Day 87: What Is In God's Name For You?
Read: Psalm 18
Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo? Romeo and Juliet. Probably the
most famous scene in that play by William Shakespeare is the balcony
scene. Juliet is bemoaning the fact that the man that she loves, Romeo,
has the wrong last name. He is a Capulet, and Juliet is a Montague.
That’s a real problem since the Capulets and Montague’s were the
bitterest enemies. Juliet’s father would have never allowed a
relationship between the two lovers. As she thinks about all this,
wishing that her beloved would have any last name but Capulet, Juliet
says these words: “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would
smell just as sweet.” Yes, what is in a name?
What's in a name? What is God's name? What is in God's name? These are very deep questions to ask on the first day of winter. But considering that we are here in spite of the Mayan calender, I guess we have considerable time to sit back and contemplate. When the Bible speaks of God, the name used holds more significance
than you ever knew. For example, the very first reference to God in
Genesis 1:1—the name Elohim—teaches and reveals the Triune nature of
God. We are commanded to honor the name of God. To do it adequately, we
must understand the inherent greatness of the names which God uses to
refer to himself. A daunting task as there are over 1000.
of God s names reveals a different aspect of His perfect nature. By
knowing and using His names, you will find that God can meet your
deepest needs, comfort you in times of tragedy, and carry you to new
heights of praise. God uses various names to reveal Himself to His
people. When the Israelites were fearful, God revealed Himself as
Jehovah Shalom, meaning the Lord my Peace. When they were uncertain
about His will, He revealed Himself as Jehovah Rohi, meaning the Lord my
Shepherd. Psalm 18:2 alone reveals in succession that for David, God
was his: rock, fortress, deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, my horn of salvation, my stronghold.
Writers have called Psalm 18 "a magnificent hymn". As I read this song my heart gets all worked up, my spirit feels like it has just been raised to the
mountain tops. David, sketches for his readers a few grand outlines in
the Psalm...reflections of his life and records for countless
generations the grand, marvelous deliverance's and victories which the Lord
had given him. In our lives, too much of our confusion and pain results
because we simply do not take the time to know God - who He really is,
how He is so completely capable of working in our lives. When you strive to
know God more fully by studying His names - Creator, Healer, Protector,
Provider, others, what is in God's name for you will be revealed.
Let Us Pray: Read and Pray through the great Doxology of Romans 16:25 - 27.
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics & Subtitles)
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics) More Hillsong HD Videos:
Read: Psalm 18
Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo? Romeo and Juliet. Probably the most famous scene in that play by William Shakespeare is the balcony scene. Juliet is bemoaning the fact that the man that she loves, Romeo, has the wrong last name. He is a Capulet, and Juliet is a Montague. That’s a real problem since the Capulets and Montague’s were the bitterest enemies. Juliet’s father would have never allowed a relationship between the two lovers. As she thinks about all this, wishing that her beloved would have any last name but Capulet, Juliet says these words: “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” Yes, what is in a name?
What's in a name? What is God's name? What is in God's name? These are very deep questions to ask on the first day of winter. But considering that we are here in spite of the Mayan calender, I guess we have considerable time to sit back and contemplate. When the Bible speaks of God, the name used holds more significance than you ever knew. For example, the very first reference to God in Genesis 1:1—the name Elohim—teaches and reveals the Triune nature of God. We are commanded to honor the name of God. To do it adequately, we must understand the inherent greatness of the names which God uses to refer to himself. A daunting task as there are over 1000.
Each of God s names reveals a different aspect of His perfect nature. By knowing and using His names, you will find that God can meet your deepest needs, comfort you in times of tragedy, and carry you to new heights of praise. God uses various names to reveal Himself to His people. When the Israelites were fearful, God revealed Himself as Jehovah Shalom, meaning the Lord my Peace. When they were uncertain about His will, He revealed Himself as Jehovah Rohi, meaning the Lord my Shepherd. Psalm 18:2 alone reveals in succession that for David, God was his: rock, fortress, deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, my horn of salvation, my stronghold.
Writers have called Psalm 18 "a magnificent hymn". As I read this song my heart gets all worked up, my spirit feels like it has just been raised to the mountain tops. David, sketches for his readers a few grand outlines in the Psalm...reflections of his life and records for countless generations the grand, marvelous deliverance's and victories which the Lord had given him. In our lives, too much of our confusion and pain results because we simply do not take the time to know God - who He really is, how He is so completely capable of working in our lives. When you strive to know God more fully by studying His names - Creator, Healer, Protector, Provider, others, what is in God's name for you will be revealed.
Let Us Pray: Read and Pray through the great Doxology of Romans 16:25 - 27.
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics & Subtitles)
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics) More Hillsong HD Videos:
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics & Subtitles)
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics) More Hillsong HD Videos:
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