Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 22: The Road Less Traveled: Your mind to God's Heart.

Day 22: The Road Less Traveled: Your Mind to God's Heart

Read: Mark 12:28 - 34, Psalm 22:1 - 5, Proverbs 3:1 - 6

Over the course of our lifetimes we strive to achieve certain milestones in our lives. We struggle to place check marks in certain boxes along certain paths of our life. We think about the most important things we need to accomplish. We cannot wait until we get to the age of 16 when we think we have finally arrived -- when Mom or Dad let's us get behind the wheel of the family vehicle and we start learning how to drive.

In our minds, we cannot wait to travel the short distance between the inside of our homes to the door leading to the garage and the drivers side of the family car parked inside or or to any other door leading out to the driveway where Mamma parked the car when she came home from work Last night. In our hearts, we fall in love with the idea that we will soon arrive at a most significant checkpoint in our lives. First a learners permit then with success, a drivers license then the freedom of the open road - to the Malls, Friend's House's and also to school and many points in between.

Connect the dots along the pathway of your life, check off the boxes of where you think you should be to convince yourself that your life is successful, at least in this moment and at this exact time. Open a new door to new experience, go through it and just think that your right moment has arrived. But how does it feel in your heart? Is it really the right time for that moment in your life? What are you pushing behind you to be here in this moment. Perhaps it is your heart that is being pushed aside. What do you think about that? How do feel about that?

It is only a distance of about 18 inches. It is the distance between your mind and your heart. Yet it is the one distance we have the most challenging time in life trying to navigate. Perhaps it is the anguished song of the Psalmist in Psalm 22 trying to put as much distance as he can between what his mind is telling him (verses 1-2) to the the single point where his heart firmly believes it can sing it's ultimate song of trust for redemption and sure salvation (verses 3 - 5) from the anguished life. It only took one single verse (2 - 3) for the Psalmist to connect the dots between the anguish that reigned in his mind to the purest form of trust, the surest illustration of true love only to be found by walking through the door of our thoughts into God's own heart.

Jesus said that the 18 inches between our anguished thoughts and redemption of our hearts is simply this; Let your very first thought be of God and His sovereignty over your life. Then trust the heart of God and allow your hearts' to beat as one. Let trust in God take over from there and love God with everything, every thought you'll have. Walk the 18 inches to the doorway of your thoughts and step through it with great confidence and greater trust that the end of this pathway leads to the heart of God.

Shout into the jumble of your thoughts that today is going to be a new day. Pray to God to reveal to you His heart. Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to come in to your own. Pray to the Holy Spirit to unite your heart beat with God's that they may beat as one. Pray to the Trinity to reveal to your thoughts and to your heart one more pathway leading to the doorway of God's kingdom that you may boldly step through as one, willingly allowing your lives to be become transformed into a more visible likeness of Christ.
Trust His Heart.wmv
All things work for our good Though sometimes we don't see how they could Struggles that break our hearts in two Sometimes blind us to the truth Our

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