Day 92: His Name Is Called Adonai Hoshi(ee)a, The Lord Of Victory
Read: Deuteronomy 20:1 - 4, Numbers 14:39 - 45
One character that I really identify with in comics is Charlie Brown.
One of the things I remember about him most is his relationship with
Lucy. She offers to hold the ball for him every year, so that he can
kick it. Then what happens each and every time? Right, she pulls it away
at the last second. He goes flying in the air and lands on his back
with a thump and a loud 'arrrgh'. I guess I admire it because year after
year, he keeps trying. He must know in his heart that she is going
to do the same thing. But, he will keep trying anyway. Is this comic
relief? Theodore Roosevelt once said that “The only man who will never
make a mistake is the man who never does anything.”
So, is all
failure bad? More specifically, what is your definition of success and
failure? What do you believe is God’s name for victory? Is there
anything good that can come out of the failures that we experience? If
we keep our eyes and our hearts firmly on the ground where the perceived
magnitude of our defeats and failures try to keep us, then the
magnitudes of our potential victories will blow right by us without
hardly an upward glance. The " What If's of Life." These are all the
kinds of things which drive us crazy and take the perfection out of our
perfect world. But these can seem rather simple compared to other
concerns: I mean what if Lucy, let Charlie Brown win once?
only they could operate and get rid of this cancer. If only this
terrible illness would go away. If only I could regain the use of my
legs. If only I could just fix my child’s problems at school. If only my
teenager would stop using drugs and just once stay out of trouble. If
only my spouse and I could go back to the way things were when we first
fell in love. If only there was a way out of my financial crisis. If
only I hadn’t been laid off. If only I could find a job. Yes, and from
our Scripture text, If only... the people had listened to Moses and not
gone into battle. If Moses had listened to God at The Rock of Miribah,
entered the promised land, then does Joshua defeat Jericho?
“When you go out to fight your enemies and you face horses and chariots
and an army greater than your own, do not be afraid. The Lord your God,
who brought you out of the land of Egypt, is with you! When you prepare
for battle, the priest must come forward to speak to the troops. He
will say to them, ‘Listen to me, all you men of Israel! Do not be afraid
as you go out to fight your enemies today! Do not lose heart or panic
or tremble before them. For the Lord your God is going with you! He will
fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you victory!’ Here
God's name is Adonai Hoshia, He is the Lord of Victory. He is the faithful Lord of all "What If's." Through Him there will be everlasting victory.
Let Us Pray: Adonai Hoshia, Lord of Victory, Lord of all my "What If"
moments. You grow and stretch our maturity through circumstances that
don’t always reflect our choosing. It helps us to gain needed
perspective and experience in situations not of our own choosing, but to
our overall benefit. Help us to be patient as we search Your Scripture
and seek to understand Your plan as it unfolds in our lives. Align our
desires with Your own as we submit our will to Yours. May we not be
overcome by the "What If's" but ask You, Father, to use then as a tool
by which You carve Your image and character deep into our hearts. We may
make our plans not on our "What If's" but on "Your Will Be Done's". Let
us come to a time in our lives when we realize that, as Your children,
You will have the final say. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. watch?v=iJm2Y-brnCM
Read: Deuteronomy 20:1 - 4, Numbers 14:39 - 45
One character that I really identify with in comics is Charlie Brown. One of the things I remember about him most is his relationship with Lucy. She offers to hold the ball for him every year, so that he can kick it. Then what happens each and every time? Right, she pulls it away at the last second. He goes flying in the air and lands on his back with a thump and a loud 'arrrgh'. I guess I admire it because year after year, he keeps trying. He must know in his heart that she is going to do the same thing. But, he will keep trying anyway. Is this comic relief? Theodore Roosevelt once said that “The only man who will never make a mistake is the man who never does anything.”
So, is all failure bad? More specifically, what is your definition of success and failure? What do you believe is God’s name for victory? Is there anything good that can come out of the failures that we experience? If we keep our eyes and our hearts firmly on the ground where the perceived magnitude of our defeats and failures try to keep us, then the magnitudes of our potential victories will blow right by us without hardly an upward glance. The " What If's of Life." These are all the kinds of things which drive us crazy and take the perfection out of our perfect world. But these can seem rather simple compared to other concerns: I mean what if Lucy, let Charlie Brown win once?
If only they could operate and get rid of this cancer. If only this terrible illness would go away. If only I could regain the use of my legs. If only I could just fix my child’s problems at school. If only my teenager would stop using drugs and just once stay out of trouble. If only my spouse and I could go back to the way things were when we first fell in love. If only there was a way out of my financial crisis. If only I hadn’t been laid off. If only I could find a job. Yes, and from our Scripture text, If only... the people had listened to Moses and not gone into battle. If Moses had listened to God at The Rock of Miribah, entered the promised land, then does Joshua defeat Jericho?
“When you go out to fight your enemies and you face horses and chariots and an army greater than your own, do not be afraid. The Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, is with you! When you prepare for battle, the priest must come forward to speak to the troops. He will say to them, ‘Listen to me, all you men of Israel! Do not be afraid as you go out to fight your enemies today! Do not lose heart or panic or tremble before them. For the Lord your God is going with you! He will fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you victory!’ Here God's name is Adonai Hoshia, He is the Lord of Victory. He is the faithful Lord of all "What If's." Through Him there will be everlasting victory.
Let Us Pray: Adonai Hoshia, Lord of Victory, Lord of all my "What If" moments. You grow and stretch our maturity through circumstances that don’t always reflect our choosing. It helps us to gain needed perspective and experience in situations not of our own choosing, but to our overall benefit. Help us to be patient as we search Your Scripture and seek to understand Your plan as it unfolds in our lives. Align our desires with Your own as we submit our will to Yours. May we not be overcome by the "What If's" but ask You, Father, to use then as a tool by which You carve Your image and character deep into our hearts. We may make our plans not on our "What If's" but on "Your Will Be Done's". Let us come to a time in our lives when we realize that, as Your children, You will have the final say. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Aaron Shust My Savior My God
Savior My God I am not skilled to understand What God has willed, what
God has planned I only know at his right hand Stands one who is my
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