Day 312: "Let The Assembly Of The Peoples Be Gathered About You..."
Read: Psalm 7
Well, my interest has been peaked a bit further. When I was studying
Psalm 6 from an entirely different angle yesterday, that being the
prayerful selection of the musical instruments that prefaced it, I
turned the page to the next Psalm 7 and discovered a new term to try and
ferret out of the Hebrew Scripture. The term is 'Shiggaion'. I had absolutely no idea what that was but Scripture told me that the Psalm was written as a 'Shiggaion' of David. Suggested translations include, "a loud shout",
“frenzied” or “emotional.” Some suggest the basic meaning is closer “to
wander” in reference to a wandering style of thought or melody or to
the unconnected expressions of a lament.
It is found in only
one other place - Habakkuk 3. For me, this is why I get so excited about
studying the Hebrew Scriptures. This is just another reminder that God
wants our worship to be so completely sincere and from the depths of our
heart. Sometimes that will be quiet; sometimes it'll be highly
reflective which is more like my own style; sometimes there will be
tears; but sometimes also our worship is meant to be loud and emotional -
and in this Psalm very deeply passionate, sometimes even frenzied. I guess
that word 'frenzied' will rankle a few traditional feathers. But that is
what God intends for us to do. David shouts "Let the Assembly Of The Peoples Be Gathered About You; over it return on high"
Get excited about worshiping the God of our Salvation. Throughout the
Psalms, David models God's desire for us to come to Him "just as I am."
God does not want us to pretend to be feeling one emotion when we are clearly feeling another. He does not want our worship to be a performance, He wants us to fully worship Him in the Spirit of Truth. In this case, David comes before God Almighty in anger. LOUD anger. But is not anger a sin? Ecclesiastes 7:9 "Be not quick in your spirit to become angry,
for anger lodges in the heart of fools." Both Jesus and Paul teaches
that it is quite possible to be righteously angry without sinning (John 2:13 -
17, Ephesians 4:26). Please, come as you are to worship! Worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness!
The Psalms, Israel's songs of worship, covered the full spectrum of David's emotions, of our emotions, of what we bring in our hearts before the Altar of God
in worship. Psalm 7 is a magnificent triumph of faith as David turns
even the most disastrous of emotions into a song of worship. Can you face what angers you turning it into a song of praise? Perhaps this is also part of our sacrifice of praise that we
bring forth into the Tabernacle, into the sanctuary of the Lord our
God. What I do know now is when I bring even my frustrations before the Lord, my heart is so reminded of His steadfast faithfulness in it and through it all. David made Psalms; so we also will make Psalms!
Let Us Pray: Glory, Laud and Honor be always yours, O God, for the amplitude of your creation, for the grace and mercy you that have shown us, and for the
way that you refresh us in the troublesome parts of our journeys. We
cannot imagine our true life without some knowledge of you to deepen its meaning
and purpose. We come now with our hearts filled with thanksgiving for the miracle of our very existence; and for the deep mysteries of our faith that enables us to see what a miracle truly is.
Grant that our worship experiences may be ones of renewal and
recommitment, both to you and to the values instilled deeply within us through ministry and teachings of Jesus Christ. watch?v=2pbyRNOYkqc
Read: Psalm 7
Well, my interest has been peaked a bit further. When I was studying Psalm 6 from an entirely different angle yesterday, that being the prayerful selection of the musical instruments that prefaced it, I turned the page to the next Psalm 7 and discovered a new term to try and ferret out of the Hebrew Scripture. The term is 'Shiggaion'. I had absolutely no idea what that was but Scripture told me that the Psalm was written as a 'Shiggaion' of David. Suggested translations include, "a loud shout", “frenzied” or “emotional.” Some suggest the basic meaning is closer “to wander” in reference to a wandering style of thought or melody or to the unconnected expressions of a lament.
It is found in only one other place - Habakkuk 3. For me, this is why I get so excited about studying the Hebrew Scriptures. This is just another reminder that God wants our worship to be so completely sincere and from the depths of our heart. Sometimes that will be quiet; sometimes it'll be highly reflective which is more like my own style; sometimes there will be tears; but sometimes also our worship is meant to be loud and emotional - and in this Psalm very deeply passionate, sometimes even frenzied. I guess that word 'frenzied' will rankle a few traditional feathers. But that is what God intends for us to do. David shouts "Let the Assembly Of The Peoples Be Gathered About You; over it return on high"
Get excited about worshiping the God of our Salvation. Throughout the Psalms, David models God's desire for us to come to Him "just as I am." God does not want us to pretend to be feeling one emotion when we are clearly feeling another. He does not want our worship to be a performance, He wants us to fully worship Him in the Spirit of Truth. In this case, David comes before God Almighty in anger. LOUD anger. But is not anger a sin? Ecclesiastes 7:9 "Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools." Both Jesus and Paul teaches that it is quite possible to be righteously angry without sinning (John 2:13 - 17, Ephesians 4:26). Please, come as you are to worship! Worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness!
The Psalms, Israel's songs of worship, covered the full spectrum of David's emotions, of our emotions, of what we bring in our hearts before the Altar of God in worship. Psalm 7 is a magnificent triumph of faith as David turns even the most disastrous of emotions into a song of worship. Can you face what angers you turning it into a song of praise? Perhaps this is also part of our sacrifice of praise that we bring forth into the Tabernacle, into the sanctuary of the Lord our God. What I do know now is when I bring even my frustrations before the Lord, my heart is so reminded of His steadfast faithfulness in it and through it all. David made Psalms; so we also will make Psalms!
Let Us Pray: Glory, Laud and Honor be always yours, O God, for the amplitude of your creation, for the grace and mercy you that have shown us, and for the way that you refresh us in the troublesome parts of our journeys. We cannot imagine our true life without some knowledge of you to deepen its meaning and purpose. We come now with our hearts filled with thanksgiving for the miracle of our very existence; and for the deep mysteries of our faith that enables us to see what a miracle truly is. Grant that our worship experiences may be ones of renewal and recommitment, both to you and to the values instilled deeply within us through ministry and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Shout to the lord By: Christ Tomlin with lyrics
Shout to the lord by chris tomlin Pleas leave a comment , and god bless you I do not own this
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