Day 106: He is Borey, Creator God, The Creative Power Of God In Your World.
Read: Genesis 1:1
The Bible starts at a dizzy pace, doesn’t it? I mean, if I were reading
the Bible for the very first time – I just picked it up and started at
the beginning – I think I’d get to the end of chapter one and say to
myself, “This book’s going to be a page-turner.” The very first verse,
the very first sentence goes straight to the action. It doesn't mince
any words, it doesn't spend forever and a day trying to create a plot or
a theme. The plot and the theme for the whole book and all we need to
know about life itself are stated in the very first verse: 'In the
beginning God created heaven and earth.' The rest of the Bible gives
substance to the creative power of our Borey God in the world, the creative power in your world.
It’s a gripping opening. And there are literally thousands of devotions
waiting to be written out of just this first chapter of Genesis. Because
it reveals so much about God; about His nature and His character.
Anyone with even the remotest inclination could reveal this morning
about Him being eternal (“in the beginning God”); we could come out
and step out of our sinful human condition about His creativity, His
almighty power, His holiness, His providential care, His fatherhood,
That He is one God, but a trinity of Persons. And on and on - it’s all
right here on the first page! So much about the greatness of God's power
to initiate the creation of everything from nothingness.
mean, I am sitting here in the quietness of my home, it is still
darkness outside and I cannot see beyond my porch to the rest of my
backyard and just reading this one passage is sending chills rolling up
my spine. I lean back in my chair, contemplating that first moment
of 'In the beginning' What did that nothingness look like? I cannot even
begin to create that image because everything around me is a real
something. Then I move on to reading 'God'. Even in the midst of all the
darkness, somewhere
in the incomprehensibly vast depths of nothingness, there was still 'God'. 'God whose form is not given any physical description we can put to paper, is presented as 'man'.
As I was reading it again I began to reconsider about the Creation
account and what we see here of Borey God’s power, and suddenly God was
speaking to me about that creative ability of His that is still at work
today. Then I re-read the rest of the verse: 'created the heavens and the earth'. God took action. God did not settle on just being. God said I AM going to do something about all the nothingness that I
behold before Me. God chose to create something called relationship from
where none ever existed before. Borey God created the heavens and the
earth for a purpose: that it could He could create US in HIS image that
we could all share relationship with Him forever and forever, AMEN.
Let Us Pray:
Borey God, Creator God, who has made the heavens and the earth, who has
surrounded us with beauty and goodness, help us to see what You have
made and to fall down before You in awe and wonder. Let our hearts open
before You like the flowers of the field and the Lilies of the Valley.
Let us praise You for the Sun by day and the moon by night. For You are
the Creator of every good and perfect gift and we can never say thank
you enough for 'In the beginning God created heaven and earth. 'In the
beginning, The Spirit of God was hovering over the water. Then God said,
“Let there be light!” So there was light. Thank you for creating
relationship. watch?v=6RGcb7alSk0
Read: Genesis 1:1
The Bible starts at a dizzy pace, doesn’t it? I mean, if I were reading the Bible for the very first time – I just picked it up and started at the beginning – I think I’d get to the end of chapter one and say to myself, “This book’s going to be a page-turner.” The very first verse, the very first sentence goes straight to the action. It doesn't mince any words, it doesn't spend forever and a day trying to create a plot or a theme. The plot and the theme for the whole book and all we need to know about life itself are stated in the very first verse: 'In the beginning God created heaven and earth.' The rest of the Bible gives substance to the creative power of our Borey God in the world, the creative power in your world.
It’s a gripping opening. And there are literally thousands of devotions waiting to be written out of just this first chapter of Genesis. Because it reveals so much about God; about His nature and His character. Anyone with even the remotest inclination could reveal this morning about Him being eternal (“in the beginning God”); we could come out and step out of our sinful human condition about His creativity, His almighty power, His holiness, His providential care, His fatherhood, That He is one God, but a trinity of Persons. And on and on - it’s all right here on the first page! So much about the greatness of God's power to initiate the creation of everything from nothingness.
I mean, I am sitting here in the quietness of my home, it is still darkness outside and I cannot see beyond my porch to the rest of my backyard and just reading this one passage is sending chills rolling up my spine. I lean back in my chair, contemplating that first moment of 'In the beginning' What did that nothingness look like? I cannot even begin to create that image because everything around me is a real something. Then I move on to reading 'God'. Even in the midst of all the darkness, somewhere
in the incomprehensibly vast depths of nothingness, there was still 'God'. 'God whose form is not given any physical description we can put to paper, is presented as 'man'.
As I was reading it again I began to reconsider about the Creation account and what we see here of Borey God’s power, and suddenly God was speaking to me about that creative ability of His that is still at work today. Then I re-read the rest of the verse: 'created the heavens and the earth'. God took action. God did not settle on just being. God said I AM going to do something about all the nothingness that I behold before Me. God chose to create something called relationship from where none ever existed before. Borey God created the heavens and the earth for a purpose: that it could He could create US in HIS image that we could all share relationship with Him forever and forever, AMEN.
Let Us Pray: Borey God, Creator God, who has made the heavens and the earth, who has surrounded us with beauty and goodness, help us to see what You have made and to fall down before You in awe and wonder. Let our hearts open before You like the flowers of the field and the Lilies of the Valley. Let us praise You for the Sun by day and the moon by night. For You are the Creator of every good and perfect gift and we can never say thank you enough for 'In the beginning God created heaven and earth. 'In the beginning, The Spirit of God was hovering over the water. Then God said, “Let there be light!” So there was light. Thank you for creating relationship.
& Worship music video for the song 'AWESOME GOD' performed by
Hillsong UNITED. Words on the video so it can be used for Praise and
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