Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 42: The Best Things In Life Are: Changing Everything!

Day 42: The Best Things in Life Are: Changing Everything

Read: Romans 8:26 - 39

I am going to go out on a limb here this Sunday morning that there are a few of us out there who have some tough questions we want to ask each other and God. I am going to go out further than that on faith that these are questions we really do not expect anyone to have the right answer to, these are the rhetorical questions we ask of each other to which everyone has their own opinion or philosophy of life to give.

Does anything ever change for the better? Is there ever any reason to believe that it can or will become better -- I mean in our earthly lifetimes? I know --- It's rhetorical. Have you ever had a time or situation in your life when all you could do was cry for lack of meaningful change? When you didn’t even know how to pray for something or someone because maybe you did not really believe that even God would want to do anything about it, that it was even out of God's reach or why would He even bother? I know --- God is good, but is He really that good? Can anything good come from the mess that we find ourselves in? Change is good! But can it really be the best thing?

Romans 8:28 packs an incredible amount of Good News into one statement. 'And We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.' Paul is saying that everything in life that happens to us is the raw material that God uses to mold and shape us into something that is good and capable of bringing about positive and powerful change, about encouraging the best things in life to come out from their hiding places. It means that by God's own power and grace and mercy He uses the very worst of things in the world around us to stir up in our spirits the call to go forth and change something, one thing at a time, for the better. To bring out the best in them that they may go forth and do the same for someone else and on and on it goes. Prayerfully, it will gain such a holy momentum that everything will change - one small step for man - One Giant Step towards God!

So the very best things in life that God intends to bring out through us will find a sure way of entering into & transforming seemingly unchangeable situations so that God's revelation of the desired end far exceeds anything we could ever hope to imagine. He transforms the very worst of things into the very best of things we all need to live by. When we come to realize this, when we come to accept this, when we come to share this with others, it will very much transform how we interpret the worst of everything. If we believe that God really does get involved in the unchangeable we change too. We can move forward as one's who have finally conquered the unchangeable knowing there is nothing but the very best in life, eternal life, waiting for us in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Today, Give unto the Lord your God those areas of your life over which you believe you cannot conquer on your own. Give to Him your unchangeable ways, the worst of who you are that the very best of who you really are may be gloriously revealed.

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