Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 33: Amazing Grace: Shattering Comdemnation's Chain

Day 33: Amazing Grace; Shattering Condemnation's Chain

Read: John 3:16 - 17; Romans 8:1 - 11

For the past couple of days there has been a word floating through my spirit. It is a very harsh sounding word. I have tried to set it aside but yet it keeps returning. So I guess I will devote this mornings effort to it. As I said, it is a very difficult word and I guess it is not one that is ever intentionally used in regular conversation during your day. There is no place for doubt in my heart that this should not ever be the case.

Okay, I have tried to delay for long enough. The word I am struggling very hard not to use in your presence or within this blog is this one: Condemnation. I don't usually get around to hating many things - but I draw the line in the sand at this word.

Condemn: : to declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil usually after weighing evidence and without reservation; to pronounce guilty as in a court of law or in the court of public opinion; to adjudge as completely unfit for current or future use or service; to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate in the strongest possible terms complete disapproval of; censure; belittle; turn thumbs down on; find fault with; point your finger at; and so on. I am pretty sure you get the idea by now.

Yesterday, it was the woman with the twelve year issue of bleeding who had gone from one doctor to another and found no relief. The laws of that time condemned her to live on the outside of society and that nobody could touch her. An outcast who was bound by chains not of her own forging to suffer through no human touch, to unrelenting mockery and the glaring eyes of 'get away from me' from those who might well have once been her close friends and loving neighbors. No physician could help her but her faith in the healing power of Jesus Christ, touching his cloak, saved her. Touching his cloak, being acknowledged by Jesus, pronounced alive and well through her faith; shattered the links of condemnation's chain and God's grace set her free.

Along the course of my lifetime, having intimate knowledge being condemned by people I never knew (bullied) for well over 35 years, condemned by my own earthly father on his death bed (turned thumbs down to) I felt hopelessly bound by chains of condemnation to a past that for the most part was not of my own making. Trapped and bound securely by the opinions of so many crowds of others who had not my best interest in their hearts. I lived as an outcast - all alone. I preferred alone over living in a place that I was sure hated me as much as I (if not more) than I hated it. Condemned to live in the present bound hopelessly to my miserable past and absolutely zero hope.

That is until God found me, my broken hip and my condemned life on a patch of black ice where I had fallen. I surrendered to my condemnation, just a few short hours from a cold and lonely death. Only but by the grace and redeeming power of God was I raised up and set free. In that moment, God rushed to my side and straight into my now unfettered life. He raised me off that cold dark ice and up to my feet. Alive and well in Jesus Christ.

I do not know what along your journey through life may be keeping you bound, why you are feeling so separated by the crowds from the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I do know this, you can fight through this crowd and your faith will truly heal you. You can choose to surrender your links of chain to the grace of God and know freedom. Please, Please, Please do so, for condemnation is only a temporary state of mind waiting to be set free from itself to live again.

I pray for the appointed time when anyone reading this can finally bring themselves to the feet of Jesus Christ to surrender their condemnation unto God's eternal glory.
Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone w/ Lyrics
Video © User ID bobf72450. Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone sung by Shout Praises Kids from
Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone w/ Lyrics
Video © User ID bobf72450. Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone sung by Shout Praises Kids from

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