Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 107: The Goodness Of God Just For You -- For The Common Good

Day 107: The Goodness Of God Just For You -- For The Common Good

Read: Matthew 19:16 - 30; 1Corinthians 12:4 - 11; Psalm 27:11 - 14

This morning I have a few questions for you. You don’t have to answer out loud. No show of hands required. You don’t need to nod your head. You don’t need to shake your head. But these are not rhetorical questions. They are real questions, serious questions, important questions. 1) What is it you believe your family wants from you? 2) What is it you believe your family wants for you? 3) What is it you want for your family? 4) What is it you believe you want from your family? 5) What is it you believe
your family expects from you? Expects for you? What is it you expect of yourself for your family? From your family? Do the answers for any of these entirely not so rhetorical questions come from a store?

The answers to these questions are just for you right now, for the common good of common sense. I am praying that, in your own right, before you come to decide to place these questions before the family table, you will remember to prioritize what are the most essential needs wants and desires. Just for you, what gifts would you bring from whatever store you could find, online and offline, dollar store, corner gift store, Ma and Pa shops from some quaint section of town, major department stores, drug stores, grocery stores, discount stores or any other you might think is the one place you'll find the perfect gift solutions that will give the most complete answers to these not so rhetorical of questions?

It is my best guess that were you to actually try to do this from an earthly mindset it would not take very long to discover that there are not enough stores to fully satisfy all the all the answers to all the questions for all the people. Most answers come at a high market 'break the bank' price, are too rare, too hard to find, or would require too great a sacrifice on your part and probably would not be in the best interest of the common good or common sense. I have a few more questions: What do you believe God wants from you? Your family? What do you think God wants for you? For your family? How you live your life has a lot to do with how you answer these questions for your own common good. 
If you think the fullest answer to these question is that God wants you to be good and to do good things, then eventually you are going to end up in one of three places: (1) You are going to spend your life trying really, really hard to be good and to do good things until you are exhausted. (2) You are going to spend your life with your head down trying not to be noticed by God because you gave up on the impossible task of being good and doing good all the time. (3) You are going to try to convince yourself that all God really wants is for you to be a basically all around good person who does more good than bad most of the time. Just for your own common good remember this - only God is good.

Let Us Pray: (First in silence) [that what is good within us may flourish] (pause) God of all power and might, the author and giver of all good things, graft into our hearts the love of your name, increase in us true faith and true hope, nourish in us all Your goodness, and of your great mercy keep us in the same; through Jesus Christ our Lord who is alive with with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen

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