Day 172: Inseparable Irreplaceable Undeniable Eternal Love
Read: Romans 8:31 - 39
From a story I was sent some time ago by a friend of mine: A Mother took her 2 sons to the Parish priest. It seems she needed some help in settling her
boys down. The younger boy was left in the waiting room and the older
boy was quietly ushered into the solemn presence of the robe-clad
clergyman. Without so much as introducing himself, the priest stared
intently into the eyes of the frightened boy and began his interrogation
with this question: "Young man, Where is God?" The boy shrugged his
shoulders "I don't know sir." Young man, I asked you a question, "Where
is God?" The
boy ran out, grabbed his brother - "Come on, hurry up, God's missing and they are blaming us."
I know, this story is somewhat humorous. But, it is also profound in that it hints at our separation from God in the midst of trouble or in a crisis. Romans 8 deals heavily with the issue of suffering, hope and God’s presence and intercession. Into
every ones life comes the irrepressible thunder storm and driving,
blinding wall of rain There are so many times when we feel all alone
because of a crisis or suffering like Elijah from our devotion
yesterday. All of us have questioned the purpose of suffering. First of
all, we question why good people suffer undeserving grief. Then, while
we are at it we will question if suffering is actually serving some
purpose, like maybe separation from the love of our God.
(31) 'What then shall
we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?' If God is
actually and truly and undeniably for us then how would this ever become
even remotely possible since God is love and love bears all things?
If God's irreplaceable love was so thoroughly demonstrated to us when
He sent His Son Jesus into our life to save and not to condemn (John
3:16-17) and undeniably proved to us at Calvary, then why should we be
afraid of undeserved suffering? Jesus died an undeserved and
humiliating death and said "Father, forgive them." He died for us while
we were yet his bitter enemies. Was that not enough, or should that not be all sufficient, reason for God to
just wash His hands of us?
God is always in our corner. We have
no reason to fear anything. There is nothing in the world anyone can
ever do to us, there is no disease strong enough that can ever separate
us from our Shepherd Jesus Christ. There are no disasters in life that
can ever separate us from the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit who
reminds us of the Inseparable, Irreplaceable, Undeniable, Eternal Love
of our God. What a powerful affirmation when in such times as those, man
will too often and too soon separate themselves from those who suffer,
whether deserved or not. You see, and please try to believe this, that, It is Gods truest nature that God always loves you, Jesus always loves you, and Holy Spirit too!
Let Us Pray: Father God, I come into your presence so aware of my human
frailty and yet overwhelmed by your love for me. I thank you that there
can be no human experience that I might walk through where your love
cannot reach me. If I climb the highest mountain you are there and yet
if I find myself in the darkest valley of my life, you are there. Teach
me today to love you more. Help me to rest in that love that asks
nothing more than the simple trusting heart of a child. In Jesus name,
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Read: Romans 8:31 - 39
From a story I was sent some time ago by a friend of mine: A Mother took her 2 sons to the Parish priest. It seems she needed some help in settling her boys down. The younger boy was left in the waiting room and the older boy was quietly ushered into the solemn presence of the robe-clad clergyman. Without so much as introducing himself, the priest stared intently into the eyes of the frightened boy and began his interrogation with this question: "Young man, Where is God?" The boy shrugged his shoulders "I don't know sir." Young man, I asked you a question, "Where is God?" The
boy ran out, grabbed his brother - "Come on, hurry up, God's missing and they are blaming us."
I know, this story is somewhat humorous. But, it is also profound in that it hints at our separation from God in the midst of trouble or in a crisis. Romans 8 deals heavily with the issue of suffering, hope and God’s presence and intercession. Into every ones life comes the irrepressible thunder storm and driving, blinding wall of rain There are so many times when we feel all alone because of a crisis or suffering like Elijah from our devotion yesterday. All of us have questioned the purpose of suffering. First of all, we question why good people suffer undeserving grief. Then, while we are at it we will question if suffering is actually serving some purpose, like maybe separation from the love of our God.
(31) 'What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?' If God is actually and truly and undeniably for us then how would this ever become even remotely possible since God is love and love bears all things? If God's irreplaceable love was so thoroughly demonstrated to us when He sent His Son Jesus into our life to save and not to condemn (John 3:16-17) and undeniably proved to us at Calvary, then why should we be afraid of undeserved suffering? Jesus died an undeserved and
humiliating death and said "Father, forgive them." He died for us while we were yet his bitter enemies. Was that not enough, or should that not be all sufficient, reason for God to just wash His hands of us?
God is always in our corner. We have no reason to fear anything. There is nothing in the world anyone can ever do to us, there is no disease strong enough that can ever separate us from our Shepherd Jesus Christ. There are no disasters in life that can ever separate us from the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit who reminds us of the Inseparable, Irreplaceable, Undeniable, Eternal Love of our God. What a powerful affirmation when in such times as those, man will too often and too soon separate themselves from those who suffer, whether deserved or not. You see, and please try to believe this, that, It is Gods truest nature that God always loves you, Jesus always loves you, and Holy Spirit too!
Let Us Pray: Father God, I come into your presence so aware of my human frailty and yet overwhelmed by your love for me. I thank you that there can be no human experience that I might walk through where your love cannot reach me. If I climb the highest mountain you are there and yet if I find myself in the darkest valley of my life, you are there. Teach me today to love you more. Help me to rest in that love that asks nothing more than the simple trusting heart of a child. In Jesus name, Amen
Hillsong UNITED Tapestry Lyric Video
Tapestry Lyric Video. To buy Zion: To unlock music videos: More info:
Hillsong UNITED Tapestry Lyric Video
Tapestry Lyric Video. To buy Zion: To unlock music videos: More info:
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