Day 83: Tis' The Season To Think And Reason
Read: Psalm 1, Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 15
It is during this time of the year that I often begin to think about
all kinds of seasons. Football, basketball season, and yes . . .
Christmas season. After all tis' the season to be jolly. We often
talk about seasons even when we don’t realize it. When we talk about the
weather we are actually talking about seasons. In fact, I think it is
during this time of year that the most thought or attention is given to
seasons, particularly the seasons of our lives. As the year begins to
near a close many of you are already beginning to make plans and even
resolutions for a new year. You may be filled with eager anticipation or
perhaps dread at the thought of turning the very last page of the 2012 calender.
Some of you are longing for a new season. Others wished the season they
are in would never end. Everything is going good. Blessings abound like
sand on a beach. The exact gift you've been waiting forever for is sure
to be under the tree this year. Yes, this season is going to be the
best one ever at least until next year rolls around. The wisest man
that ever lived spent some time thinking about seasons. You are no doubt
familiar with his writings about the different seasons that we face. I
would like you to just read his opening remarks about seasons and then
how he sums up his examination of seasons. I did and concluded that:
Tis' the season to think and reason.
As I sit here in my dining
room, it is still dark outside. I know that this very temporary season
will in maybe an hour or so soon give way to a new season called
daylight. I wonder if Solomon ever talked to his dad, David, about
seasons? David certainly must thought about the topic. I cannot
specifically tell you whether he broke down seasons by the hour, by the
day, by the month, or by times of planting or harvesting. I believe it
must have been at the fore front of his mind because his very first
Psalm deals with the topic as though what anyone could define as 'seasons' as being minute to minute. David could've devoted hours each day thinking: Tis' the season to think and reason:
1 Oh, the joys of those who do not
follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with mockers.
2 But they delight in the law of the Lord,
meditating on it day and night.
3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do. (Psalm 1:1 - 3 New Living Translation)
Yes, tis' the season to think and reason. As we prepare ourselves and
our families to close out this year, I desire that each of you will
begin a dialogue, with those around you and perhaps a few strangers too.
With your hearts and eyes and spirits firmly set on The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, talk about our 'seasons' for just a few moments. Consider these 'seasonal' truths: You cannot pray away a season
(Ecclesiastes 3:1), You cannot force a season to change. You do not even
have to understand a season to learn from it and be changed for the
good by it. Some seasons will last longer than others. While good seasons end, bad seasons also come to an end, Jesus Christ was, is, ever shall remain eternal!
Let Us Pray and likewise take some quality time to ponder about our own
'seasons'. Living our life in, through, for and in enthusiastic
anticipation of our Messiah's coming. watch?v=5FCel-VnX6k
Read: Psalm 1, Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 15
It is during this time of the year that I often begin to think about all kinds of seasons. Football, basketball season, and yes . . . Christmas season. After all tis' the season to be jolly. We often talk about seasons even when we don’t realize it. When we talk about the weather we are actually talking about seasons. In fact, I think it is during this time of year that the most thought or attention is given to seasons, particularly the seasons of our lives. As the year begins to near a close many of you are already beginning to make plans and even resolutions for a new year. You may be filled with eager anticipation or perhaps dread at the thought of turning the very last page of the 2012 calender.
Some of you are longing for a new season. Others wished the season they are in would never end. Everything is going good. Blessings abound like sand on a beach. The exact gift you've been waiting forever for is sure to be under the tree this year. Yes, this season is going to be the best one ever at least until next year rolls around. The wisest man that ever lived spent some time thinking about seasons. You are no doubt familiar with his writings about the different seasons that we face. I would like you to just read his opening remarks about seasons and then how he sums up his examination of seasons. I did and concluded that: Tis' the season to think and reason.
As I sit here in my dining room, it is still dark outside. I know that this very temporary season will in maybe an hour or so soon give way to a new season called daylight. I wonder if Solomon ever talked to his dad, David, about seasons? David certainly must thought about the topic. I cannot specifically tell you whether he broke down seasons by the hour, by the day, by the month, or by times of planting or harvesting. I believe it must have been at the fore front of his mind because his very first Psalm deals with the topic as though what anyone could define as 'seasons' as being minute to minute. David could've devoted hours each day thinking: Tis' the season to think and reason:
1 Oh, the joys of those who do not
follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with mockers.
2 But they delight in the law of the Lord,
meditating on it day and night.
3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do. (Psalm 1:1 - 3 New Living Translation)
Yes, tis' the season to think and reason. As we prepare ourselves and our families to close out this year, I desire that each of you will begin a dialogue, with those around you and perhaps a few strangers too. With your hearts and eyes and spirits firmly set on The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, talk about our 'seasons' for just a few moments. Consider these 'seasonal' truths: You cannot pray away a season (Ecclesiastes 3:1), You cannot force a season to change. You do not even have to understand a season to learn from it and be changed for the good by it. Some seasons will last longer than others. While good seasons end, bad seasons also come to an end, Jesus Christ was, is, ever shall remain eternal!
Let Us Pray and likewise take some quality time to ponder about our own 'seasons'. Living our life in, through, for and in enthusiastic anticipation of our Messiah's coming.
Our Father - Bethel Live (Worship song with Lyrics) 2012 New Album
Bethel Music, Featuring Jenn Johnson - Our Father, Album: For the Sake of the World, Year: 2012 To
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