Day 167: What If Some Did Not Choose To Believe ....?
Read: Romans 3:1 - 8
3 'What then? If some did not believe, will their unbelief cancel God’s
faithfulness?' If some did not believe, will God and His faithfulness
just turn their back? What then? I ponder this today because I do
believe in the faithfulness of God and I feel so blessed by it each
and everyday. However, my spirits attention is turned towards those who
do not or did not believe in God's faithfulness. How about them? Does
God or would God ever turn His back on us the way we are inclined to
turn our backs on Him? I do not believe that these questions are irrelevant because lets face it, we turn our backs
on people everyday with or without malice, forethought. We don't or wont even bother thinking twice!
If some people did not believe in God's faithfulness, what is that to
us? What should that be to us? Why should I even bother giving that
person a second thought or a even a passing glance when I present my
back to them and just walk away? I guess the most likely response would
be to just shrug our shoulders say "Oh Well" or as Doris Day might quip:
"what will be will be" and leave it at that. But my question then becomes "what about my faithfulness in God?" By turning my back on that person, did I not just turn my back on my own belief that God is always and forever faithful? "What or why should it matter to me if they do not believe, shouldn't my own belief be enough to get them through?
Should not my own belief in God's forever faithfulness be enough that I
should want or desire or better yet, prefer that my spirit, God's Holy
Spirit living within me, would or should keep me facing forward? Is
it not easier to walk toward someone who for whatever reason has turned
their back on believing that God is 100% faithful 100% of the time?
Would not my own example of walking towards, facing forward versus, say,
backwards, directly into the line of fire rather than retreating away
from that unbelief, potentially make some meaningful difference in
transforming that persons mindset? I know that I'm asking a whole lot of
difficult questions on a Monday, but God has asked me to ask you!
3 'What
then? If some did not believe, will their unbelief cancel God’s
faithfulness? 4 Absolutely not! God must be true, even if everyone is a
liar, as it is written: That You may be justified in Your words and
triumph when You judge.' Now try turning that question around as if God
were standing with His back to you. "Even if some did not choose to
believe, should this be the humanly preferred direction I should be
facing?" "You may turn your back on that persons choice not to believe, but I am God, and my
face is always going to be facing forward! That is just how it was, is and ever shall be with my forever kind of faithful love. So why don't you just try for yourself, making a little effort getting used to it?"
Let Us Pray: Lord of Love, Father of faithfulness, Author of grace,
forgiveness and mercy, I confess that I am ever more inclined to turn my
back to my on my neighbor than I am to face them. I guess I am
overwhelmed with the contrast of where I am and they are in their choice
of believing in you or not. Am I so consumed by my very own sense of self - righteousness that I no longer see nor believe in Your faithfulness as I so willingly and dutifully profess before my friends and (gasp) towards You too?
Lord, help me to overcome my unbelief. Help me to become a truer
messenger and communicator of Your forever faithfulness, Your always and
forever special brand of grace, love, mercy and forgiveness.
Chris Tomlin - I Lift My Hands
Music video by Chris Tomlin performing I Lift My Hands. (P) (C) 2011
sixstepsrecords/Sparrow Records. All rights reserved. Unauthorized
reproduction is a vio...
Read: Romans 3:1 - 8
3 'What then? If some did not believe, will their unbelief cancel God’s faithfulness?' If some did not believe, will God and His faithfulness just turn their back? What then? I ponder this today because I do believe in the faithfulness of God and I feel so blessed by it each and everyday. However, my spirits attention is turned towards those who do not or did not believe in God's faithfulness. How about them? Does God or would God ever turn His back on us the way we are inclined to turn our backs on Him? I do not believe that these questions are irrelevant because lets face it, we turn our backs
on people everyday with or without malice, forethought. We don't or wont even bother thinking twice!
If some people did not believe in God's faithfulness, what is that to us? What should that be to us? Why should I even bother giving that person a second thought or a even a passing glance when I present my back to them and just walk away? I guess the most likely response would be to just shrug our shoulders say "Oh Well" or as Doris Day might quip: "what will be will be" and leave it at that. But my question then becomes "what about my faithfulness in God?" By turning my back on that person, did I not just turn my back on my own belief that God is always and forever faithful? "What or why should it matter to me if they do not believe, shouldn't my own belief be enough to get them through?
Should not my own belief in God's forever faithfulness be enough that I should want or desire or better yet, prefer that my spirit, God's Holy Spirit living within me, would or should keep me facing forward? Is it not easier to walk toward someone who for whatever reason has turned their back on believing that God is 100% faithful 100% of the time? Would not my own example of walking towards, facing forward versus, say, backwards, directly into the line of fire rather than retreating away from that unbelief, potentially make some meaningful difference in transforming that persons mindset? I know that I'm asking a whole lot of difficult questions on a Monday, but God has asked me to ask you!
3 'What then? If some did not believe, will their unbelief cancel God’s faithfulness? 4 Absolutely not! God must be true, even if everyone is a liar, as it is written: That You may be justified in Your words and triumph when You judge.' Now try turning that question around as if God were standing with His back to you. "Even if some did not choose to believe, should this be the humanly preferred direction I should be facing?" "You may turn your back on that persons choice not to believe, but I am God, and my
face is always going to be facing forward! That is just how it was, is and ever shall be with my forever kind of faithful love. So why don't you just try for yourself, making a little effort getting used to it?"
Let Us Pray: Lord of Love, Father of faithfulness, Author of grace, forgiveness and mercy, I confess that I am ever more inclined to turn my back to my on my neighbor than I am to face them. I guess I am overwhelmed with the contrast of where I am and they are in their choice of believing in you or not. Am I so consumed by my very own sense of self - righteousness that I no longer see nor believe in Your faithfulness as I so willingly and dutifully profess before my friends and (gasp) towards You too?
Lord, help me to overcome my unbelief. Help me to become a truer messenger and communicator of Your forever faithfulness, Your always and forever special brand of grace, love, mercy and forgiveness.
Chris Tomlin - I Lift My Hands
Music video by Chris Tomlin performing I Lift My Hands. (P) (C) 2011 sixstepsrecords/Sparrow Records. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a vio...
Chris Tomlin - I Lift My Hands
video by Chris Tomlin performing I Lift My Hands. (P) (C) 2011
sixstepsrecords/Sparrow Records. All rights reserved. Unauthorized
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