Day 114: God's Perspective And Our Personal Inconveniences
Read: Matthew 6:25 - 34
So, as we continue our journey seeking the high places of God in our
life, we turn to a very interesting passage of the Bible. One, for which
if there were watchwords for it could be God's perspective and our
personal inconveniences. '31 “Don’t ever worry and say, ‘What are we
going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to
wear?’ 32 Everyone is concerned about these things, and your heavenly
Father certainly knows you need all of them. 33 But first, be concerned
about his kingdom and what has his approval. Then all these things will
be provided for you." Jesus says this very strongly and very truthfully "Who of you by being worried can add a single hour to their life?"
I know this is tough to read because a central part of our human condition centers on our passion and infatuation with the idea we have to be worried about something or it just does not seem life is real with out it. What difference does it make what 'it' is, we feel like we have the absolute right to worry about it. We will defend this 'right' to no end: "don't you dare tell me not to worry about it I can if I want to! So guess what I want to! So there, how's them apples taste?". Worrying is one of the easiest things to do. Worry is like that long lost friend who suddenly seems to show
up at the door of your life, ceaselessly knocks on the door, gets
accepted inside, then stays awhile, never wants to just go away.
Is that to say we should
not ever worry about something? No, absolutely not! I do not believe it
possible to give up all our worldly concerns because some inevitably
will hit very close to home. We need to worry about things like ours
and our families health and well being. Perhaps what is needed is a
change of perspective: our own to our God's. Try taking a chair in God's
kingdom and looking back over the course of things. Aren’t most of
the struggles of this life, especially when viewed in hindsight, nothing
more than an inconvenience? You identified it. You considered it's
relevance. You now put forth the effort and the time (however long it takes) to address it, then, prayerfully be able to move on.
As my wife tells me when I get into one of my worried state, 'we will
live if we do not die trying! So, get over it because God's got it!" We
live through the struggles of life, we will grow through the struggles
of life and hopefully we will learn from those struggles that they are
no more than (Gasp!) an inconvenience. Once we go through them we become
empowered. We realize that we will live through that situation if we
are called (Gasp!) to face them again. When someone takes a parking
space that you are about to pull into, that is not a problem that’s only
a (Gasp!) inconvenience? It is a tough thing to switch from our
perspective to God's but the change is so very worth it.
Let Us Pray: Psalm 91
God is in control
God is in control by Twilla Paris(album: wow hits 1996) This is no time
to fear This is the time for faith and determination Don't lose the
vision here carri...
Read: Matthew 6:25 - 34
So, as we continue our journey seeking the high places of God in our life, we turn to a very interesting passage of the Bible. One, for which if there were watchwords for it could be God's perspective and our personal inconveniences. '31 “Don’t ever worry and say, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ 32 Everyone is concerned about these things, and your heavenly Father certainly knows you need all of them. 33 But first, be concerned about his kingdom and what has his approval. Then all these things will be provided for you." Jesus says this very strongly and very truthfully "Who of you by being worried can add a single hour to their life?"
I know this is tough to read because a central part of our human condition centers on our passion and infatuation with the idea we have to be worried about something or it just does not seem life is real with out it. What difference does it make what 'it' is, we feel like we have the absolute right to worry about it. We will defend this 'right' to no end: "don't you dare tell me not to worry about it I can if I want to! So guess what I want to! So there, how's them apples taste?". Worrying is one of the easiest things to do. Worry is like that long lost friend who suddenly seems to show up at the door of your life, ceaselessly knocks on the door, gets accepted inside, then stays awhile, never wants to just go away.
Is that to say we should not ever worry about something? No, absolutely not! I do not believe it possible to give up all our worldly concerns because some inevitably will hit very close to home. We need to worry about things like ours and our families health and well being. Perhaps what is needed is a change of perspective: our own to our God's. Try taking a chair in God's kingdom and looking back over the course of things. Aren’t most of the struggles of this life, especially when viewed in hindsight, nothing more than an inconvenience? You identified it. You considered it's relevance. You now put forth the effort and the time (however long it takes) to address it, then, prayerfully be able to move on.
As my wife tells me when I get into one of my worried state, 'we will live if we do not die trying! So, get over it because God's got it!" We live through the struggles of life, we will grow through the struggles of life and hopefully we will learn from those struggles that they are no more than (Gasp!) an inconvenience. Once we go through them we become empowered. We realize that we will live through that situation if we are called (Gasp!) to face them again. When someone takes a parking space that you are about to pull into, that is not a problem that’s only a (Gasp!) inconvenience? It is a tough thing to switch from our perspective to God's but the change is so very worth it.
Let Us Pray: Psalm 91
God is in control
God is in control by Twilla Paris(album: wow hits 1996) This is no time to fear This is the time for faith and determination Don't lose the vision here carri...
God is in control
is in control by Twilla Paris(album: wow hits 1996) This is no time to
fear This is the time for faith and determination Don't lose the vision
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