Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 309: "What Then Shall We Say To All These Things?"

Day 309: "What Then Shall We Say To All These Things?"

Read: Romans 8:31 - 34

What is our view of God? What a profound question to ask this first day of a glorious summer weekend? I have just been pondering this question for some time as I have been pondering many things lately. But this seems to be at the forefront of my spirit today. Our view of God on any given day will affect everything from our self perception and sense of self worth to how we feel about those around us to how we trust the significant people in our lives. Our view of God will affect the way we pray and worship. Do you pray and worship with a spirit of awe and expectancy for God? Or do you do so with an expectation: not to be heard, for nothing to happen anyway?

Do you attend church, or do you participate in family or small group fellowship with tingling expectation that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are waiting for you there with a word or two that will incomprehensibly bless your life or your families or do you just decide to go through the motions with a bland, bored attitude, a series of boxes to just check off in your day to day accounting of faith and good works? Our view of God will inevitably come out for what it deep down truly is through our speech and is seen in our lives. For out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths will surely speak for us. Have a heart to heart conversation with your heart, and what would it sound like?

1 Peter 3:15,16 clearly teaches us: "but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks of the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that when you are being slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame." So if you had to hold up or stand behind your current view of God to one person then hold yourself accountable to the standard set forth in Peter, who is the one who would be put to shame - you or the one who seeks to slander you? Tough words I know but this is our evidence of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within us!

Could anything be a stronger encouragement to faith than the unalterable evidence of what God has already done for the salvation of His people of faith through your own vigorous expression of personal faith, personal hope and personal love of what God has already done for you? God who gave so amazingly to provide salvation will certainly give continued and final salvation to all who come to Christ as Savior. God is the Sovereign Lord and it is from Him that our salvation comes and with Him that our salvation rests. To those who're "in Christ Jesus" there just can be no ground for personal apprehension for their salvation is secured. Our view of God? Evidence for or unalterable evidence against?

Let Us Pray: Read and re-read this passage over and over again as if this were your personal struggle. Read and pray it through, verse by verse as often as necessary for you. Say it with all your heart until you are able to thoroughly embrace it and believe it in your heart. Then simply expect to experience the beauty of Father, Son and Holy Spirit within you. Expect to experience their perfect faithfulness painted across the very fabric of your life. Be ready to live again or for the first time a life greater than you have ever dreamed was possible. Let this heightened view of God in your life be the unalterable evidence of God! "What Then Shall We Say To All These Things?"

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