Day 100: God's Knowledge: T'mim De'im, God Who Knows Everything
Read: Isaiah 55:8 - 9, Psalm 139
For the last two weeks we have been looking at the Hebrew names and
attributes of God so that we could arrive at a better know and
understand God to either prayerfully begin a new relationship or
deepen and mature our current one. As we get to know God, we can then
better love and understand Him. It is painfully obvious today that one
too many people suffer from a lack of intimate relationships. Our
technological society has made it possible to live in one city, work in
another, go to school in still another. This has led to what I believe
to be a significant breakdown in community. Libraries are filled to overflowing with the wisdom of man. Of God? Not so very much.
At the same time, we function in a highly competitive society. We tend
to see people as combatants rather than companions. We constantly find
or place ourselves in the role of judge trying hard to learn how we are
measuring up and find little freedom to share our struggles and our
weakness with each other for fear that they will be used against us. Sir
Francis Bacon notably quoted that "knowledge is power" and "I have
taken all knowledge to be my province. These quotes, mean to say that
the more knowledge you have, the more you can do, which leads, in a
sense, to having power. Thereby you were able to think for yourself which was in itself a powerful thing to do.
Mr. Bacon also notably quoted this: "In this theater of man's life, it
is reserved only for God and for angels to be lookers-on." So, this
morning, I am asking each of you to consider this as Mr. Bacon
undoubtedly did: I want us to look at the fact that God is all-knowing.
There is a reason that the Hebrew Scripture, revealed by T'mim De'im,
the God who knows everything, to His Prophet Isaiah; 8 “My thoughts are
not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways,” declares the Lord. 9
“Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher
than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” If this
thought is to be continued logically, God's knowledge is also.
I will
unequivocally state here that God knows everything about everything and
man does not. God created everything and He understands far better than
man ever could the things that we call mysteries. If we want to learn
about things such as how the universe came into being, we can look to
God’s word for the answer. There is not an area in your life that God
does not address is some way. God can help you with your relationships.
Library buildings and countless online search engines are filled with
our finite efforts at wisdom. T'mim De'im, God's knowledge is
immeasurable and can't be contained in any book. He knows intimate
details of everything that we'll never know.
Your Prayer To God: Psalm 139:1 - 18,
My personal prayer for you: Colossians 1:9 - 11 watch?v=qP913rz_ibk
Read: Isaiah 55:8 - 9, Psalm 139
For the last two weeks we have been looking at the Hebrew names and attributes of God so that we could arrive at a better know and understand God to either prayerfully begin a new relationship or deepen and mature our current one. As we get to know God, we can then better love and understand Him. It is painfully obvious today that one too many people suffer from a lack of intimate relationships. Our technological society has made it possible to live in one city, work in another, go to school in still another. This has led to what I believe to be a significant breakdown in community. Libraries are filled to overflowing with the wisdom of man. Of God? Not so very much.
At the same time, we function in a highly competitive society. We tend to see people as combatants rather than companions. We constantly find or place ourselves in the role of judge trying hard to learn how we are measuring up and find little freedom to share our struggles and our weakness with each other for fear that they will be used against us. Sir Francis Bacon notably quoted that "knowledge is power" and "I have taken all knowledge to be my province. These quotes, mean to say that the more knowledge you have, the more you can do, which leads, in a sense, to having power. Thereby you were able to think for yourself which was in itself a powerful thing to do.
Mr. Bacon also notably quoted this: "In this theater of man's life, it is reserved only for God and for angels to be lookers-on." So, this morning, I am asking each of you to consider this as Mr. Bacon undoubtedly did: I want us to look at the fact that God is all-knowing. There is a reason that the Hebrew Scripture, revealed by T'mim De'im, the God who knows everything, to His Prophet Isaiah; 8 “My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” If this thought is to be continued logically, God's knowledge is also.
I will unequivocally state here that God knows everything about everything and man does not. God created everything and He understands far better than man ever could the things that we call mysteries. If we want to learn about things such as how the universe came into being, we can look to God’s word for the answer. There is not an area in your life that God does not address is some way. God can help you with your relationships. Library buildings and countless online search engines are filled with our finite efforts at wisdom. T'mim De'im, God's knowledge is immeasurable and can't be contained in any book. He knows intimate details of everything that we'll never know.
Your Prayer To God: Psalm 139:1 - 18,
My personal prayer for you: Colossians 1:9 - 11
The Mission Drama "God is God"
Mission Atlanta performs the drama "God is God" at Winterfest. For more
information, or to purchase a copy of this cd, go to
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