Day 90: His Name Is Called Ruach He (EH) Chazown, The Spirit Of Revelation
Read: Luke 24:13 - 35, John 20:19 - 31
Please indulge me for a moment. I realize that I am kind of off the
Scriptural path for the Christmas season. However, my heart is telling
me that there are some skeptics out there who if they are to believe the
beginning of the true story of Christmas they first turn to the ending
to learn if everything that came or went before was worth the effort to
read. So, come with me this morning to an upper room in a small house in
the city of Jerusalem 2000 years ago. The sun is setting as the first
Easter day is coming to a close. Most of Jesus’ closest followers have
huddled together in this place trying to make sense of all that has been going on—afraid of what, or even worse, who just might be revealed.
They have securely locked the doors out of fear for what the Jewish
leaders may do. The news of the empty tomb has already reached the
temple priests. The response of those Jewish leaders was predictable.
They have hatched a lie that served their purposes and bribed the guards
to say that the disciples have just stolen Jesus’ body. It is a
fearful time. But it is also a time filled with unexpected, exciting
news. Mary Magdalene and other women have reported seeing Jesus alive.
Even Peter has seen him. Everyone has there opinion as to what it all
means. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Hearts are jumping into
throats! Who is it? Who is waiting to be revealed? Roman Soldiers? Who else?
is relieved as Cleopas and another disciple enter the room. They seem
excited and begin sharing what had just happened to them in Emmaus. As
they were walking to that village a stranger had joined them and began
to ask questions. They told him about the events surrounding Jesus’
death. They told him about strange reports coming from women who had
seen him alive. For the rest of the journey this stranger explained all
kinds of Scriptures concerning the suffering and glory that the Messiah
would experience. As they got to Emmaus a friendship had developed,they
invited the man to join them for supper. They broke bread, the resurrected Jesus
revealed Himself, then just as quick, left.
Ruach He Chazown, the Spirit of Revelation came down upon those two disciples and revealed to them the Resurrected Jesus. The Scriptures were read, God's Living Word was proclaimed, the bread was broken and those two doubting,
disbelieving hearts were set on fire, ignited with a truth so completely
overwhelming, they decided to run back to Jerusalem through the dangerously unpredictable, life threatening, wilderness at night to a locked upper room, share with extraordinarily fearful men this message: "The Lord has Risen, He has risen indeed, and He has appeared to
Simon." Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, From the very beginning, through God's servant Moses, God's Prophets, Ruach He
Chazown revealed Jesus' birth, death and His resurrection. What God truth are we ourselves revealing?
Let Us Pray: Emmanuel, let your
face shine upon us, that we might sense your living presence flowing
through the midst of us like an everlasting stream of Living Water.
Spirit of Revelation, reveal to us through the truth of Your sacred
Scriptures the Living Word of God, revealed by angels, born of the
Holy Spirit to a virgin named Mary in a little town called Bethlehem of
Ephrathah who are one of the little clans of Judah, for from you
shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is
from of old, from ancient days (Micah 5:2). Holy Spirit of Revelation
please fall upon us today.
Sixpence None The Richer - Angels We Have Heard On High [Official Music Video]
Distributed in the US by WMG "Angels We Have Heard On High" by Sixpence None The Richer, from
Read: Luke 24:13 - 35, John 20:19 - 31
Please indulge me for a moment. I realize that I am kind of off the Scriptural path for the Christmas season. However, my heart is telling me that there are some skeptics out there who if they are to believe the beginning of the true story of Christmas they first turn to the ending to learn if everything that came or went before was worth the effort to read. So, come with me this morning to an upper room in a small house in the city of Jerusalem 2000 years ago. The sun is setting as the first Easter day is coming to a close. Most of Jesus’ closest followers have huddled together in this place trying to make sense of all that has been going on—afraid of what, or even worse, who just might be revealed.
They have securely locked the doors out of fear for what the Jewish leaders may do. The news of the empty tomb has already reached the temple priests. The response of those Jewish leaders was predictable. They have hatched a lie that served their purposes and bribed the guards to say that the disciples have just stolen Jesus’ body. It is a fearful time. But it is also a time filled with unexpected, exciting news. Mary Magdalene and other women have reported seeing Jesus alive. Even Peter has seen him. Everyone has there opinion as to what it all means. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Hearts are jumping into throats! Who is it? Who is waiting to be revealed? Roman Soldiers? Who else?
Everyone is relieved as Cleopas and another disciple enter the room. They seem excited and begin sharing what had just happened to them in Emmaus. As they were walking to that village a stranger had joined them and began to ask questions. They told him about the events surrounding Jesus’ death. They told him about strange reports coming from women who had seen him alive. For the rest of the journey this stranger explained all kinds of Scriptures concerning the suffering and glory that the Messiah would experience. As they got to Emmaus a friendship had developed,they invited the man to join them for supper. They broke bread, the resurrected Jesus revealed Himself, then just as quick, left.
Ruach He Chazown, the Spirit of Revelation came down upon those two disciples and revealed to them the Resurrected Jesus. The Scriptures were read, God's Living Word was proclaimed, the bread was broken and those two doubting, disbelieving hearts were set on fire, ignited with a truth so completely overwhelming, they decided to run back to Jerusalem through the dangerously unpredictable, life threatening, wilderness at night to a locked upper room, share with extraordinarily fearful men this message: "The Lord has Risen, He has risen indeed, and He has appeared to Simon." Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, From the very beginning, through God's servant Moses, God's Prophets, Ruach He Chazown revealed Jesus' birth, death and His resurrection. What God truth are we ourselves revealing?
Let Us Pray: Emmanuel, let your face shine upon us, that we might sense your living presence flowing through the midst of us like an everlasting stream of Living Water. Spirit of Revelation, reveal to us through the truth of Your sacred Scriptures the Living Word of God, revealed by angels, born of the Holy Spirit to a virgin named Mary in a little town called Bethlehem of Ephrathah who are one of the little clans of Judah, for from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days (Micah 5:2). Holy Spirit of Revelation please fall upon us today.
Sixpence None The Richer - Angels We Have Heard On High [Official Music Video]
Distributed in the US by WMG "Angels We Have Heard On High" by Sixpence None The Richer, from
Sixpence None The Richer - Angels We Have Heard On High [Official Music Video]
Distributed in the US by WMG "Angels We Have Heard On High" by Sixpence None The Richer, from
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