Day 112: Who May Go Up The Lord’s Mountain?
Read: Psalms 24, Isaiah 2:1 - 5
This morning I desire to continue our theme "A View From The High
Place" from yesterday. Let us move on to what might be the next question
on people's minds. I believe that question would probable be: "Okay,
tell me, who may go up the Lord's mountain? Who may stand in His holy
Place? (verse 3)" The basic idea is, “how can we stand in the presence
of the LORD?” Whether he was referring to the physical temple in
Jerusalem or heaven - it doesn’t specifically state and probably does
not matter because El Elyon, God Most High, will always be found in
both. We come the earthly temple, that we may find the true path to the heavenly one through Christ.
The main question is - how do we get in the presence of the LORD? The
only way is by getting ourselves into shape, getting 'psyched out', work
hard to put ourselves thru a rigorous training program, find others
who are willing to take the time to train and or mentor us, practice
gradually climbing up other smaller mountains, then climbing the 'big
one', The Mountain Of God. Easy, right? No problems, right? Oh okay,
then lets move on. Oh, wait a minute, I just thought of something! I do not guess it is too big a thing, but here we go: The only problem is, we have huge weights
tied to our backs in the form of all that luggage with all those
supplies, and all that equipment.
And so the Psalmist asks -
Who may go up the Lord’s mountain? Who may stand in his holy place?
Prayerfully consider the relevance of these 'Rock' climbing credentials: In today’s Psalm David lays out four things needed to ascend the hill
of the LORD. He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift
up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false (24:4). I felt that
these first two were intimately connected, and I’ll show you why. That
term “clean hands” is a neat illustration - just in the physical sense.
At any given time your hands can have millions of disease causing
bacteria on them. Your hands are the hardest body parts you'll have to
keep clean.
In the same spiritual way - our hands have an
intimate connection with our hearts. So, what does this say about the
cleanliness of your heart? 2) Who does not lift up his soul to an idol
or swear by what is false. Both of these sins have to do with God’s
reputation. God is known as a “jealous” God - in the sense that he will
not share his glory with any other false god. He demands your exclusive
worship and devotion. 3) He must be a willing seeker and searcher for
the face of God (24:6). If the person is
not willing to do what they
need to do to genuinely open their hearts to the new, the training
program cannot begin. Finally, they must lift up their heads and make
Let Us Pray: Psalm 121 watch?v=wer0cXhpNq4
Read: Psalms 24, Isaiah 2:1 - 5
This morning I desire to continue our theme "A View From The High Place" from yesterday. Let us move on to what might be the next question on people's minds. I believe that question would probable be: "Okay, tell me, who may go up the Lord's mountain? Who may stand in His holy Place? (verse 3)" The basic idea is, “how can we stand in the presence of the LORD?” Whether he was referring to the physical temple in Jerusalem or heaven - it doesn’t specifically state and probably does not matter because El Elyon, God Most High, will always be found in both. We come the earthly temple, that we may find the true path to the heavenly one through Christ.
The main question is - how do we get in the presence of the LORD? The only way is by getting ourselves into shape, getting 'psyched out', work hard to put ourselves thru a rigorous training program, find others who are willing to take the time to train and or mentor us, practice gradually climbing up other smaller mountains, then climbing the 'big one', The Mountain Of God. Easy, right? No problems, right? Oh okay, then lets move on. Oh, wait a minute, I just thought of something! I do not guess it is too big a thing, but here we go: The only problem is, we have huge weights tied to our backs in the form of all that luggage with all those supplies, and all that equipment.
And so the Psalmist asks - Who may go up the Lord’s mountain? Who may stand in his holy place? Prayerfully consider the relevance of these 'Rock' climbing credentials: In today’s Psalm David lays out four things needed to ascend the hill of the LORD. He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false (24:4). I felt that these first two were intimately connected, and I’ll show you why. That term “clean hands” is a neat illustration - just in the physical sense. At any given time your hands can have millions of disease causing bacteria on them. Your hands are the hardest body parts you'll have to keep clean.
not willing to do what they need to do to genuinely open their hearts to the new, the training program cannot begin. Finally, they must lift up their heads and make ascent.
Let Us Pray: Psalm 121
Come Let Us Go up to the Mountain
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