Day 82: Divine Enthusiasm ... New Fire, New Power, New Life
Read: The Book of Genesis Chapter's One and Two
Enthusiasm. Webster’s Dictionary says the meaning of enthusiasm and/or
excitement is "to be stirred or thrilled." Some would say they have
enthusiasm for somethings at sometimes, it depends on what they are
doing ... what they are ‘into’ at the moment. Many get excited at
ball games or golf or other events. Some will be so thrilled at the
getting of a new dress or suit, or at the sight of a taco bar! Inside,
it feels great to be enthusiastic. It feels awesome to get 'pumped up'.
Inside, it feels so invigorating and empowering to get your blood
boiling over something that one feels great purpose about. I believe it
is time we got excited over the things that will last for all eternity.
There is something I am asking you to do. That is to take a careful
look at the word enthusiasm from an earthly perspective. As you are
standing on solid ground, do you notice anything in particular about
it's meaning and context? This is what I noticed: Ball games will
eventually end, new dresses and new suits get old and go out of style. In today's economic times the Taco Bar just may have to close down, laying of employees or raising prices so high you will find someplace else to go or worse
yet - catch fire. The point that I am trying to make is that life is
ever changing, our priorities change, our circumstances change. We grow up. We grow older. Prayerfully we grow more mature and far more wiser eternally.
Let us consider the eternal perspective. The source of the word
enthusiasm has its origin in the Greek “en theos” meaning God within us!
Enthusiasm comes from two Greek words meaning in…God. “Theos” is where
we get the word ‘theology’, the doctrine of God. So, are you into God?
Is He in you? Emmanuel, 'God with us'. Is God with you? If so, you'll
experience divine enthusiasm about it through God's Holy Spirit! Meditate on this stunningly divine revelation: Father, Son and Holy
Spirit within you .. Are you ready for it: Comes New Passion, New
Purpose, New Fire, New Power, New Blood, New Life. It is high time we become extraordinarily enthusiastic about these New eternally grounded things.
The one thing that makes feeling this enthusiastic just so much
better…, is to be in a group or crowd of people who are in need of an
infusion of enthusiasm. God created the heavens and the earth, from the
very first verses of the Book of Genesis He spoke into the void and empowered creation to come together as it had never done before. But He did not do it alone! He had plenty of help - Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. God created everything through Jesus, The Holy Spirit
hovered over the waters, brooding as an Eagle over it's eggs. God
created mankind in His own image. He breathed into us His divine
enthusiasm. Emmanuel, God within us: New Fire, New Power, New Life. Spend some meaningful time striving to become enthused about these.
Let Us Come Together In Prayer: In the beauty and variety of this
pleasant place, O God, we are reminded of Your infinite enthusiasm for
new creativity and generosity. You have lavished upon us outward
loveliness and inward peace. You have filled us with a spirit desiring
to enthusiastically experience far more than this world has to offer.
When the world seems more interested in draining our energies with only
the temporary things of this life, through Your Holy Spirit, our
priorities are being focused and redirected toward the eternal where we are constantly being filled and refilled with New Passion, New Purpose, New Fire, New Power, New Strength, New Blood, and New Life through a life striven to be enthusiastically lived in Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for Your divinely enthusiastic fire, love for us. watch?v=jo56nxe3MlE
Read: The Book of Genesis Chapter's One and Two
Enthusiasm. Webster’s Dictionary says the meaning of enthusiasm and/or excitement is "to be stirred or thrilled." Some would say they have enthusiasm for somethings at sometimes, it depends on what they are doing ... what they are ‘into’ at the moment. Many get excited at ball games or golf or other events. Some will be so thrilled at the getting of a new dress or suit, or at the sight of a taco bar! Inside, it feels great to be enthusiastic. It feels awesome to get 'pumped up'. Inside, it feels so invigorating and empowering to get your blood boiling over something that one feels great purpose about. I believe it is time we got excited over the things that will last for all eternity.
There is something I am asking you to do. That is to take a careful look at the word enthusiasm from an earthly perspective. As you are standing on solid ground, do you notice anything in particular about it's meaning and context? This is what I noticed: Ball games will eventually end, new dresses and new suits get old and go out of style. In today's economic times the Taco Bar just may have to close down, laying of employees or raising prices so high you will find someplace else to go or worse yet - catch fire. The point that I am trying to make is that life is ever changing, our priorities change, our circumstances change. We grow up. We grow older. Prayerfully we grow more mature and far more wiser eternally.
Let us consider the eternal perspective. The source of the word enthusiasm has its origin in the Greek “en theos” meaning God within us! Enthusiasm comes from two Greek words meaning in…God. “Theos” is where we get the word ‘theology’, the doctrine of God. So, are you into God? Is He in you? Emmanuel, 'God with us'. Is God with you? If so, you'll experience divine enthusiasm about it through God's Holy Spirit! Meditate on this stunningly divine revelation: Father, Son and Holy Spirit within you .. Are you ready for it: Comes New Passion, New Purpose, New Fire, New Power, New Blood, New Life. It is high time we become extraordinarily enthusiastic about these New eternally grounded things.
The one thing that makes feeling this enthusiastic just so much better…, is to be in a group or crowd of people who are in need of an infusion of enthusiasm. God created the heavens and the earth, from the very first verses of the Book of Genesis He spoke into the void and empowered creation to come together as it had never done before. But He did not do it alone! He had plenty of help - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created everything through Jesus, The Holy Spirit hovered over the waters, brooding as an Eagle over it's eggs. God created mankind in His own image. He breathed into us His divine enthusiasm. Emmanuel, God within us: New Fire, New Power, New Life. Spend some meaningful time striving to become enthused about these.
Let Us Come Together In Prayer: In the beauty and variety of this pleasant place, O God, we are reminded of Your infinite enthusiasm for new creativity and generosity. You have lavished upon us outward loveliness and inward peace. You have filled us with a spirit desiring to enthusiastically experience far more than this world has to offer. When the world seems more interested in draining our energies with only the temporary things of this life, through Your Holy Spirit, our priorities are being focused and redirected toward the eternal where we are constantly being filled and refilled with New Passion, New Purpose, New Fire, New Power, New Strength, New Blood, and New Life through a life striven to be enthusiastically lived in Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for Your divinely enthusiastic fire, love for us.
You Won't Relent - Jesus Culture - Worship Video w/lyrics
John 14:16-17 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you
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