Day 323: "I Myself Intended To Build A House Of Rest... "
Read: 1 Chronicles 28:1 - 10
Today I am asking the question, “What drives your life?” I think this
question is worth significantly more than just a small devotion of your
time during your obviously busy day. “What drives your life?” "What are
you passionate about?" "What is it, are those things which give you
the greatest purpose in life?" Our hearts hunger for order in the chaos
of this life. We long for connectedness and community with other people.
We thirst to know the God who made us. We strain to hear God speak so
that we can all discover "What drives my life," so that we can discover
the purpose of our years on earth, so that we can discover the will of
God for our lives. Welcome to the journey!
It is a life journey
that begins when we discover that God is God and we are not. We begin
to recognize God's sovereignty over the chaos we have created for
ourselves. I am in the midst of renewing such a journey for myself, just
me and my God alone in one of the many anonymous caves David hid
himself in. There is something about life
in a cave that compels one to seek a newer, fresher understanding of God, the world around us and our relationship with others. So much of our life reveals our desire to find order in the midst of chaos. Every time we look around our home trying to figure how we can clean, straighten, organize, remodel, do we look into our spiritual home?
“What drives your spiritual life?” I think this question is worth
deeply thinking about. What does the Bible have to say regarding wrong drivers?
I want to look at 1 wrong driver that often gets into the driver seat
of my life. And I just want to qualify this one wrong driver - in a
sense this thing that I want to give you. It is okay in your life, it is
just a really bad driver of your life when you hand over the keys.
Power! We are driven by power. We are driven by the need to be in full
control of our lives, exercising power over ourselves. We want to be the
captains of our own faith, the sovereign ruler over our own lives. We
are the ones who are in fullest command of our life's ship of state.
"I myself intended to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant
of the Lord, as a footstool for our God, and I prepared materials for
the building." My plan, my way, my determination of need for what God
needs to be at peace and in the presence of His people. I make the
exclusive determination of what is to transpire because I feel I have
done enough, nay, way more than enough, to deserve this honor in my
life. Me, myself have done this. I can only say to David, and I must
confess to myself, that if I am behind the wheel of this car, trying
with every last breath to turn this engine over, I should not feel too hurt if it never starts or kills the battery. What is driving my life?
Let Us Pray: Lord God, who is the driver behind the wheel of my life?
Who is the one trying the hardest to turn the engine over to renew this
life's journey? Pray tell, Am I fighting you tooth and nail for sole possession of
the only keys that drive my life? Who is it, me or you who holds the
exclusive title over my life? Why do I struggle so hard to surrender to
the absolute sovereignty you have over my life? Why do I strive so hard against myself? Why do I struggle so mightily, so very hard to stay in control of me? Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy upon me though the chief of all sinners I am condemned to be. Holy Spirit, what shall I do with this burden of power? watch?v=lydBPm2KRaU
Read: 1 Chronicles 28:1 - 10
Today I am asking the question, “What drives your life?” I think this question is worth significantly more than just a small devotion of your time during your obviously busy day. “What drives your life?” "What are you passionate about?" "What is it, are those things which give you the greatest purpose in life?" Our hearts hunger for order in the chaos of this life. We long for connectedness and community with other people. We thirst to know the God who made us. We strain to hear God speak so that we can all discover "What drives my life," so that we can discover the purpose of our years on earth, so that we can discover the will of God for our lives. Welcome to the journey!
It is a life journey that begins when we discover that God is God and we are not. We begin to recognize God's sovereignty over the chaos we have created for ourselves. I am in the midst of renewing such a journey for myself, just me and my God alone in one of the many anonymous caves David hid himself in. There is something about life
in a cave that compels one to seek a newer, fresher understanding of God, the world around us and our relationship with others. So much of our life reveals our desire to find order in the midst of chaos. Every time we look around our home trying to figure how we can clean, straighten, organize, remodel, do we look into our spiritual home?
“What drives your spiritual life?” I think this question is worth deeply thinking about. What does the Bible have to say regarding wrong drivers? I want to look at 1 wrong driver that often gets into the driver seat of my life. And I just want to qualify this one wrong driver - in a sense this thing that I want to give you. It is okay in your life, it is just a really bad driver of your life when you hand over the keys. Power! We are driven by power. We are driven by the need to be in full control of our lives, exercising power over ourselves. We want to be the captains of our own faith, the sovereign ruler over our own lives. We are the ones who are in fullest command of our life's ship of state.
"I myself intended to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord, as a footstool for our God, and I prepared materials for the building." My plan, my way, my determination of need for what God needs to be at peace and in the presence of His people. I make the exclusive determination of what is to transpire because I feel I have done enough, nay, way more than enough, to deserve this honor in my life. Me, myself have done this. I can only say to David, and I must confess to myself, that if I am behind the wheel of this car, trying with every last breath to turn this engine over, I should not feel too hurt if it never starts or kills the battery. What is driving my life?
Let Us Pray: Lord God, who is the driver behind the wheel of my life? Who is the one trying the hardest to turn the engine over to renew this life's journey? Pray tell, Am I fighting you tooth and nail for sole possession of the only keys that drive my life? Who is it, me or you who holds the exclusive title over my life? Why do I struggle so hard to surrender to the absolute sovereignty you have over my life? Why do I strive so hard against myself? Why do I struggle so mightily, so very hard to stay in control of me? Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy upon me though the chief of all sinners I am condemned to be. Holy Spirit, what shall I do with this burden of power?
Carrie Underwood - Jesus, Take The Wheel
Music video by Carrie Underwood performing Jesus, Take The Wheel. (C) 2005 19 Recordings
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