Day 96: His Name Is Elohey Kol HaNechamah, God Of All Encouragement
Read: Genesis 32:22 - 32, Romans 15:30 - 33
I am often reminded by my family and some much valued friends of a
profound truth we have all probably learned from living: you cannot make
people do what you want. Even if it is in their best interest, even if
they should do it, matters little. You cannot make people do what you
want. In other words, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make
it drink. It is not that you have not tried. You have tried. You have
shown your friends clearly the truth that should change their minds. You
know you are right, and you suspect they know it also—but they refuse
to be encouraged. We will try to control by manipulation. And it may
appear to “work,” their desires win out.
Is this not one great difficulty in our efforts to be a faithful parent? A faithful husband? A faithful friend? A faithful co-worker? A faithful encourager of
anyone we encounter who finds themselves in a difficult or challenging
season of their life? Across any and all generational boundaries for example when children are young and they do not feel their own desires, we often mistake enforced behavior for heartfelt
obedience. But later years reveal the error, when the desires of this
young adult conflict with those of a dismayed parent. What goes around
will always come back around, like in any circle only no one can ever
predict or prophesy how all of this will ever manifest itself or continually encourage.
Paul writes: '30 Brothers and sisters, I encourage you through our Lord
Jesus Christ and by the love that the Spirit creates, to join me in my
struggle. Pray to God for me 31 that I will be rescued from those people
in Judea who refuse to believe. Pray that God’s people in Jerusalem
will accept the help I bring.' Consider very carefully this phrase 'join
me in my struggle'. Other ways to interpret this are 'fight alongside
with', or “strive together with with me in your prayers.” Remember the story from Genesis chapter 32 when Jacob is wrestling with God throughout the night? Jacob strives with
all his might to overcome a foe who is clearly unbeatable. Jacob wants his blessing.
Some of you struggle to keep believing, to endure through the twin
temptations of satisfaction and suffering that we wrestle against every
day.. For myself, the most encouraging part of the story about
wrestling, striving with God is that while Jacob refused to let go until
he was blessed, God refused to let go too. He refused to let Jacob give
up on the struggle for his blessing. God obviously could have beaten
Jacob or given up and left at any time He chose. The result for Jacob
might have been only a vague memory of a wild dream, no lesson learned,
no blessing bestowed. His name is called Elohey Kol HaNechamah, The God of All Encouragement chose to remain so
that Jacob might be forever blessed, transformed and encouraged to 'never give up':
(28) The man said,
“Your name will no longer be Jacob but Israel [He Struggles With God],
because you have struggled with God and with men—and you have won.”
Let Us Pray: Personalize Psalm 121 watch?v=RB1NJV3rG6k
Read: Genesis 32:22 - 32, Romans 15:30 - 33
I am often reminded by my family and some much valued friends of a profound truth we have all probably learned from living: you cannot make people do what you want. Even if it is in their best interest, even if they should do it, matters little. You cannot make people do what you want. In other words, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. It is not that you have not tried. You have tried. You have shown your friends clearly the truth that should change their minds. You know you are right, and you suspect they know it also—but they refuse to be encouraged. We will try to control by manipulation. And it may appear to “work,” their desires win out.
Is this not one great difficulty in our efforts to be a faithful parent? A faithful husband? A faithful friend? A faithful co-worker? A faithful encourager of anyone we encounter who finds themselves in a difficult or challenging season of their life? Across any and all generational boundaries for example when children are young and they do not feel their own desires, we often mistake enforced behavior for heartfelt obedience. But later years reveal the error, when the desires of this young adult conflict with those of a dismayed parent. What goes around will always come back around, like in any circle only no one can ever predict or prophesy how all of this will ever manifest itself or continually encourage.
Paul writes: '30 Brothers and sisters, I encourage you through our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love that the Spirit creates, to join me in my struggle. Pray to God for me 31 that I will be rescued from those people in Judea who refuse to believe. Pray that God’s people in Jerusalem will accept the help I bring.' Consider very carefully this phrase 'join me in my struggle'. Other ways to interpret this are 'fight alongside with', or “strive together with with me in your prayers.” Remember the story from Genesis chapter 32 when Jacob is wrestling with God throughout the night? Jacob strives with
all his might to overcome a foe who is clearly unbeatable. Jacob wants his blessing.
Some of you struggle to keep believing, to endure through the twin temptations of satisfaction and suffering that we wrestle against every day.. For myself, the most encouraging part of the story about wrestling, striving with God is that while Jacob refused to let go until he was blessed, God refused to let go too. He refused to let Jacob give up on the struggle for his blessing. God obviously could have beaten Jacob or given up and left at any time He chose. The result for Jacob might have been only a vague memory of a wild dream, no lesson learned, no blessing bestowed. His name is called Elohey Kol HaNechamah, The God of All Encouragement chose to remain so that Jacob might be forever blessed, transformed and encouraged to 'never give up':
(28) The man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob but Israel [He Struggles With God], because you have struggled with God and with men—and you have won.”
Let Us Pray: Personalize Psalm 121
You never let go - Matt Redman
you Lord - for never letting go of me. I am empty. I long for You as I
long for water in a desert. Personal Note: Thank you all for watching
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