Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 97: His Name Is Called Galeh Razin, The Revealer Of Secrets

Day 97: His Name Is Called Galeh Razin, The Revealer Of Secrets

Read: Deuteronomy 29:29, Psalm 91

There is something about hearing the word "secret" that perks up the ears of the most casual listener, and make him or her more desirous of listening than they were before. There is something intriguing about being the only other person in the whole wide world to know the details about a certain person or situation that is hard for most of us to resist. Benjamin Franklin once said these words: "Three may keep a secret only if two of them are dead." Are you good with secrets? About to bust? Find joy in it? “I know something you don’t know!” [wanna spill the beans?] Secrecy makes Christmas more fun. Could, would or should marriages fail when secrets are kept from one another?

'He reveals deeply hidden things. He knows what is in the dark, and light lives with him. There are some things that are deep and others are on the surface. When you want to get something that is deep, you have to dig deep to find out. Chances are that anyone of us reading this devotional has a deeply hidden secret. There are some deep secrets about life and the Bible tells us that it is God that knows the things that are in secret He can also reveal them. Ecclesiastes 12:14 'God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad. His name is called Galeh Razin, The Revealer of Secrets. The Revealer of our secrets.

Would you like to know the deepest secret to success? Are you not just the least bit curious about the very deepest of all secrets to succeeding in life irregardless of the greatest good, the baddest bad, or the most indifferent of all human conditions? It is the never meant to be kept secret Presence of Galeh Razin's not so secret love within all of us. The deepest secret of all life's successes, victories and unusual exploits that anointed servants of God’s achievement lies in the fact that God’s revealing presence is always with them. Do you want to overcome great problems? Do you want to fulfill your divine destiny? You will need the matchless, all revealing, power of His presence.

Many Christians are completely ignorant of the presence of God. Having the presence of God within us is worth more than riches or fame or power. We can go anywhere when the presence of God is within us. Let me reveal to you one of my most deeply held secrets: I can go to so many places because His presence is both with me and within me. I don’t care what direction it is, if the presence of God is there. A sleep is dangerous when the presence of God is absent. In the presence of God, there is no secret to fullness of joy but out of His presence, there are other secrets: frustration, discouragement, sorrow, fear. Do we have the all revealing presence of God with us?

Let Us Pray: Psalm 91

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 96: His Name Is Elohey Kol HaNechamah, God Of All Encouragement

Day 96: His Name Is Elohey Kol HaNechamah, God Of All Encouragement

Read: Genesis 32:22 - 32, Romans 15:30 - 33

I am often reminded by my family and some much valued friends of a profound truth we have all probably learned from living: you cannot make people do what you want. Even if it is in their best interest, even if they should do it, matters little. You cannot make people do what you want. In other words, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. It is not that you have not tried. You have tried. You have shown your friends clearly the truth that should change their minds. You know you are right, and you suspect they know it also—but they refuse to be encouraged. We will try to control by manipulation. And it may appear to “work,” their desires win out.

Is this not one great difficulty in our efforts to be a faithful parent? A faithful husband? A faithful friend? A faithful co-worker? A faithful encourager of anyone we encounter who finds themselves in a difficult or challenging season of their life? Across any and  all generational boundaries for example when children are young and they do not feel their own desires, we often mistake enforced behavior for heartfelt obedience. But later years reveal the error, when the desires of this young adult conflict with those of a dismayed parent. What goes around will always come back around, like in any circle only no one can ever predict or prophesy how all of this will ever manifest itself or continually encourage.

Paul writes: '30 Brothers and sisters, I encourage you through our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love that the Spirit creates, to join me in my struggle. Pray to God for me 31 that I will be rescued from those people in Judea who refuse to believe. Pray that God’s people in Jerusalem will accept the help I bring.' Consider very carefully this phrase 'join me in my struggle'. Other ways to interpret this are 'fight alongside with', or “strive together with with me in your prayers.” Remember the story from Genesis chapter 32 when Jacob is wrestling with God throughout the night? Jacob strives with
all his might to overcome a foe who is clearly unbeatable. Jacob wants his blessing.

Some of you struggle to keep believing, to endure through the twin temptations of satisfaction and suffering that we wrestle against every day.. For myself, the most encouraging part of the story about wrestling, striving with God is that while Jacob refused to let go until he was blessed, God refused to let go too. He refused to let Jacob give up on the struggle for his blessing. God obviously could have beaten Jacob or given up and left at any time He chose. The result for Jacob might have been only a vague memory of a wild dream, no lesson learned, no blessing bestowed. His name is called Elohey Kol HaNechamah
, The God of All Encouragement chose to remain so that Jacob might be forever blessed, transformed and encouraged to 'never give up':

(28) The man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob but Israel [He Struggles With God], because you have struggled with God and with men—and you have won.”

Let Us Pray: Personalize Psalm 121
You never let go - Matt Redman
Thank you Lord - for never letting go of me. I am empty. I long for You as I long for water in a desert. Personal Note: Thank you all for watching

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 95: His Name Is Called Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I Am That I Am

Day 95: His Name Is Called Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I Am That I Am

Read: Exodus 3:1 - 15

Ever seen something that you could not quite figure out? I am not speaking of what would otherwise consider to be a passing curiosity "I wonder what that is? Look at it for a short period, shrug your shoulders and move on without any second thoughts" passing curiosity that ends up relegated to the back of your mind and forgotten? You see something off in the distance that arouses a brief moment of curiosity and all you know is that you feel compelled to go on some short or extended journey of discovery to satisfy some irresistible "I don't know why I went, I just knew I had to get there!" impulse? Something or maybe Someone is calling out to you "Let's have a little chat."

So, the journey of Moses begins as I am reasonably sure it had begun for each of us at one time or another in our lives. High school students who start to look at Colleges, graduates who start to look at serious career opportunities away from home, intrepid individuals who look to the Armed Forces for what they consider the honor and one of a kind opportunity to serve their country in a way they feel will almost surely make a difference in someones life. Perhaps the person gets excited, begins looking forward to beginning a second career after a long and fruitful first. Perhaps they are finding themselves close to retirement and feel sure that there is so much more they can do.

'Moses was taking care of the sheep of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian. As he led the sheep to the far side of the desert, he came to Horeb, the mountain of God. The Messenger of the Lord appeared to him there as flames of fire coming out of a bush. Moses looked, and although the bush was on fire, it was not burning up. So he thought, “Why isn’t this bush burning up? I must go over there and see this strange sight.” When the Lord saw that Moses had come over to see it, God called to him from the bush, “Moses, Moses!” Moses answered, “Here I am!” (verses 1 - 4)'

When Moses conversed with God by the burning bush he asked the Lord a question: “Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I AM that I AM has come forth from the depths of eternity and placed Himself, in no uncertain terms, into relationship, square into the lives of all mankind. A burning bush that does not turn to ashes, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, getting curious yet?

To the Hebrew people the statement “I AM” became a very holy phrase. They would refuse to say this word as they believed the Name of God was too holy to repeat. So, what does it mean? It is the expression of what God is, the sum of His being and the greatest of all His names. This name encompasses all of God's other names as He emphatically declares Himself to be more than we could ever begin to comprehend. "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I AM that I AM, I AM God who was, who is, and who will always be and you O man are not and can never be!" So, just what is it that we should be so
curiously drawn? The miracle of finding your burning bush, finding your greater I AM waiting for you.

Let Us Pray: Dear God, I don’t know much about You, who You truly were, are, or always will be. But then again I don’t know much about who I am either. Like Moses, I am willing to a bit more curious today to give as much of myself as I can allowing myself to surrender more of who 'I am' to Your 'I AM' that I may be more complete. To as much of the greater I AM as I understand. Thank You ever so much for accepting me as I am.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 94: His Name Is Called El Ahavah, The God Of Love

Day 94: His Name Is Called El Ahavah, The God Of Love

Read: 1John 4:7 - 21, 1Corinthians 13

The Beatles sang, “All you need is love, love, love is all you need.” Back in August 1967, that was the number one hit song in the USA. In a search of, it currently lists 368,049 results for books with the word 'love' somewhere in the title. Doing a Google search for the word 'love' yielded about 6,490,000,000 results in 0.40 seconds. Obviously, 'love' is very important to our world culture, but equally obviously it seems that with such a magnitude of available information our culture has a poor understanding of love as well. Watch television, check the internet, scan through your magazines, and you realize that by and large most people do not know what love is.

Love is about relationships, and to really understand love, we need to think about the greatest possible relationship for a human being, a relationship with God, El Ahavah, The God who is Love (1John 4:8 - 'The person who doesn’t love does not know God, because God is love.') For me, it is a sad and most regrettable testimony of our time that we are a society entirely too dependent on 'contracts and  conditions'. The contracts basically say, “I will do this, if you do that.” They are riddled with conditional commitments. If any of the conditions are not fully met, the commitment is off. That is the way most people, not all, think about relationships. Sadly, 'contracts and conditions' are all time limited as well.

But that is not the kind of relationship God has with us. God’s relationship with us is unconditional and everlasting, meaning eternal, gonna last forever, non contractual, love. God sets no limits on his love; God does not love by rule or statue; God does not love piecemeal or conditionally; God loves totally and completely, and that total love opens God up to be hurt or rejected (John 11:35). If there is one quality that best defines the One called El Ahavah, The God of Love, if we took the time to seriously study and grasp His many attributes and make them our own - it would remain love. In failure three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the best one of these is love (1Corinthians 13:13.)

But God loves each of us with an infinite and perfect love. Can you imagine then how it breaks his heart when we refuse him or fail to walk his way. Please consider this very carefully, to strive to love someone or something means that we believe we are prepared to take major league risks that can result in either major league blessings or major league hurts. El Ahavah, The God Of Love, who is Love, who should be our very first and very best love, took an incredible risk in creating us with the freedom to accept or reject his offer of relationship. God's so madly in love with us that he was willing to risk rejection over trying to coerce us into loving Him as He first loved us.

Let Us Pray: Father God, I come into your presence so aware of my human frailty and yet overwhelmed by your love for me. I thank you that there is no human experience that I might walk through where your love cannot reach me. If I climb the highest mountain you are there and yet if I find myself in the darkest valley of my life, you are there. Teach me today to love you more. Help me to rest in that love that asks nothing more than the simple trusting heart of a child. In Jesus lovely name, Amen 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 93: His Name Is Called Adonai Hi(e)zki(e), The Lord Is My Strength

Day 93: His Name Is Called Adonai Hi(e)zki(e), The Lord Is My Strength

Read: Psalm 59:10 - 17, 2 Samuel 22:31 - 37, 2 Corinthians 12:1 - 10

I love superheroes. My mom once told of the times I would go out into the yard with a either a bath towel tied around my neck or anything that would pass for a cape and would “fly” all around the yard. From the time I was a kid until my mid twenties I would collect and read a whole host of comic books about superheroes, watched TV shows and cartoons and went to the movies to watch them battle for truth, justice and the American way. In fact, I still do, albeit allot quieter than I did long ago. If I had to assign any particular reason for such a long standing fascination, aside from just being a boyish thing, I believe I would attribute it to a strong inner desire and love for a sense of invulnerability and strength.

We continually seek out ways to increase our strength. Weaknesses are to be hidden and ashamed of. We live in a world where only the strong survive. But the Bible tells us that God works through our weaknesses. 'Who is God but the Lord? Who is a rock other than our God? God arms me with strength. His perfect way sets me free.' 'O my strength, I will make music to praise you! God is my stronghold, my merciful God!' His name is called Adonai Hizki, The Lord Is My Strength whom the Psalmist sings about in Psalm 59:16 'I will sing about your strength. In the morning I will joyfully sing about your
 mercy. You have been my stronghold and a place of safety in times of trouble.'

Paul’s letters to Timothy offers some specific instructions as well as some final pieces of advice that Paul is passing on to Timothy. Paul’s main objective was for Timothy to learn that he must allow God to be his strength. We must allow God to strengthen us if we are to effective in His service. Why? Because, in life, there are many different occasions when we will have a need for strength, whether it be physical, mental or emotional. We need strength to accomplish a specific task. We will need the strength of Adonai Hizki to overcome the host of "What If'" moments in our life that threaten to keep our eyes forever peeled to the ground instead of up where we can look for God.

Often the world considers weakness to be a terrible intruder into life. For too many people the problems of life are viewed as nothing more than minus factors. But the Christian perspective of weakness is not pessimistic. Paul experienced a thorn in the flesh, and this weakness made him strong. He learned how to be strong in the midst of his broken places. His weaknesses did not destroy him. With God’s help he gained strength out of his weaknesses. Thus, there seems to be two alternatives: weakness can either keep us down or make us strong. Let us learn from one who was broken and made strong how we may benefit from the weaknesses of life, our Adonai Hizki!

Let Us Pray for the strength of The Adonai Hizki. Let our hearts and voices rise up to sing alongside the heart of the Psalmist to Adonai Hizki the God who is our strength:

Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. For either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you His unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then. Put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually: "The Lord is my strength and my shield and my song. My heart has trusted in Him, I am helped. Adonai Hizki is not only with me in weakness but in me giving me strength
and I in Him." For I can do all things through The Adonai Hizki who gives me strength.
When I am Weak then I am Strong
Inspired by Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 12. Original song and video copyright 2009, Sandy Alexander.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 92: His Name Is Called Adonai Hoshi(ee)a, The Lord Of Victory

Day 92: His Name Is Called Adonai Hoshi(ee)a, The Lord Of Victory

Read: Deuteronomy 20:1 - 4, Numbers 14:39 - 45

One character that I really identify with in comics is Charlie Brown. One of the things I remember about him most is his relationship with Lucy. She offers to hold the ball for him every year, so that he can kick it. Then what happens each and every time? Right, she pulls it away at the last second. He goes flying in the air and lands on his back with a thump and a loud 'arrrgh'. I guess I admire it because year after year, he keeps trying. He must know in his heart that she is going to do the same thing. But, he will keep trying anyway. Is this comic relief? Theodore Roosevelt once said that “The only man who will never make a mistake is the man who never does anything.”

So, is all failure bad? More specifically, what is your definition of success and failure? What do you believe is God’s name for victory? Is there anything good that can come out of the failures that we experience? If we keep our eyes and our hearts firmly on the ground where the perceived magnitude of our defeats and failures try to keep us, then the magnitudes of our potential victories will blow right by us without hardly an upward glance. The " What If's of Life." These are all the kinds of things which drive us crazy and take the perfection out of our perfect world. But these can seem rather simple compared to other concerns: I mean what if Lucy, let Charlie Brown win once?

If only they could operate and get rid of this cancer. If only this terrible illness would go away. If only I could regain the use of my legs. If only I could just fix my child’s problems at school. If only my teenager would stop using drugs and just once stay out of trouble. If only my spouse and I could go back to the way things were when we first fell in love. If only there was a way out of my financial crisis. If only I hadn’t been laid off. If only I could find a job. Yes, and from our Scripture text, If only... the people had listened to Moses and not gone into battle. If Moses had listened to God at The Rock of Miribah, entered the promised land, then does Joshua defeat Jericho?

“When you go out to fight your enemies and you face horses and chariots and an army greater than your own, do not be afraid. The Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, is with you! When you prepare for battle, the priest must come forward to speak to the troops. He will say to them, ‘Listen to me, all you men of Israel! Do not be afraid as you go out to fight your enemies today! Do not lose heart or panic or tremble before them. For the Lord your God is going with you! He will fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you victory!’ Here God's name is Adonai Hoshia, He is the Lord of Victory. He is the faithful Lord of all "What If's." Through Him there will be everlasting victory.

Let Us Pray: Adonai Hoshia, Lord of Victory, Lord of all my "What If" moments. You grow and stretch our maturity through circumstances that don’t always reflect our choosing. It helps us to gain needed perspective and experience in situations not of our own choosing, but to our overall benefit. Help us to be patient as we search Your Scripture and seek to understand Your plan as it unfolds in our lives. Align our desires with Your own as we submit our will to Yours. May we not be overcome by the "What If's" but ask You, Father, to use then as a tool by which You carve Your image and character deep into our hearts. We may make our plans not on our "What If's" but on "Your Will Be Done's". Let us come to a time in our lives when we realize that, as Your children, You will have the final say. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Aaron Shust My Savior My God
My Savior My God I am not skilled to understand What God has willed, what God has planned I only know at his right hand Stands one who is my savior

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 91: His Name Is Called Elohe(a)y T'hilati, The God Of My Praise

Day 91: His Name Is Called Elohe(a)y T'hilati, The God Of My Praise

Read: Psalm 150

In my heart of hearts, I wholeheartedly believe that mankind was created to do only a few great things in life. I believe that we were created to sing praise and glorify the fullness of the Living Triune God. In this season of Christmas celebration and giving of I am reminded that the greatest gift of all began with a child called Emmanuel, God is with us, Yeshua Ha Mashiach Jesus The Messiah, The Anointed One of God sent to us in the greatest gift of love, to free us from the darkness of sin. God promised: 'Then I will raise up a faithful priest who will serve me and do what I desire. I will establish his family, and they will be priests to my anointed kings forever.' (1 Samuel 2:35)

I believe according to the Bible, man was created to sing praise and glorify the Lord! For all of us, the meaning of praise is: to bestow approval upon, to honor, worship, to glorify Avi'ad, The Father of Eternity (Isaiah 9:5). The Hebrew word for 'praise' is "Yadah" which means "to stretch out the hands, to worship with extended hands." It is translated here in our Scripture passage as the word "praise." The word "praise" means: to address in a loud tone, to glory and triumph in God! That is to hold up the hands in reverence, to open the hands and let go of everything, just stand on your tiptoes and praise God highhandedly! It means you are definitely not holding on to nothing or holding anything back.

The great hymnbook of the Bible is the Book Of Psalms. Psalm 150 is the last Psalm. It energetically summarizes what God wants us to know about praise and worship. The Christian faith is a singing and praising faith. The Christian faith is a faith that for anyone who comes seeking a love relationship with someone greater than themselves it'll be surely found in the songs we sing, whether traditional hymns or contemporary songs. There are songs of praise and worship for everyone and at least one that will especially resonate the deepest, will give greatest meaning, through every individuals heart. The greatest songs that God has ever written became our songs of Creation.

For the psalmist, the phrase “Praise the Lord” was definitely far from a cliché but an ecstatic expression of unbridled joy! In six short verses, he uses the phrase 13 times. Every sentence starts off with “Hallelujah” (which is the Hebrew way to say, “Praise the Lord”). Our problem is that we often do not see the Lord. We look at the gifts or the lack of gifts under the tree and wonder "Is this all there is for me?" "Where is the 'perfect' gift Mommy and Daddy promised me this year?" "Where is the love, I do
not sense the fullest measure love I expected from my generous husband or wife?" Praise not gifts under your tree. All of Creation will be praising God. "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord."

Let Us Pray: Gracious, loving and merciful God, on this Christmas Day, as the light of your Word penetrates our hearts, as we are reminded of the gift of life and faith, as the glories of the heavenly hosts are echoed in our churches and in our homes, we open ourselves up to the songs of your Spirit and give you thanks and praise. We are grateful, Lord Jesus, that your story has become our story, and we celebrate your birth with hands and hearts raised high. Father of Eternity we pray, to instill in us a profound sense of your abiding presence, and help us to take to heart the wonder of your love, that we may walk in your ways and delight in your will. Help us, Lord God, to be the faithful, gracious, loving, giving and forgiving people you'd have all of us be.
Handel - Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus
From Andre Rieu's "Live From Radio City Music Hall" in New York City 2004, with the Johann Strauss Orchestra and the Harlem Gospel Choir. Though

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 90: His Name Is Called Ruach He (EH) Chazown, The Spirit Of Revelation

Day 90: His Name Is Called Ruach He (EH) Chazown, The Spirit Of Revelation

Read: Luke 24:13 - 35, John 20:19 - 31

Please indulge me for a moment. I realize that I am kind of off the Scriptural path for the Christmas season. However, my heart is telling me that there are some skeptics out there who if they are to believe the beginning of the true story of Christmas they first turn to the ending to learn if everything that came or went before was worth the effort to read. So, come with me this morning to an upper room in a small house in the city of Jerusalem 2000 years ago. The sun is setting as the first Easter day is coming to a close. Most of Jesus’ closest followers have huddled together in this place trying to make sense of all that has been going on—afraid of what, or even worse, who just might be revealed.

They have securely locked the doors out of fear for what the Jewish leaders may do. The news of the empty tomb has already reached the temple priests. The response of those Jewish leaders was predictable. They have hatched a lie that served their purposes and bribed the guards to say that the disciples have just stolen Jesus’ body. It is a fearful time. But it is also a time filled with unexpected, exciting news. Mary Magdalene and other women have reported seeing Jesus alive. Even Peter has seen him. Everyone has there opinion as to what it all means. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Hearts are jumping into throats! Who is it? Who is waiting to be revealed? Roman Soldiers? Who else?

Everyone is relieved as Cleopas and another disciple enter the room. They seem excited and begin sharing what had just happened to them in Emmaus. As they were walking to that village a stranger had joined them and began to ask questions. They told him about the events surrounding Jesus’ death. They told him about strange reports coming from women who had seen him alive. For the rest of the journey this stranger explained all kinds of Scriptures concerning the suffering and glory that the Messiah would experience. As they got to Emmaus a friendship had developed,they invited the man to join them for supper. They broke bread, the resurrected Jesus revealed Himself, then just as quick, left.

Ruach He Chazown, the Spirit of Revelation came down upon those two disciples and revealed to them the Resurrected Jesus. The Scriptures were read, God's Living Word was proclaimed, the bread was broken and those two doubting, disbelieving hearts were set on fire, ignited with a truth so completely overwhelming, they decided to run back to Jerusalem through the dangerously unpredictable, life threatening, wilderness at night to a locked upper room, share with extraordinarily fearful men this message: "The Lord has Risen, He has risen indeed, and He has appeared to Simon." Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, From the very beginning, through God's servant Moses, God's Prophets, Ruach He Chazown revealed Jesus' birth, death and His resurrection. What God truth are we ourselves revealing?

Let Us Pray: Emmanuel, let your face shine upon us, that we might sense your living presence flowing through the midst of us like an everlasting stream of Living Water. Spirit of Revelation, reveal to us through the truth of Your sacred Scriptures the Living Word of God, revealed by angels, born of the Holy Spirit to a virgin named Mary in a little town called Bethlehem of Ephrathah who are one of the little clans of Judah, for from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days (Micah 5:2). Holy Spirit of Revelation please fall upon us today.
Sixpence None The Richer - Angels We Have Heard On High [Official Music Video]
Distributed in the US by WMG "Angels We Have Heard On High" by Sixpence None The Richer, from
Sixpence None The Richer - Angels We Have Heard On High [Official Music Video]
Distributed in the US by WMG "Angels We Have Heard On High" by Sixpence None The Richer, from

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 89: His Name Is Called Ruach Ha Kodesh, The Holy Spirit

Day 89: His Name Is Called Ruach Ha Kodesh, The Holy Spirit

Read: John 14:16 - 20, Genesis 1:1 - 2

There is a particular truth about the human condition that probably gets more over used than any other. It does not matter where you are on this vast and wonderful planet called earth. It is the same for any language you may ever come to learn or to speak naturally. It is this: "Sometimes, we just need help." Little stuff to the big stuff, the simplest stuff to the most complex, it just simply does not matter: "Sometimes we need just a little help." Try and struggle as mightily as we have the strength for - it is the same. Coming out of that most wonderful of dreams at zero dark hundred to the reality of life after the alarm clock. We live it we need help with it. Welcome Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Did you hear about the teacher who was helping one of her kindergarten students put his boots on? He asked for help and she could see why. With her pulling and him pushing, the boots still didn’t want to go on. When the second boot was on, she had worked up a sweat. She almost whimpered when the little boy said, "Teacher, they are on the wrong feet." She looked, and sure enough, they were. It was not any easier pulling the boots off than it was putting them on. She managed to keep her cool as together they worked to get the boots back on – this time on the right feet. He then said, "These aren’t my boots." She bit her tongue "So, why didn’t you say so?" "I did, but you were not listening!"

Now please turn your eyes and attention on today's Scripture reading: Jesus said 16 'I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; 17 that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. 18 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19 After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. 20 In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.'

Someone has said that the Bible is like a treasure room. Sometimes you enter and you find silver. Other times you enter and you find gold. But there are other times that you enter when you find precious jewels such as rubies and diamonds. Today in our text – I believe we have found a diamond. There is great wealth in those verses. I invite your attention to examine this diamond – and it is my hope that we all come away with an appreciation of its great value. Jesus said: "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Where your Treasure is, find also your heart!

The first thing I want us to realize from this verse is that: The Holy Spirit is a Person. Examine our text again. Go ahead and circle every reference to the Holy Spirit. Notice that the first “He” in our text refers to God the Father. Every “He” or “Him” thereafter refers to the Holy Spirit. “He” is used twice and “Him” is used three times. In other words – in today’s text the Holy Spirit is referred to five times as a person. Folks we often speak of the Holy Spirit as an “It” rather than a “He”. This is a mistake – God is a person – Jesus was a person, and the Holy Spirit being part of the Trinity is also a person. He is just as much a part of our lives "because sometimes we all need help." Sometimes we cannot do it alone.

Let Us Pray: (Genesis 1:1-2 NLT) 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.' May the Ruach Ha Kodesh, The Spirit of the Living God, hover over us all as He has hovered over all created things from the very beginning, to bear His fruit into the world.
What is the Holy Spirit?
The spirit of life... the essence of truth... the voice of God. He has always been here, and will always remain. And when you are alone, lost, and afraid,
What is the Holy Spirit?
The spirit of life... the essence of truth... the voice of God. He has always been here, and will always remain. And when you are alone, lost, and afraid,

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 88: His Name Is Called Yahweh Roeh, The Lord Is My Shepherd

Day 88: His Name Is Called Yahweh Roeh, The Lord Is My Shepherd

Read: Psalm 23

To those of us 21st century city-dwellers, the figure of the shepherd and a flock of sheep may not be particularly meaningful nor inspiring, yet I do not believe that we have not had many generations of time pass by in which mankind has been more like a flock of sheep needing a shepherd, going this way one moment and that way the next without any rhyme or reason being attached somewhere. When you think of the troubles of our world and the problems that we individually, collectively, deliberately, wantonly, with no thought of consequence, lunge head long into, then truly we are as a flock of sheep, going astray, our own way which needs the Shepherd of shepherds.

The trouble is for us who count themselves city dwellers or suburbanites, we'll have issues relating to the analogy of a shepherd, any shepherd especially one who call's themselves Yahweh Roeh and takes it further when they figure out the translation as 'The Lord is My Shepherd'! And I certainly will not relate myself as any fool sheep. I have seen photographs and movies and I can safely tell you that, contrary to previous reports, there is definitely no physical similarities between me and any foolish sheep. Yet, nearly 60 times the Bible refers to the idea of a shepherd and his sheep. It is a figure of speech woven throughout the Bible. So, why should it remain so relevant today?

This passage takes hold of us because it is a positive, faith-filled, hope-filled approach to living life. It is constructive, optimistic and confident, and it is full of faith. Yahweh Roeh, The Shepherd is the ultimate care giver. He knows and loves all those who are under His care. The Shepherd knows all of life's terrain - the hills and valleys and the peaks, the rocks the streams and green meadows where we may be fed, refreshed. Let me hold up one of the phrases so that we may all look beneath the words at the meaning that David intended. "I shall not want" Mankind has long sought for security down through the ages. A child stands close to his mother and finds in her security.

All through life we strive for security in so many different ways. We guard our health; we save for old age; we take out insurance. We long for rock solid security, but this passage, in no uncertain terms, emphasizes that God is our real security. "The Lord is my shepherd," therefore "I shall not want." How true, how very true that is. Even before we began to exist, God was aware of our needs and provided for them. He knew we would be hungry, so he provided the seasons of the year the productivity of the soil to make possible the growth of food. He knew we'd die one day. He wanted to care for us then too. So, one day, in love, He died for us to keep us forever safe.

Let Us Pray: Today I am asking you to sit back in the comfort or discomfort you find yourself in at this very moment to personalize Psalm 23:1 Yahweh Roeh "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ..... because (then follow with the final verses 2 - 6).

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 87: What Is In God's Name For You?

Day 87: What Is In God's Name For You?

Read: Psalm 18

Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo? Romeo and Juliet. Probably the most famous scene in that play by William Shakespeare is the balcony scene. Juliet is bemoaning the fact that the man that she loves, Romeo, has the wrong last name. He is a Capulet, and Juliet is a Montague. That’s a real problem since the Capulets and Montague’s were the bitterest enemies. Juliet’s father would have never allowed a relationship between the two lovers. As she thinks about all this, wishing that her beloved would have any last name but Capulet, Juliet says these words: “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” Yes, what is in a name?

What's in a name? What is God's name? What is in God's name? These are very deep questions to ask on the first day of winter. But considering that we are here in spite of the Mayan calender, I guess we have considerable time to sit back and contemplate. When the Bible speaks of God, the name used holds more significance than you ever knew. For example, the very first reference to God in Genesis 1:1—the name Elohim—teaches and reveals the Triune nature of God. We are commanded to honor the name of God. To do it adequately, we must understand the inherent greatness of the names which God uses to refer to himself. A daunting task as there are over 1000.

Each of God s names reveals a different aspect of His perfect nature. By knowing and using His names, you will find that God can meet your deepest needs, comfort you in times of tragedy, and carry you to new heights of praise. God uses various names to reveal Himself to His people. When the Israelites were fearful, God revealed Himself as Jehovah Shalom, meaning the Lord my Peace. When they were uncertain about His will, He revealed Himself as Jehovah Rohi, meaning the Lord my Shepherd. Psalm 18:2 alone reveals in succession that for David, God was his: rock, fortress, deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, my horn of salvation, my stronghold.

Writers have called Psalm 18 "a magnificent hymn". As I read this song my heart gets all worked up, my spirit feels like it has just been raised to the mountain tops. David, sketches for his readers a few grand outlines in the Psalm...reflections of his life and records for countless generations the grand, marvelous deliverance's and victories which the Lord had given him. In our lives, too much of our confusion and pain results because we simply do not take the time to know God - who He really is, how He is so completely capable of working in our lives. When you strive to know God more fully by studying His names - Creator, Healer, Protector, Provider, others, what is in God's name for you will be revealed.

Let Us Pray: Read and Pray through the great Doxology of Romans 16:25 - 27.
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics & Subtitles)
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics) More Hillsong HD Videos:
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics & Subtitles)
How Great Is Our God - Hillsong (Lyrics) More Hillsong HD Videos:

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 86: "Do This In Remembrance Of Me"

Day 86: "Do This In Remembrance Of Me"

Read: 1 Corinthians 10:16 - 17; 11:23 - 29

We do a lot of things in life, and seldom stop to ask why. We (including myself), our families, our friends, our neighbors, our communities, our places of work, our places where we go to find joy and yes, also to mourn, our churches, basically anywhere men or women may choose to congregate to celebrate or remember develop habits and traditions. Traditions matter to us. It brings a community of people together to share in something that has great meaning. Families will come from far and wide to hold very traditional meals together with very traditional dishes throughout the year because that is what family does for family. From generation to generation, we enjoy doing 'traditional stuff' to remember.

However, if we’re not careful, we can forget why we do certain things. Today, I am going to try to relate to you a lay persons understanding of the traditional sacrament the church calls Communion. When you hear the word Communion, you will probably think of The Lord's Supper, The Holy Eucharist and all these would be exactly right. However, there is also a sense of the term 'Communion' that implies a close personal relationship. In fact, it is our deeply intimate relationship with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit and with one another that is at the very core of our beliefs. When we come together as family to participate in a Service of Communion we're carrying on a 2000 year old tradition.

You have most likely heard these phrases: "This is My Body broken for You", "Do This In Remembrance Of Me", "This is My Blood shed for you", "Do This as often as you drink it", "Do This In Remembrance of Me." But doing it in remembrance of what? We are remembering the greatest act of sacrificial love in all of history. God's Son, Jesus the Christ sacrificing Himself for the forgiveness of all our sins. An atoning one and done sacrifice that all those who came to believe in His love would have eternal life. His 'Body' the Bread of Eternal Life, His Blood the Cup of Salvation are the most visible signs of the fullest length, breadth, depth and height that God will go to show you that love. God desires that you remember this!

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement in England in the 18th Century encouraged his Methodists groups to go to communion as often as they could at the local Anglican church. In his sermon, “The Duty of Constant Communion,” Wesley has said: “I am to show that it is the duty of every Christian to receive the Lord’s Supper as often as he can. “ The First reason why it is the duty of every Christian so to do is, because it is a plain command of Christ. Observe, too, that this command was given by our Lord when he was just laying down his life for our sakes. They are, therefore, as it were, his dying words to all his followers. God's fullest measure of love given In Remembrance of You!

Let Us Pray: As we partake of this bread and fruit, we honor Creator and creation. As we bless and share these gifts, we celebrate the table-fellowship of Jesus Christ who, in the name of all the things Love was always meant to be, sacrificed His life for the once and for all forgiveness of our sins that we might have eternal life through Him. We remember with hearts filled with the greatest thanksgiving of God's love for us. We remember that by this great love All are worthy, all are welcome to partake!
As we receive the fruits of Spirit, we remember and celebrate the communion of all things. God our Creator, Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit as they dance as one. As it was written by God on the hearts of mankind 2000 years ago So may it always be.
Do This In Remembrance of Me .wmv
As we remember Jesus' sacrifice, let us also remember the very persons whom He laid his life for. With the same love and compassion, let us

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 85: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of The Messenger?

Day 85: How Beautiful Are The Feet Of The Messenger?

Read: 1 John 1: 1 - 10

Today, I have an old riddle for you. What has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs at night? Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Give up? I'll give you a couple of clues: It is not made of wood or metal and you do not sit on it. Still not sure what the answer is? Let me take the clue to next level. Just how far can you walk? one block, two? one mile, ten? We used to be a nation of people who walked, but now are a nation dependent upon the automobile. We used to be a church of people who wanted to walk with God, but now what are we? But now who are we? Yes we are people. Yes we are people of all ages, from infancy through our old age, trying to crawl or walk somewhere.

In the first century, when Jesus and His followers walked everywhere to spread the Good News, their feet were worn and filthy. It is little wonder that the lowliest of the household slaves was stationed at the front door with a barrel of water and what would pass for a wash cloth waiting to wash a visitors feet. I mean, who would let someone who has walked one mile or ten in the hot sun over manure filled streets into their living room? Their feet couldn't have been attractive. Yet, we read Isaiah 52:7 'How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! Just how beautiful are our very own feet?

Can a Christian have a private fellowship in their walk with God, to the exclusion of others? Can we ignore other Christians and be real Christians? Notice there are some things in today's text that will tell us about the walk of the Christian life. These are the conditions of fellowship with God and man. Even while in the dark, are we walking in the light (verses 5 - 7)? This letter was written to Christians in a world where there was a real fear of darkness. Evil was associated with it. When I look at my own feet in the dark, I generally cannot tell you what they look like. I have to know in my heart that they are beautiful and I love them dearly. Tell me, in the darkness or in the light, how beautiful are your feet?

As modern day Christians, we need to ask ourselves the same questions John asked these early Christians. “You claim to be sons of God, Light has enlightened you, do your actions show this?” Does the beauty of your feet reflect the Light of Father, Son and Holy Spirit back upon the next person? What about the walk of the next person? John was writing to enlightened Christians. His use of the personal pronoun “we” here shows that he included himself in their fellowship. All Christians of all walks of life are to have fellowship with one another. It is inconceivable that Christians could or would voluntarily live in isolation from one another. Yes, take a long look. How really beautiful are our feet?

Let Us Pray: Dear Heavenly Father, I am learning to understand what your Word is saying to me. Yet so often I simply hear it or read it and think about applying it, but, for one reason or another, I get no further. I find it too easy to lose my desire. I want to do it and intend to do it Lord, but it is gone from my mind so easily. Please help me today to take one truth and apply it to my circumstances. Please, let your Holy Spirit nudge me and remind me throughout my day. Please show me what I need to focus on right where I walk today, Father. I beg you to help me to be more intentional on practicing what you reveal to me. I give you my will today to want to do what you show me. Whether in the darkness or in the light, just a closer walk with thee O Lord.
Patsy Cline. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Lyrics. Sung by AaronStamp.
Such a beautiful song..don't you agree? And is most assuredly the joy that fills my heart....walking
Patsy Cline. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Lyrics. Sung by AaronStamp.
Such a beautiful song..don't you agree? And is most assuredly the joy that fills my heart....walking closely with my Lord!!! His Word Prayer and

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 84: Holiness Is Woven Into The Fabric Of Life

Day 84: Holiness Is Woven Into The Fabric Of Life

Read: Isaiah 29:13 - 14; 1 Peter 1:13 - 16

A father was telling his young son that it was time to get ready for Sunday School. They would be leaving in just a few minutes. You know how little boys can be. They are inquisitive. The boy asked his dad, "Did you go to Sunday School when you were a boy?" The father gladly answered, “Well yes I did." The boy looked disappointed as he said, "It probably won’t do me any good either!" As he was preparing to become the very first president of the United States, George Washington wrote to Alexander Hamilton, "I hope that I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I very much consider to be the most enviable of titles, the character of an honest man."

Arguably, One of the greatest problems with Christianity today, are those people who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and deny Him by their lifestyle. Their lives do not line up with their testimony on Sunday morning. How has your lifestyle reflected the holiness of God this past week? Are you living the holy life that God has called us to live? People are sometimes afraid to answer that question, because they aren't 100% sure what it means to live the holy life. To start with, from ground level of the human condition, holiness has nothing to do with God's highest standard of perfection - that being without blemish and without sin. Romans 3:23 is clear that we all will, always and forever more, fall short.

It seems obvious that God has called us to holy living. But one of the biggest problems we face is that sometimes people don’t really don’t understand what holiness means. That’s due in large part to the fact that through the years we have heard some pretty unfortunate explanations as to what holiness is and how it looks. For instance, some have taught that holiness for a man means things such as NOT wearing shorts, NOT having long hair, or NOT wearing jewelry…even to the point of not wearing their very own wedding ring! For all you women out there, you were told holiness meant Always wearing a dress, NOT wearing makeup; NOT wearing jewelry; NOT cutting their hair.

13 And so the Lord says,
“These people say they are mine.
They honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
And their worship of me
is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote.
14 Because of this, I will once again astound these hypocrites
with amazing wonders.
The wisdom of the wise will pass away,
and the intelligence of the intelligent will disappear.” (Isaiah 29:13 - 14 NLT)

As you read this passage, can you envision our God looking down on us, undoubtedly rolling up His eyes, shaking His head at us and saying those all too prophetic words to Himself? What prophetic words of wisdom might God tug at our ear and whisper into? Perhaps: "Will you please just get a life!" "May I suggest a life lived through my Son?" "May I also likewise suggest that you 'think clearly and exercise self-control. Look forward to the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world?' "Would you mind if I told you that all I hope for is that you are always striving to become better, stretching challenging yourself for holiness of heart is woven into the fabric of life?"

Let Us Pray: Change my heart oh God Make it ever true Change my heart oh God May I be like You. You are the potter I am the clay Mold me and make me This is what I pray In Jesus' most holy name. Amen Amen Amen
Laura Story - Faithful God - Lyrics
May the grace that sought my heart on that first day Be the grace that binds my heart to stay May the truth that opened up my eyes on that first time

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 83: Tis' The Season To Think And Reason

Day 83: Tis' The Season To Think And Reason

Read: Psalm 1, Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 15

It is during this time of the year that I often begin to think about all kinds of seasons. Football, basketball season, and yes . . . Christmas season. After all tis' the season to be jolly. We often talk about seasons even when we don’t realize it. When we talk about the weather we are actually talking about seasons. In fact, I think it is during this time of year that the most thought or attention is given to seasons, particularly the seasons of our lives. As the year begins to near a close many of you are already beginning to make plans and even resolutions for a new year. You may be filled with eager anticipation or perhaps dread at the thought of turning the very last page of the 2012 calender.

Some of you are longing for a new season. Others wished the season they are in would never end. Everything is going good. Blessings abound like sand on a beach. The exact gift you've been waiting forever for is sure to be under the tree this year. Yes, this season is going to be the best one ever at least until next year rolls around. The wisest man that ever lived spent some time thinking about seasons. You are no doubt familiar with his writings about the different seasons that we face. I would like you to just read his opening remarks about seasons and then how he sums up his examination of seasons. I did and concluded that: Tis' the season to think and reason.

As I sit here in my dining room, it is still dark outside. I know that this very temporary season will in maybe an hour or so soon give way to a new season called daylight. I wonder if Solomon ever talked to his dad, David, about seasons? David certainly must thought about the topic. I cannot specifically tell you whether he broke down seasons by the hour, by the day, by the month, or by times of planting or harvesting. I believe it must have been at the fore front of his mind because his very first Psalm deals with the topic as though what anyone could define as 'seasons' as being minute to minute. David could've devoted hours each day thinking: Tis' the season to think and reason:

1 Oh, the joys of those who do not
follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with mockers.
2 But they delight in the law of the Lord,
meditating on it day and night.
3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do. (Psalm 1:1 - 3 New Living Translation)

Yes, tis' the season to think and reason. As we prepare ourselves and our families to close out this year, I desire that each of you will begin a dialogue, with those around you and perhaps a few strangers too. With your hearts and eyes and spirits firmly set on The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, talk about our 'seasons' for just a few moments. Consider these 'seasonal' truths: You cannot pray away a season (Ecclesiastes 3:1), You cannot force a season to change. You do not even have to understand a season to learn from it and be changed for the good by it. Some seasons will last longer than others. While good seasons end, bad seasons also come to an end, Jesus Christ was, is, ever shall remain eternal! 

Let Us Pray and likewise take some quality time to ponder about our own 'seasons'. Living our life in, through, for and in enthusiastic anticipation of our Messiah's coming.
Our Father - Bethel Live (Worship song with Lyrics) 2012 New Album
Bethel Music, Featuring Jenn Johnson - Our Father, Album: For the Sake of the World, Year: 2012 To

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 82: Divine Enthusiasm ... New Fire, New Power, New Life

Day 82: Divine Enthusiasm ... New Fire, New Power, New Life

Read: The Book of Genesis Chapter's One and Two

Enthusiasm. Webster’s Dictionary says the meaning of enthusiasm and/or excitement is "to be stirred or thrilled." Some would say they have enthusiasm for somethings at sometimes, it depends on what they are doing ... what they are ‘into’ at the moment. Many get excited at ball games or golf or other events. Some will be so thrilled at the getting of a new dress or suit, or at the sight of a taco bar! Inside, it feels great to be enthusiastic. It feels awesome to get 'pumped up'. Inside, it feels so invigorating and empowering to get your blood boiling over something that one feels great purpose about. I believe it is time we got excited over the things that will last for all eternity.

There is something I am asking you to do. That is to take a careful look at the word enthusiasm from an earthly perspective. As you are standing on solid ground, do you notice anything in particular about it's meaning and context? This is what I noticed: Ball games will eventually end, new dresses and new suits get old and go out of style. In today's economic times the Taco Bar just may have to close down, laying of employees or raising prices so high you will find someplace else to go or worse yet - catch fire. The point that I am trying to make is that life is ever changing, our priorities change, our circumstances change. We grow up. We grow older. Prayerfully we grow more mature and far more wiser eternally.

Let us consider the eternal perspective. The source of the word enthusiasm has its origin in the Greek “en theos” meaning God within us! Enthusiasm comes from two Greek words meaning in…God. “Theos” is where we get the word ‘theology’, the doctrine of God. So, are you into God? Is He in you? Emmanuel, 'God with us'. Is God with you? If so, you'll experience divine enthusiasm about it through God's Holy Spirit! Meditate on this stunningly divine revelation: Father, Son and Holy Spirit within you .. Are you ready for it: Comes New Passion, New Purpose, New Fire, New Power, New Blood, New Life. It is high time we become extraordinarily enthusiastic about these New eternally grounded things.

The one thing that makes feeling this enthusiastic just so much better…, is to be in a group or crowd of people who are in need of an infusion of enthusiasm. God created the heavens and the earth, from the very first verses of the Book of Genesis He spoke into the void and empowered creation to come together as it had never done before. But He did not do it alone! He had plenty of help - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created everything through Jesus, The Holy Spirit hovered over the waters, brooding as an Eagle over it's eggs. God created mankind in His own image. He breathed into us His divine enthusiasm. Emmanuel, God within us: New Fire, New Power, New Life. Spend some meaningful time striving to become enthused about these.

Let Us Come Together In Prayer: In the beauty and variety of this pleasant place, O God, we are reminded of Your infinite enthusiasm for new creativity and generosity. You have lavished upon us outward loveliness and inward peace. You have filled us with a spirit desiring to enthusiastically experience far more than this world has to offer. When the world seems more interested in draining our energies with only the temporary things of this life, through Your Holy Spirit, our priorities are being focused and redirected toward the eternal where we are constantly being filled and refilled with New Passion, New Purpose, New Fire, New Power, New Strength, New Blood, and New Life through a life striven to be enthusiastically lived in Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for Your divinely enthusiastic fire, love for us.
You Won't Relent - Jesus Culture - Worship Video w/lyrics
John 14:16-17 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 81: Newtown, Connecticut: Walking Up To And Beyond The Veil

Day 81: Newtown, Connecticut: Walking Up To And Beyond The Veil

Read: Hebrews 9:11 - 14

In my Community College days when I was a brand new nursing student, to gain much hands on experience with the fields and facets and specialties of the health care field. we were required, under the supervision of our Instructors, to do several 'area specific rotations' into an actual area hospital. Depending on what we were trying to learn in our classroom training, we would go to a floor and for a couple of hours once a week, we cared for a patient assigned to us by the floor nursing staff. We would go to Medical Surgical floors, Pediatric floors, Geriatric floors, Psychiatry and sometimes into the Operating Rooms. It was quite exciting, yet it is actually a very scary time too.

I can remember during one rotation on a Medical - Surgical floor in particular, I found myself becoming really anxious and frightened. As I was heading to the Nursing area to get the information for my soon to be patient, I walked by a room with a big 'Keep Out' and 'Medical Isolation' signs on it. When I dared to look inside I saw there were several people wearing head to toe gowns and face masks and gloves that were all taped up well beyond their wrists. In the bed I saw this teenage girl lying in the bed in obvious discomfort with all kinds of fluids running into her arm. I turned back to the nurses station to get my patient, asked the supervisor, the girl was contagious, she had the Chicken Pox.

There was a place in the Bible was restricted - a place with a big "Keep Out" sign. It was a place that only the high priest could enter and then only once a year and then only after an elaborate washing ritual. It was the Holy of Holies. It was where the very presence of God was to be found. The big "Keep Out" sign was in the form of a great veil that separated this most holy place from the rest of the world. A place that was further separated by several other veils and a greater tent called the Tabernacle of God. The word "Tabernacle" simply means "tent." The Tabernacle was a portable meeting place - a place where God would meet with His people through His Priests'.

Then, the law stated that for each successive layers of veil within the Tabernacle that only certain Temple workers and Priests could enter. At the Holy of Holies, only the great High Priest of the descendants of Aaron, the first High Priest could enter and he had to enter after an highly elaborate cleansing ritual, and he had to enter backwards to avoid looking directly at the Presence of God. The much needed Presence of God was placed behind several layers of signs saying 'Keep Out'. In the face of the worse kind of personal tragedy imaginable, the people were barred, no direct access to God.
Christ died an unimaginably violent death, the veil was torn, now, there are no more 'Keep Out' signs.

Let Us try to Pray: O Lord of Christmas, whose every breath is mercy and in whose arms are filled with the promises of grace and love so far beyond what we deserve, we cower in our corners afraid to come out, we huddle and crowd before You as the lost, the tired, the shocked and confused masses we struggle so mightily to live as. In the face of such a violent, inconceivable, unconscionable tragedy, our hearts just turn to jello, the sweet fragrance of love is replaced by the foulest stench of death. Still the fluttering of our hearts with Your divine calmness. Help us to focus on those whose lives have been, against their will, inexorably thrust into the incomprehensible. Let us who remain point the way to Your Holy of Holies, through the veil torn by the amazing sacrificial love of Your Son Jesus Christ through whose unimaginably violent death and whose glorious resurrection ushered all, welcomed all, into Your Presence Your peace.
Chris Tomlin - Jesus Messiah with Lyrics
Chris Tomlin "Burning Lights" Concert Schedule: Grab a copy of his "Hello Love" album:...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 80: The Good News Is The Bad News Is Wrong

Day 80: The Good News Is The Bad News Is Wrong

Read: Isaiah 52:4 - 12 (13 - 15 'The Lord's Suffering Servant')

Well, all that I can say this morning is Praise God, it is finally Friday. It has been one of those weeks where if it could get any worse - I would not be able to tell you how Monday was a bad neck, bad hip, bad leg day. Everything seemed to want it's own fifteen minutes of attention. Tuesday I went to the hospital for a procedure on my hip to find out why I have consistent hip pain. All goes reasonably well with the procedure until I wake up and cannot stop throwing up. From hospital to home - it went on and on. Wednesday I am all bruised up, pained up, with sutures I did not bargain for, and why not - I cannot fall asleep then Thursday my Primary Doctor gives me what for.

Well, like I said Praise God TGIF! It is Friday, I still didn't getmuch sleep last night. I just could not find that one comfortable position - it was toss and turn on the couch all the night long. I guess by now you get the idea that I am looking forward to a significantly better weekend with my family, helping the wife preparing a open hearth dinner for a group of volunteers at the Farm Museum in Westminster. I desperately need all the family bonding time I can get. After the week I have had, with all the things going on, all the bad news this week: bad news on the war, the bad news on the weather, bad economic headlines - what I also desperately need is the Good News of Jesus Christ!

It is just time to say that enough is enough. Bad news is okay sometimes. But there are days when we genuinely need to shout at the top of our lungs "stop the world, I want to get off." And I guess I am there right now. So prepare your eardrums all you readers out there. Okay, ready or not, here it comes: Isaiah 52:7 -8 - 'How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! The watchmen shout and sing with joy, for right before their very eyes they see the Lord returning to Jerusalem.' YES, YES, I have shouted the Good News of Jesus Christ and I feel great!

Our God reigns. Whether it be downtown Jerusalem or the sprawling suburbs of the City of Baltimore, Maryland - the good news is that whatever the bad news is, was or ever could conceivably become it will always be 100% wrong: the bad news cannot reign supreme in a heart or upon any one persons spirit where God has firmly and securely established His Throne. And believe this: where ever God is, there also is the Good News of the all - atoning love of His Son Jesus Christ at His right hand and there also are the all cleansing, all refining, all comforting Fires of the Holy Spirit ready to administer and minister to all God's children; His peace that defies all understanding.

Let Us Pray: Today, I humbly pray that you will please consider personalizing Psalm 3. Psalm 3 is a psalm of David, regarding the time David had fled from his son Absalom.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 79: "I Am Holy"

Day 79: "I Am Holy"

Read: Isaiah 6:1 - 8

Early morning appointment at the Doctors. From the devotional "Listening To God" Listen to the voice of God as if He is speaking directly into your mind, spirit and soul:

"My child, I am going to take you to the highest heights for a moment. Long after you have heard my voice today. I want you to set your heart and your mind on this majestic thought: I AM HOLY.

I know that you have heard that a thousand times. Many times, you have sung the chorus that declares my holiness in my three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But from know on, I want you to break free of a shallow familiarity with those words, and let a fresh vision of my holiness fill your being.

There is a danger in this: if you let my Spirit fill you, opening your thoughts to my unique, unapproachable, incomprehensible, holiness, you are going to be traumatized by your own sinfulness. Dwell on your own depravity for a moment, just long enough for your heart to break - then let my Spirit capture your thoughts and give you a new and profound appreciation for this truth: you can immerse your unholiness in the deep love of Jesus and His precious life given for you.

That is where you must seek refuge - for when you are safe in His arms, I will see His holiness covering you." Signed, GOD

Let Us Pray: Lord, make me holy as You are Holy, In Jesus' name. Amen Amen Amen