Day 85: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of The Messenger?
Read: 1 John 1: 1 - 10
Today, I have an old riddle for you. What has four legs in the morning,
two legs in the afternoon and three legs at night? Tick Tock, Tick
Tock, Tick Tock. Give up? I'll give you a couple of clues: It is not
made of wood or metal and you do not sit on it. Still not sure what the
answer is? Let me take the clue to next level. Just how far can you
walk? one block, two? one mile, ten? We used to be a nation of people
who walked, but now are a nation dependent upon the automobile. We used
to be a church of people who wanted to walk with God, but now what are
we? But now who are we? Yes we are people. Yes we are people of all ages, from infancy through our old age, trying to crawl or walk somewhere.
In the first century, when Jesus and His followers walked everywhere to
spread the Good News, their feet were worn and filthy. It is little
wonder that the lowliest of the household slaves was stationed at the
front door with a barrel of water and what would pass for a wash cloth
waiting to wash a visitors feet. I mean, who would let someone who has
walked one mile or ten in the hot sun over manure filled streets into
their living room? Their feet couldn't have been attractive. Yet, we
read Isaiah 52:7 'How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the
messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation,
the news that the God of Israel reigns! Just how beautiful are our very own feet?
Can a Christian have a
private fellowship in their walk with God, to the exclusion of others?
Can we ignore other Christians and be real Christians? Notice there are
some things in today's text that will tell us about the walk of the Christian life. These are the conditions of fellowship with God and man. Even while in the dark, are
we walking in the light (verses 5 - 7)? This letter was written to
Christians in a world where there was a real fear of darkness. Evil was
associated with it. When I look at my own feet in the dark, I generally
cannot tell you what they look like. I have to know in my heart that
they are beautiful and I love them dearly. Tell me, in the darkness or in the light, how beautiful are
your feet?
As modern day Christians, we need to ask ourselves
the same questions John asked these early Christians. “You claim to be
sons of God, Light has enlightened you, do your actions show this?” Does
the beauty of your feet reflect the Light of Father, Son and Holy Spirit back upon the next person? What about the walk of the next person? John was writing to enlightened Christians. His use of the personal pronoun “we” here shows that he included himself in their fellowship. All Christians of all walks of life are to have fellowship with one another. It is inconceivable that
Christians could or would voluntarily live in isolation from one
another. Yes, take a long look. How really beautiful are our feet?
Let Us Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father, I am learning to understand what your Word is
saying to me. Yet so often I simply hear it or read it and think about
applying it, but, for one reason or another, I get no further. I find it
too easy to lose my desire. I want to do it and intend to do it Lord, but it is gone from my mind so easily. Please help me today to take one truth and apply it to my circumstances. Please, let
your Holy Spirit nudge me and remind me throughout my day. Please show
me what I need to focus on right where I walk today, Father. I beg you
to help me to be more intentional on practicing what you reveal to me. I
give you my will today to want to do what you show me. Whether in the
darkness or in the light, just a closer walk with thee O Lord.
Patsy Cline. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Lyrics. Sung by AaronStamp.
Such a beautiful song..don't you agree? And is most assuredly the joy that fills my heart....walking
Read: 1 John 1: 1 - 10
Today, I have an old riddle for you. What has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs at night? Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Give up? I'll give you a couple of clues: It is not made of wood or metal and you do not sit on it. Still not sure what the answer is? Let me take the clue to next level. Just how far can you walk? one block, two? one mile, ten? We used to be a nation of people who walked, but now are a nation dependent upon the automobile. We used to be a church of people who wanted to walk with God, but now what are we? But now who are we? Yes we are people. Yes we are people of all ages, from infancy through our old age, trying to crawl or walk somewhere.
In the first century, when Jesus and His followers walked everywhere to spread the Good News, their feet were worn and filthy. It is little wonder that the lowliest of the household slaves was stationed at the front door with a barrel of water and what would pass for a wash cloth waiting to wash a visitors feet. I mean, who would let someone who has walked one mile or ten in the hot sun over manure filled streets into their living room? Their feet couldn't have been attractive. Yet, we read Isaiah 52:7 'How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! Just how beautiful are our very own feet?
Can a Christian have a private fellowship in their walk with God, to the exclusion of others? Can we ignore other Christians and be real Christians? Notice there are some things in today's text that will tell us about the walk of the Christian life. These are the conditions of fellowship with God and man. Even while in the dark, are we walking in the light (verses 5 - 7)? This letter was written to Christians in a world where there was a real fear of darkness. Evil was associated with it. When I look at my own feet in the dark, I generally cannot tell you what they look like. I have to know in my heart that they are beautiful and I love them dearly. Tell me, in the darkness or in the light, how beautiful are your feet?
As modern day Christians, we need to ask ourselves the same questions John asked these early Christians. “You claim to be sons of God, Light has enlightened you, do your actions show this?” Does the beauty of your feet reflect the Light of Father, Son and Holy Spirit back upon the next person? What about the walk of the next person? John was writing to enlightened Christians. His use of the personal pronoun “we” here shows that he included himself in their fellowship. All Christians of all walks of life are to have fellowship with one another. It is inconceivable that Christians could or would voluntarily live in isolation from one another. Yes, take a long look. How really beautiful are our feet?
Let Us Pray: Dear Heavenly Father, I am learning to understand what your Word is saying to me. Yet so often I simply hear it or read it and think about applying it, but, for one reason or another, I get no further. I find it too easy to lose my desire. I want to do it and intend to do it Lord, but it is gone from my mind so easily. Please help me today to take one truth and apply it to my circumstances. Please, let your Holy Spirit nudge me and remind me throughout my day. Please show me what I need to focus on right where I walk today, Father. I beg you to help me to be more intentional on practicing what you reveal to me. I give you my will today to want to do what you show me. Whether in the darkness or in the light, just a closer walk with thee O Lord.
Patsy Cline. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Lyrics. Sung by AaronStamp.
Such a beautiful song..don't you agree? And is most assuredly the joy that fills my heart....walking
Patsy Cline. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Lyrics. Sung by AaronStamp.
a beautiful song..don't you agree? And is most assuredly the joy that
fills my heart....walking closely with my Lord!!! His Word Prayer and
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