oh God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit
instructed the hearts of the faithful, Grant, that by the same Spirit
we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation. We ask this
through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. watch?v=bf7nKgi8Dh4
Read: Acts 2:1 - 21
Have you ever had one of those...ah-hah... experiences when all of a sudden, out of the blue, something you had not understood no matter how hard you tried, no matter how many times or ways it was explained -- that humorous story you heard on a bus, in your car pool or that one you should have laughed at when your boss told it that everyone else laughed at or that simple truth or perhaps some great truth suddenly, miraculously makes sense? Where was that V-8 drink everyone seems to hold when the light bulb suddenly appears over your head? Yes, that's long winded sentence. But
there are too many facets of life that sing of that "Miracle of Understanding" moment within each of us.
They bring with them a mixed bag of emotions depending on the circumstance. Some are enlightening and bring wisdom and humorous "I should have known that" times. They can also become attached to seriously frightening moments "I wish I had never known that." Some can be extraordinarily life transforming forever moments when a person answers "yes" to "will you marry me", when a couple have their very first child and parents their first grand child and suddenly every thing in the world becomes so much more righteous and heavenly blessed. For those 1st century body of believers: a sound like a violently blowing wind came rushing in and all the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit.
And the disciples who walked with Jesus on a daily basis went a long time before they had this ultimate ah-hah "I got it now" experience. So, friends and devoted readers we have also come to celebrate the Miracle of Understanding -- which is the birth of the Body of Christ, the birth of Christian Church. Peter, John, James and the rest of the disciples had spent quite a bit of time following Jesus around. He told them over and over again what was going to happen to Him, and why it had to happen that way.
He had fulfilled Scripture---the prophecies from the Old Testament. The disciples had lived with Him, eaten with Him, followed Him.....but they still did not understand Him.
After spending three years living in the presence of God’s One and Only Son....even the disciples still did not get it! But still Jesus had promised them that God the Father would send the Holy Spirit to them. And when that happened He would teach them all things and would remind them “of everything” Jesus had said to them. It would finally make sense. There would a day, not as nearly far off as they believed, They would receive their Miracle of Understanding moment. I wish I could have been there to witness it! The Holy Spirit filled those first Christians. On that day, at that "Miracle Moment", a community of believers understood. How about your "Miracle Ah Ha Moment?" It could be closer than you believe!
Let Us Pray: Come Holy Spirit, and fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth. Oh God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit instructed the hearts of the faithful, Grant, that by the same Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation. We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Jesus Culture with Martin Smith - Holy Spirit (Live From New York) [New Song 2012]
This is the 12th song on Jesus Culture's new album! You can get the song/CD here:
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