Day 115: God's Perspective: Finding Your Place In His Body
Read: 1Corinthians 12
This morning as you are taking the time to read and consider this
devotion, I want to try to help you to understand one of the greatest
truths that is found in the Bible, it is a truly awesome thing that God
has done to help us in our Christian life. It is this: It is God’s Plan
exclusively made for you! God's plan for you is that you will understand
that you matter to Him, that you are an absolutely irreplaceable part
of His Body, you, in your very own exclusively unique way not just
represent, but you actually become His Hands, His Feet, His voice, His
healing agent wherever you are, whoever you talk too…. What an
absolutely awesome thought and what an awesome responsibility too!
This morning I so very much want to encourage you with the awesome
truth of God's Word, that is you are a living, breathing and vibrant
part of Someone in whose very presence and by His hand created all
things, created us in His Image. I so much want you to Find Your Place
in His Body…. I so much want you to know what your Gift is and then use
that Gift for the Glory of God as you strive to find your unique place
in God's kingdom. In a culture that does not seem to place very much
value on your own niche place, on all the gifts that accompany your
uniqueness, God's own perspective, His unique plan where you contribute
to building up the Body of Christ with your life.
Isn’t it
great that we are not all alike? God has created us all different. Do
you see anybody around that looks just like you? Do you know anybody
around here that even thinks just like you do? We are all different, the
same Maker, just different models. How many here this morning
know if the Lakers, Clippers, Bulls or Knicks won or lost or even played
yesterday? How many people don’t really care? How many people who are here reading this devotion this morning drink Pepsi? How many Coke?
How many people here always get things done on time? How many here wait
till the last minute? Please understand, accept that from the very beginning when God created community, He very intentionally created a diverse group of uniquely gifted people.
What I want you to understand is that we are a very diverse group of
people, but the Spirit of God living in us, brings us together, molds
our hearts together for a common purpose… and we can love each other in
spite of our differences…. This is one of the things that marks us as
Chrisitians… it makes us wholly unique. Scripture says: 4 'There are
different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. 5 There are
different ways of serving, and yet the same Lord is served. 6 There are
different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in
every person. 7 The evidence of the Spirit’s presence is given to each
person for the common good of everyone. (4-7)
Let Us Pray: Good
day, Lord Jesus. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, fill my spirit, soul,
and body with the fullness of Your Presence. You have given us
spiritual gifts with spiritual power. Each one is a holy and unique
expression of Your Holy Spirit abiding within us and ministering through
us. They are a unique part of our identity, and they are necessary to
fulfill our destiny. So God, let us be wholly unique, "let us use them." watch?v=QSIVjjY8Ou8
Read: 1Corinthians 12
This morning as you are taking the time to read and consider this devotion, I want to try to help you to understand one of the greatest truths that is found in the Bible, it is a truly awesome thing that God has done to help us in our Christian life. It is this: It is God’s Plan exclusively made for you! God's plan for you is that you will understand that you matter to Him, that you are an absolutely irreplaceable part of His Body, you, in your very own exclusively unique way not just represent, but you actually become His Hands, His Feet, His voice, His healing agent wherever you are, whoever you talk too…. What an absolutely awesome thought and what an awesome responsibility too!
This morning I so very much want to encourage you with the awesome truth of God's Word, that is you are a living, breathing and vibrant part of Someone in whose very presence and by His hand created all things, created us in His Image. I so much want you to Find Your Place in His Body…. I so much want you to know what your Gift is and then use that Gift for the Glory of God as you strive to find your unique place in God's kingdom. In a culture that does not seem to place very much value on your own niche place, on all the gifts that accompany your uniqueness, God's own perspective, His unique plan where you contribute to building up the Body of Christ with your life.
Isn’t it great that we are not all alike? God has created us all different. Do you see anybody around that looks just like you? Do you know anybody around here that even thinks just like you do? We are all different, the same Maker, just different models. How many here this morning know if the Lakers, Clippers, Bulls or Knicks won or lost or even played yesterday? How many people don’t really care? How many people who are here reading this devotion this morning drink Pepsi? How many Coke? How many people here always get things done on time? How many here wait till the last minute? Please understand, accept that from the very beginning when God created community, He very intentionally created a diverse group of uniquely gifted people.
What I want you to understand is that we are a very diverse group of people, but the Spirit of God living in us, brings us together, molds our hearts together for a common purpose… and we can love each other in spite of our differences…. This is one of the things that marks us as Chrisitians… it makes us wholly unique. Scripture says: 4 'There are different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. 5 There are different ways of serving, and yet the same Lord is served. 6 There are different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in every person. 7 The evidence of the Spirit’s presence is given to each person for the common good of everyone. (4-7)
Let Us Pray: Good day, Lord Jesus. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, fill my spirit, soul, and body with the fullness of Your Presence. You have given us spiritual gifts with spiritual power. Each one is a holy and unique expression of Your Holy Spirit abiding within us and ministering through us. They are a unique part of our identity, and they are necessary to fulfill our destiny. So God, let us be wholly unique, "let us use them."
Jason Gray - Remind Me Who I Am (Official Music Video)
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