Day 168: Don’t Miss the Target!
Read: Hosea 7:13 - 16
16a 'They turn, but not to what is above; they are like a faulty bow...' Questions are: A faulty bow or a faulty bowman? Who trained them? What were they supposed to be aiming for? Who were they trying to aim at? Allot of very interesting
question arise from this shortened verse. My question for us today is
"What are you aiming for?" I guess the other thing might be why am I
using a bow, something no one has ever set me aside to let me pick
one up let alone try to use on my own. Today, these things are high tech
and when I last checked my good senses, dangerous in the hands of
someone who has never used it nor practiced with it. As you might be able to safely deduce - plenty of nasty
surprises there!
And if the thing was made wrong, well so much
the worse. Then we need to make sure the thing is not pointed at our
faces when we wonder why the trigger does not work right. In the
spiritual sense the problem is doubtlessly the fault of the bow. It is
that the bowman is not sufficiently knowledgeable or experienced with
the bow. We cannot blame the bow if we have our aim at the wrong target.
Our aim is off. “If you are aiming for nothing, in the spiritual sense,
you’ve already hit it.” If you are not in the proper mindset for your
life, if your target is the nothingness of life in the world, then you
will undoubtedly become an expert and hit all the bulls eye each and every time, even from a mile
Worldly aims and targets focus on fame and fortune,
power, position and of course yourself. Is this any different than an
inexperienced bowman pointing a loaded bow at his face while he is
struggling to get the trigger to work properly? Does anybody really want
to know what that 'zinger' is going to look like? What it is going to
feel like or what it will take to heal and repair such a wound
(providing of course it is not a fatal one)? The word target is
synonymous with the words like Aim, Goal, Focus, Purpose, Plan, and
Intent. What are you shooting for or aiming at today? As you look out
ahead and you focus your bow down range at your future, which target are
you aiming at? Do you know what they are?
Can you see a clear purpose and plan out there?
Keep those images in mind as we look in God’s Word and find what it
teaches us about what our aim and target should be. Might I suggest that
you begin by aiming your bow heavenward at the target of: Harmony (1
Corinthians 1:10, Romans 14:19). Let me also suggest you set your sight on targets called: Honor (2 Corinthians 8:21), then there's Honesty (2 Thessalonians
5:15) and of course: Righteousness (Amos 5:14, 1 Timothy 6:11,12). No
target set can ever be complete with out Hope (Psalms 33, and 42, Jeremiah
29:11, Romans 5:1 - 5, Hebrews 6:19; 10:23). The highest goal of all time - LOVE (John 3:16; 13:34 & 35; 15:13-16, 1Corinthians 13).
Let Us Pray: Lord, help us to set our targets on You. I press toward
the mark (The target) for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ
Jesus. We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. So
let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has
for us. If any of you have something else in mind, aiming at something
less than total commitment, may God clear your blurred vision.
Pursuit - with Lyrics - Kim Walker-Smith - Martin Smith - Jesus Culture - in HD
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Read: Hosea 7:13 - 16
16a 'They turn, but not to what is above; they are like a faulty bow...' Questions are: A faulty bow or a faulty bowman? Who trained them? What were they supposed to be aiming for? Who were they trying to aim at? Allot of very interesting question arise from this shortened verse. My question for us today is "What are you aiming for?" I guess the other thing might be why am I using a bow, something no one has ever set me aside to let me pick one up let alone try to use on my own. Today, these things are high tech and when I last checked my good senses, dangerous in the hands of someone who has never used it nor practiced with it. As you might be able to safely deduce - plenty of nasty surprises there!
And if the thing was made wrong, well so much the worse. Then we need to make sure the thing is not pointed at our faces when we wonder why the trigger does not work right. In the spiritual sense the problem is doubtlessly the fault of the bow. It is that the bowman is not sufficiently knowledgeable or experienced with the bow. We cannot blame the bow if we have our aim at the wrong target. Our aim is off. “If you are aiming for nothing, in the spiritual sense, you’ve already hit it.” If you are not in the proper mindset for your life, if your target is the nothingness of life in the world, then you will undoubtedly become an expert and hit all the bulls eye each and every time, even from a mile off.
Worldly aims and targets focus on fame and fortune, power, position and of course yourself. Is this any different than an inexperienced bowman pointing a loaded bow at his face while he is struggling to get the trigger to work properly? Does anybody really want to know what that 'zinger' is going to look like? What it is going to feel like or what it will take to heal and repair such a wound (providing of course it is not a fatal one)? The word target is synonymous with the words like Aim, Goal, Focus, Purpose, Plan, and Intent. What are you shooting for or aiming at today? As you look out ahead and you focus your bow down range at your future, which target are you aiming at? Do you know what they are?
Can you see a clear purpose and plan out there? Keep those images in mind as we look in God’s Word and find what it teaches us about what our aim and target should be. Might I suggest that you begin by aiming your bow heavenward at the target of: Harmony (1 Corinthians 1:10, Romans 14:19). Let me also suggest you set your sight on targets called: Honor (2 Corinthians 8:21), then there's Honesty (2 Thessalonians 5:15) and of course: Righteousness (Amos 5:14, 1 Timothy 6:11,12). No target set can ever be complete with out Hope (Psalms 33, and 42, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 5:1 - 5, Hebrews 6:19; 10:23). The highest goal of all time - LOVE (John 3:16; 13:34 & 35; 15:13-16, 1Corinthians 13).
Let Us Pray: Lord, help us to set our targets on You. I press toward the mark (The target) for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, aiming at something less than total commitment, may God clear your blurred vision.
Pursuit - with Lyrics - Kim Walker-Smith - Martin Smith - Jesus Culture - in HD
Entire Album -
Pursuit - with Lyrics - Kim Walker-Smith - Martin Smith - Jesus Culture - in HD
Entire Album -
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