Day 306: "He Heard My Cry From His Sanctuary"
Read: Psalm 18:4 - 19
"He heard me!" Just three simple words. But what truly amazing words they are from today's
Scripture. I know for many of you reading these words, as it is for me,
those three simple words, that small, yet very profound phrase, sits
and rests at the very center of your own personal testimonies. He heard
my cry one night ten years ago while I was lying helplessly on the ice
covered ground with a badly shattered hip completely unable to do
anything for myself. I cried unto the Lord "my God, NO!" He heard my
tiny cry from the deepest, remotest place of eternity! He redeemed my
life from the pit that I myself had expended thirty years of energy
digging with my own two hands.
I do not know, I am just kind of thinking out loud to myself right now. I know that you cannot hear what I am thinking, but I know God can. I am just wondering if you have forgotten even a tiny bit how God saved you from the pit that you dug for yourself. I pray about that right now, wondering if as you are reading this, you are remembering your own salvation story. I am wondering if there are details of it which you cannot remember - even the smallest of them. Are you right now pondering your salvation story trying to remember even the smallest of details? Are you right now praying to the God of your salvation to recall them to mind that you might sing "Thank You God?"
I can still see the mighty power of God reaching down from the depths
of eternity to pluck me out of eternal depths of my pit (verses 7 - 19).
Me, inconsequential me. His own, His beloved - from the grip of a
slow painful icy death. It reduces me to humble tears each time I bring
it to the forefront of mind. Maybe this is a universal response of the
heart, knowing deep down, knowing how hard some of us try to cover it up
and try to block it out, that they - that each of us so desperately need a Savior who will hear our silent cry from the quiet depths of eternity absolutely delighting in personally redeeming our existence. "From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears."
God heard David's cry for help. God heard my cry for help. Hear now, friends, the
good news for yourselves: God hears your cry too. He hears even - and
especially - your prayers that are uttered in sheer desperation, without
eloquence or formality; the prayers that see you at an end of yourself;
prayers with only a glimmer of hope that there is a God in heaven who is
listening and paying attention. God, above all, knows your situation,
He hears you. And above all else, He is absolutely faithful (Psalm 139:1-18, 2 Chronicles 7:14-18). There have been times when I was sure nobody was listening to the depths of my soul. But I know with a blessed assurance that God has been there all the time!
Let Us Pray: Today, personalize Psalm 17.
Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up [Official Music Video]
© 2006 WMG "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban, from Closer. Connect with Josh: Facebook:
Read: Psalm 18:4 - 19
"He heard me!" Just three simple words. But what truly amazing words they are from today's
Scripture. I know for many of you reading these words, as it is for me, those three simple words, that small, yet very profound phrase, sits and rests at the very center of your own personal testimonies. He heard my cry one night ten years ago while I was lying helplessly on the ice covered ground with a badly shattered hip completely unable to do anything for myself. I cried unto the Lord "my God, NO!" He heard my tiny cry from the deepest, remotest place of eternity! He redeemed my life from the pit that I myself had expended thirty years of energy digging with my own two hands.
I do not know, I am just kind of thinking out loud to myself right now. I know that you cannot hear what I am thinking, but I know God can. I am just wondering if you have forgotten even a tiny bit how God saved you from the pit that you dug for yourself. I pray about that right now, wondering if as you are reading this, you are remembering your own salvation story. I am wondering if there are details of it which you cannot remember - even the smallest of them. Are you right now pondering your salvation story trying to remember even the smallest of details? Are you right now praying to the God of your salvation to recall them to mind that you might sing "Thank You God?"
I can still see the mighty power of God reaching down from the depths of eternity to pluck me out of eternal depths of my pit (verses 7 - 19). Me, inconsequential me. His own, His beloved - from the grip of a slow painful icy death. It reduces me to humble tears each time I bring it to the forefront of mind. Maybe this is a universal response of the heart, knowing deep down, knowing how hard some of us try to cover it up and try to block it out, that they - that each of us so desperately need a Savior who will hear our silent cry from the quiet depths of eternity absolutely delighting in personally redeeming our existence. "From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears."
God heard David's cry for help. God heard my cry for help. Hear now, friends, the good news for yourselves: God hears your cry too. He hears even - and especially - your prayers that are uttered in sheer desperation, without eloquence or formality; the prayers that see you at an end of yourself; prayers with only a glimmer of hope that there is a God in heaven who is listening and paying attention. God, above all, knows your situation, He hears you. And above all else, He is absolutely faithful (Psalm 139:1-18, 2 Chronicles 7:14-18). There have been times when I was sure nobody was listening to the depths of my soul. But I know with a blessed assurance that God has been there all the time!
Let Us Pray: Today, personalize Psalm 17.
Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up [Official Music Video]
© 2006 WMG "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban, from Closer. Connect with Josh: Facebook:
Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up [Official Music Video]
© 2006 WMG "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban, from Closer. Connect with Josh: Facebook:
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