Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 24: God will always have your back!

Day 24: God will always have your back!

Read: Job 1:1 - 2:10; Psalm 31; Lamentations 3:31-33; Matthew 4:1 - 11

This morning, I pray you will join me in a place few of us ever get to see. That place is behind the scenes, what goes on in the places we are seldom aware of and seldom get to go to. If you have been fortunate enough to know that somebody who knows somebody else, you have gotten a backstage pass to the show about to play out. You see the players rehearsing their parts, tuning their instruments, talking with the ones who set up the stage for the performance that is about to take place. An even larger WOW factor would be if you had the opportunity to talk with the performers who are participating in the event. Even bigger than that is to meet the very star of the show.

For myself, I am content to wait in my seat for the show to begin or more likely, just stay home and wait for the show to appear on DVD or the highlights to be posted on You Tube or broadcast on some television show I might ask, seek and maybe find later only by accident.

This is where we find Job. Doing what he does each and every day. He is seen being a loving father to his many children, a dutiful husband to his wife and paying careful attention to overseeing the day to day matters of his incredibly large estate. Life is good in the House of Job - materially and spiritually. Job is living large alongside God. But what Job does not know, is that behind the scenes there is a plot to bring him down. Satan has appeared with other heavenly beings into the presence of the Lord. God declares before all the righteousness of Job. However, Satan desires to bargain with God that given the right opportunity, Job would completely dump his faith in God.

God gives Satan permission to test Job the only condition is that Satan cannot kill him.
Suddenly Job first loses all his children and much of his property. Seemingly with out warning, everything that Job valued is violently stripped from him. In the face of such horrific and catastrophic news this is how Job responded: (Job 1:20 - 22)

20 'Then Job arose, tore his robe, shaved his head, and fell on the ground and worshiped. 21 He said, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.’ 22 In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrongdoing.'

When afflicted the second time with 'loathsome sores from head to toe' the question came up: "Why do you persist in your integrity", "Curse God and die". But Job sternly responded: 'Shall we receive the good at the hand of God, and not receive the bad?’ In all this Job did not sin with his lips. In and through all this catastrophe trying to take control of his life, Job was unshakable in his belief that God is, was, always shall be in ultimate control of his life. What an awesome port in the very worst of life's storms.

In the best of times in the most catastrophic of times and all points in between, we could feel greatly blessed or we could suffer immeasurably. In all these times there is one inescapable truth: God will always and forever be in total control. Over the course of our lives, faith will be severely tested, faith may falter and for a time even seem to fade away to nothing. God may be relegated to the background of our minds but it can never change the absolute fact that God will always remain alongside of you.

Asking yourself the questions: "Why should I persist in my integrity?" "Why should I persist in my faith?" "Why shouldn't I just curse God and move on?" is a normal and to be expected part of growing and maturing in your faith. Take your time, ask all of your questions, seek the answers that will quiet your heart and bring comfort to your spirit. Take the time you need and remember that God will always be there waiting for you. God will never ever give up on you!

Pray: Wherever you may find yourself at this moment, in the very best of times in the most catastrophic of times or somewhere in between, pray that God will enlighten your mind and spirit with the truth that, since He chose you for His very own, that whatever blessing or perfect storm comes your way, He is there is the midst of them.

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