Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 34: O God, Why in the hell do You hide from us?

Day 34: O God; Why in the hell do you hide from us???

Read: Psalm 13; Psalm 22:1 - 5; Psalm 32; Psalm 17; Psalm 27; Psalm 139

It is the place no one ever wants to be found. It is that single place where we have no other place to flee to, there are no more places to hide. This is the one place we absolutely dread to go. It is the one place we never want to find ourselves in. We are completely surrounded within a moment of absolute evil and we have no place to run that we can get away from it without being grievously injured, perhaps even killed.

We do not deliberately seek to go there - no absolutely not! But, nevertheless, at a moments notice, this is exactly where we find ourselves. Thrust into the middle of a moment of absolute evil. Before we can realize what is going on, our physical and mental and spiritual well beings are seriously threatened and we are trapped within. Nowhere to flee that is safe, there aren't anymore perfect hiding places to hide in. There is only the perfect storm that goes on around us seemingly without any end.

In such times, as we are striving to get a hold of ourselves, striving to overcome our our own bodies natural desire to fight or flee, we may arrive at a time when we look to God as our rescuer. We pray, we stress out as the Psalmist did: How long, O Lord? Will you forget me for ever? How long will you hide your face from me? But I am also compelled to say just the opposite is true too. Highly potent anger comes out too directed at the evil of the moment but also very much directed at God. Verse 1 is not meant to be interpreted as a prayer but as a highly potent fear driven, hate filled question: 'God, Why in the hell did you hide your face from us just now!!!? God, You are our hiding place in all times of trouble but is there a shelter big enough for us??

We have nowhere to hide from the events that took place. We have nowhere to flee where we will not be reminded of the enormity of that great tragedy and lost life. I believe, as Christians, we have the awesome responsibility to pick up our Bibles and pray without ceasing. Pray that we can accept all the powerful emotions emanating from Colorado and surrender them over to the grace of God. Pray that we can accept where they are in their lives and receive their expressions of great anger, & dismay, that we can cry right along side of them as they strive to pick up the pieces of their lives. Please pray for most anything that comes to your heart. Pray for healing, pray for a good nights rest. Pray that even while in your own mind it maybe hard to bring yourself to believe and accept it - for a clear vision of a redeeming God in their midst.
You Are My Hiding Place
No storms of life that GOD cannot calm. Nothing is too difficult in the grace of the GOD! "...I will sing of YOUR power; yes, I will sing aloud of YOUR

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