Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 29: From the crash of thunder to gilded morning skies.

Day 29: From the crash of thunder to gilded morning skies.

Read: Psalm 30, Mark 4:35 - 41

Did you ever wonder as a kid just what caused thunder? I remember my Mom telling me that God was at a heavenly bowling alley and the sound came from the bowling ball striking the pins. I asked then about the lightening and she told me that's when God got mad because he did not get a strike. So I prayed for God to bowl all strikes so the lightening would go away and stop scaring me so much. It is amazing to me what parents will tell their children to get them to go back to their own beds so the parents could get back to the business of a good nights sleep.

Have you ever wondered what causes thunder? Most people do at some point or another. The sound of thunder is caused by the bolt of electricity produced in a lightning strike (hence the thunder always follows lightening). Its deep rumbling and sharp cracks are produced as the air around a lightning bolt is super heated
(up to 33,315°C or 59,639 degrees Fahrenheit)
and then rapidly expands as a result. The process of this rapid heating and expansion causes a shock wave that we all hear as thunder. The closer the lightning is, the louder the thunder clap.

That is what causes it outside the home. However, this morning my question to you is what causes the sound of thunder inside the home? I can imagine a few answers might sound like arguments, weeping and crying. Something in our lives has created a disturbance, a disruption in the 'normal' routine of the home. Where the joy of the sunshine was usually found there comes now the loud booming crash of thunder. Now the skies overhead are growing darker.

It is possible that a loved one has been diagnosed with a serious illness that requires other members of the family to suddenly and drastically change their own lifestyles around to accommodate the new needs. I can hear somebody say it is from tension building up from work or from school. It is the sound of a relationship being ended through betrayal, separation, divorce or even death. I know lately, it could be from too much heat outside "it's just too hot outside, so I am stuck inside" From the recent storm it could be from having no power in the home for an extended period of time. It can be any given life circumstance that threatens to cause division and separation from our internal and external senses of balance that combines to keep us steady.

From reading and meditating through the Psalm, we can feel right at home with the words David spoke so long ago. David is not just relating to us about his feelings and what happened to him that prompted the writing of this Psalm. David is also sharing with us what we can expect from God as well. We will all experience the crash of the thunder in what for us becomes the evening but God will always bring a new morning for us to experience life anew. We will see the morning sunrise of a brand new day. That while the thunder may remain for a night, rejoicing will come in the morning, a vision of gilded skies in the morning will bring a new day of God's promises and new eternal hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Place before God your thunder. Place yourself in the quiet place and listen to the still small voice of the Lord say "Peace be still." For it is Jesus Christ who commands the storms of life. It is the Resurrected Lord Jesus who shows you the gilded skies and brings you to the quiet place.
It is Father, Son and Holy Spirit that sets before us the eternal promise of sunshine and life.

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