Day 170: Covered By The Authority Of God
Read: Psalms 91:1 - 2, Hebrews 13:15 - 19
When we use the phrase “under cover”, or "under the cover" of something
what kind of thoughts come into your mind? It could range anywhere from
a child being lovingly covered with a blanket to police detective work -
"going undercover" to try and catch a criminal, to a spy under the
cover of multiple identities operating covertly inside a foreign land.
In every instance that we could ever think of, the phrase “under cover”
always carries with it the thought of Protection and Freedom and a sense
of Security. 91:1,2 'He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My
refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” Covered by God's grace!
'Dwells in
the shelter', will 'abide in the shadow', "My refuge, My fortress, My
God in whom I trust". There are a lot of 'under cover' things going on
in these two verses. In the context of the time it was written, it meant
shelter in a tent or under a canopy. away from the scorching heat of the sun. It meant the Psalmist probably found a cave which afforded him protection not just from the sun but also a
defensible position to hide from his enemies. What can this mean to a
Christian? Simply put, it means that the one dwells in the place of
safety underneath the shadow of the cross will firmly place his faith
and confidence in Jesus and under the authority of Lord Jesus Christ seated at the right hand of God.
Authority is one of those words that strikes fear and dread into the
heart of man. "No one will rule over me! I have my rights! I make my own
decisions." No one likes to be under the authority of another person,
but we all must realize that any authority is ordained of God. It is the
Father who establishes those who have the rule over us and if we reject
that authority then we reject the plan of God for our lives and the
protection and benefits that His protection will bring. Why do men
reject authority over them? Your view of authority is one that limits
you in any way. They'll limit you from doing what you think is best for
yourself. You just simply don't trust their motive or you simply will not trust in them.
Christians will take the attitude that they don’t need to be under
submission to anyone because they can go straight to God for their
leadership and answers. What do you believe God thinks about when it
comes to us submitting to authority in our lives? 17 'Obey your leaders
and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who
will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for
this would be unprofitable for you.' God’s authority brings us into
right relationship with Him. His authority is based upon pure love and
our best interests. His authority is designed so that it, through our faith, prepares us to receive our great
eternal reward and to give us the best in this life!
Let Us
Pray: King of kings, Lord of lords, today we offer prayer for our
leaders. We believe that they serve under your authority, whether they
recognize you or not. We thank you for the ways you use them for your
purposes. We thank you for the times they seek your guidance. We pray
that they would pursue your guidance more. Help them, and help us O God,
to discern the authority of your ways and walk in them. watch?v=dGmAlm7Cssg
Read: Psalms 91:1 - 2, Hebrews 13:15 - 19
When we use the phrase “under cover”, or "under the cover" of something what kind of thoughts come into your mind? It could range anywhere from a child being lovingly covered with a blanket to police detective work - "going undercover" to try and catch a criminal, to a spy under the cover of multiple identities operating covertly inside a foreign land. In every instance that we could ever think of, the phrase “under cover” always carries with it the thought of Protection and Freedom and a sense of Security. 91:1,2 'He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” Covered by God's grace!
'Dwells in the shelter', will 'abide in the shadow', "My refuge, My fortress, My God in whom I trust". There are a lot of 'under cover' things going on in these two verses. In the context of the time it was written, it meant shelter in a tent or under a canopy. away from the scorching heat of the sun. It meant the Psalmist probably found a cave which afforded him protection not just from the sun but also a defensible position to hide from his enemies. What can this mean to a Christian? Simply put, it means that the one dwells in the place of safety underneath the shadow of the cross will firmly place his faith and confidence in Jesus and under the authority of Lord Jesus Christ seated at the right hand of God.
Authority is one of those words that strikes fear and dread into the heart of man. "No one will rule over me! I have my rights! I make my own decisions." No one likes to be under the authority of another person, but we all must realize that any authority is ordained of God. It is the Father who establishes those who have the rule over us and if we reject that authority then we reject the plan of God for our lives and the protection and benefits that His protection will bring. Why do men reject authority over them? Your view of authority is one that limits you in any way. They'll limit you from doing what you think is best for yourself. You just simply don't trust their motive or you simply will not trust in them.
Many Christians will take the attitude that they don’t need to be under submission to anyone because they can go straight to God for their leadership and answers. What do you believe God thinks about when it comes to us submitting to authority in our lives? 17 'Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.' God’s authority brings us into right relationship with Him. His authority is based upon pure love and our best interests. His authority is designed so that it, through our faith, prepares us to receive our great eternal reward and to give us the best in this life!
Let Us Pray: King of kings, Lord of lords, today we offer prayer for our leaders. We believe that they serve under your authority, whether they recognize you or not. We thank you for the ways you use them for your purposes. We thank you for the times they seek your guidance. We pray that they would pursue your guidance more. Help them, and help us O God, to discern the authority of your ways and walk in them.
Paul Wilbur - Great I AM - Lyrics -Your Great Name Album 2013
Paul Wilbur - Great I AM with Lyrics from - Your Great Name Album 2013. More songs from this
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