Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 36: The 'I Know I Can Always Rely On It' Stuff in Life.

Day 36: The 'I Know I Can Always Rely On It' Stuff in Life.

Read: Psalm 37:23 - 40; Joshua 1:1 - 9; John 14:1 - 7

I really appreciate the things in life that I know I can always rely on. The passage of time and the rising and setting of the Sun each day. I can always rely on the fact that even though I may not be able to see them there will always be stars in the sky. I know that I will be able to look in some direction at the night sky and see a gorgeous moon in its phase. More closer to home, I know that I can always rely on my wife to be my absolute very best of friends. I can always be comforted that God gave her to me, that God had a sure plan 28 years in the making that we should be married.

However, in life, we are not always so sure what we can rely on. Too often it is a time of trial and error, success and failure, fight or flight, take a chance, roll the dice in the kind a sorta hope that things will turn out to be okay -- at least for the moment. I can always rely on the fact that in life there are boom or bust moments along the way that are going to serve to shape my outlook, my perception of those things that can be trusted and I can put my faith in. I need to know through experience those places in life where I am being called live courageously and to boldly move forward.

The Psalmist, David, declared his solid trust in God because he'd never seen God forsake those who trusted Him. However desperate the situation may appear at the moment, David relied on the assurance that God was always there in the midst of it and will always let you experience that He will always remain with you to the end. Joshua was commanded three times to be strong and courageous and always rely on the Lord to be right there at his side as He led his people across the Jordan River.

And Jesus said, ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling-places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.' My friends and fellow readers: Believe on God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Strive to place more of your trust and more of your reliance on their shoulders each day. As the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West set your reliance upon the Lord. As you pray today, as you bring your requests before God, ask Him to reveal for you a vision of His steadfast and sure faithfulness. Ask Him to reveal one more way you can place more and more reliance on His promises and less reliance on your stuff.

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