Day 181: Jesus Entered His House and He Did What???
Read: Matthew 21:10 - 17
The shouts of Hosanna still rang loudly in ears of the citizens of
Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday. A large gathering of people were on
hand to see Jesus as he rode into the city as the King of Peace on the
back of a colt. Place yourself in that scene as Jesus continued down the
dusty streets while the disciples and the rest of crowd fell in behind
him in a long processional until he finally came to the Temple. Slowly,
you watch as Jesus moves further away from you. Inside you are filled
with a special kind of awe and wonder. There He was, the Messiah
King, the Anointed of God. you had shouted your Hosanna's. Salvation has
finally come to your life. Then all of a sudden a very great ruckus starts!
You run forward, trying to push your way through the crowds. The going is very slow. Finally you arrive at the Temple itself. You are completely stunned by
what you see. You ask the guy next to you what happened. He tells you
what he had just witnessed. In disbelief you shout "He did what?"
Upon entering the temple grounds Jesus’ first encounter was with the
Court of the Gentiles. This was the designated area of the temple
grounds where Gentiles could come to shop, to pay homage to the God of
Israel, buy the animals they would need for their sacrifice or satisfy
their curiosity, but they were not allowed to go farther without obedience to all of the ceremonial law. But, what is it you are witnessing?
He did what? (12,13) And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the
money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And He
*said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of
prayer’; but you are making it a robbers’ den.” "It is written, 'My
(did you catch this - Jesus is proclaiming ownership) house (that is
God's house) shall be called a house of prayer! He did what? Why did
Jesus lash out with such force against these business people who seemed
to be actually doing a service to those who came to worship at the
temple? What had God's house become? What is God's house now?
What would Jesus do if He
came to your House? Your Church? The Temple which is your body which is
His body? Imagine your wife or child relating a story to you when you
got home from work of a quiet visitor who suddenly went ripping and
running in and through your home. Your Pastor tells you a similar story!
"He did what?" The Father, Son and Holy Spirit resides within you, has made Their
home within your heart (John 14:22 - 24). Then your heart gets stirred, your life suddenly
begins to feel trial and turmoil. Do you realize what's going on? Your
conscience is being awakened. Jesus' voice resounds through your
Spirit: "My House shall be called a house of prayer not a den of
thieves." "Jesus is doing, What?"
Let Us Pray: Holy God, in the
midst of the loud “Hosannas!”, as the waving palm leaves rustle in
unison, as you enter into Your Temple, as You survey what is going on
within its walls, as You consider what it is You will do next in
response to what You find that displeases you, quiet our preconceived
notions… and hush our sure grasp of your truth… so that we may, one day
perhaps, discover something about your vision…your hope…your purpose for
our life… that changes the way we think, act, and do. Please, come into
Your Temple Son of David, come and have Your way with me.
I Surrender - Hillsong Live (Cornerstone New 2012 DVD Album) Lyrics
Read: Matthew 21:10 - 17
The shouts of Hosanna still rang loudly in ears of the citizens of Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday. A large gathering of people were on hand to see Jesus as he rode into the city as the King of Peace on the back of a colt. Place yourself in that scene as Jesus continued down the dusty streets while the disciples and the rest of crowd fell in behind him in a long processional until he finally came to the Temple. Slowly, you watch as Jesus moves further away from you. Inside you are filled with a special kind of awe and wonder. There He was, the Messiah King, the Anointed of God. you had shouted your Hosanna's. Salvation has finally come to your life. Then all of a sudden a very great ruckus starts!
You run forward, trying to push your way through the crowds. The going is very slow. Finally you arrive at the Temple itself. You are completely stunned by what you see. You ask the guy next to you what happened. He tells you what he had just witnessed. In disbelief you shout "He did what?" Upon entering the temple grounds Jesus’ first encounter was with the Court of the Gentiles. This was the designated area of the temple grounds where Gentiles could come to shop, to pay homage to the God of Israel, buy the animals they would need for their sacrifice or satisfy their curiosity, but they were not allowed to go farther without obedience to all of the ceremonial law. But, what is it you are witnessing?
He did what? (12,13) And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And He *said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it a robbers’ den.” "It is written, 'My (did you catch this - Jesus is proclaiming ownership) house (that is God's house) shall be called a house of prayer! He did what? Why did Jesus lash out with such force against these business people who seemed to be actually doing a service to those who came to worship at the temple? What had God's house become? What is God's house now?
What would Jesus do if He came to your House? Your Church? The Temple which is your body which is His body? Imagine your wife or child relating a story to you when you got home from work of a quiet visitor who suddenly went ripping and running in and through your home. Your Pastor tells you a similar story! "He did what?" The Father, Son and Holy Spirit resides within you, has made Their home within your heart (John 14:22 - 24). Then your heart gets stirred, your life suddenly begins to feel trial and turmoil. Do you realize what's going on? Your conscience is being awakened. Jesus' voice resounds through your Spirit: "My House shall be called a house of prayer not a den of thieves." "Jesus is doing, What?"
Let Us Pray: Holy God, in the midst of the loud “Hosannas!”, as the waving palm leaves rustle in unison, as you enter into Your Temple, as You survey what is going on within its walls, as You consider what it is You will do next in response to what You find that displeases you, quiet our preconceived notions… and hush our sure grasp of your truth… so that we may, one day perhaps, discover something about your vision…your hope…your purpose for our life… that changes the way we think, act, and do. Please, come into Your Temple Son of David, come and have Your way with me.
I Surrender - Hillsong Live (Cornerstone New 2012 DVD Album) Lyrics
I Surrender - Hillsong Live (Cornerstone New 2012 DVD Album) Lyrics
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