Day 314: "No Weapon Forged Against You Shall Prevail"
Read: Isaiah 54:16 - 17, Psalm 7:6 - 11
The Lord God declared decisively, emphatically, unto His Prophet Isaiah ~ "Behold, I have created the Smith who blows the fire of coals and produces a
weapon for its purpose." (16) "My defense and my shield depend on God."
(Psalm 7:10) These are the weapons forged of God, for God, by God for
the surest defense of God's people. Maybe that is really what the sound of thunder is all about. God is in His great forge. He is fashioning the weapons against which no thing of man, no weapon
of man, no word of man can hope to prevail. God will defend His
children. God will not stand idly by while His children are being repeatedly wounded by false words and accusations!
"And you will refute every tongue that accuses you." There were certainly seasons in David's life where his actions brought great calamity. This is ever so true even for us who are God's children today. But that which was true from the life and
songs of King David being that much of the arrows of distress that came
to Him were met head on by holding up mighty shields of praise,
thanksgiving and obedience forged by David's steadfast belief that God
was absolutely faithful. A steadfast belief forged by his God that
carried him, protected him, shielded him, through the greatest
calamities of his life. However, is this the same that we, God's
children today, hold up as our defense?
David's tiny fledgling,
unified nation was surrounded by enemies on every side. David faced his
enemies - from the lions and bear trying to steal the sheep of his
fathers flock, to the raging taunts of the behemoth warrior Goliath, to
the fiercest anger of King Saul, from a treacherous son Absalom, and
warring cities - with great poise and courage and with the shield of
faith God forged for him from his earliest days as an infant. "My
defense is of God, Who saves the upright in heart." "God is a righteous
judge, God who feels (greatest) indignation every day." Such was this indignation that God
said "Behold, I have created a Smith who blows the fire of coals, and produces a
weapon for its purpose."
We are one of body, the Body of Christ of which Jesus Christ is the head. We are the church. There is so much that we can learn from the incredible faith
David had in His one true God. He understood that grace is not just a
word from the Father to us, but it is extended to all. Grace is a shield
forged by Christ for each and everyone of us who are of one body, the
Body of Christ. "My defense and my shield depend on God!" A shield forged from the fiery crucible of His betrayal, crucifixion, death, resurrection. "This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication from Me" as the Lord God decisively, emphatically declares before us today. For this day and everyday.
Let Us Pray: Let these Living Words from Psalm 26, David's great song
of vindication, become your sure and true "shield and defense" for
today, tomorrow, for all time:
1 Vindicate me, Lord,
because I have lived with integrity
and have trusted in the Lord without wavering.
2 Test me, Lord, and try me;
examine my heart and mind.
3 For Your faithful love is before my eyes,
and I live by Your truth. (Psalm 26:1 - 3 Holman) watch?v=RB1NJV3rG6k
Read: Isaiah 54:16 - 17, Psalm 7:6 - 11
The Lord God declared decisively, emphatically, unto His Prophet Isaiah ~ "Behold, I have created the Smith who blows the fire of coals and produces a weapon for its purpose." (16) "My defense and my shield depend on God." (Psalm 7:10) These are the weapons forged of God, for God, by God for the surest defense of God's people. Maybe that is really what the sound of thunder is all about. God is in His great forge. He is fashioning the weapons against which no thing of man, no weapon of man, no word of man can hope to prevail. God will defend His children. God will not stand idly by while His children are being repeatedly wounded by false words and accusations!
"And you will refute every tongue that accuses you." There were certainly seasons in David's life where his actions brought great calamity. This is ever so true even for us who are God's children today. But that which was true from the life and songs of King David being that much of the arrows of distress that came to Him were met head on by holding up mighty shields of praise, thanksgiving and obedience forged by David's steadfast belief that God was absolutely faithful. A steadfast belief forged by his God that carried him, protected him, shielded him, through the greatest calamities of his life. However, is this the same that we, God's children today, hold up as our defense?
David's tiny fledgling, unified nation was surrounded by enemies on every side. David faced his enemies - from the lions and bear trying to steal the sheep of his fathers flock, to the raging taunts of the behemoth warrior Goliath, to the fiercest anger of King Saul, from a treacherous son Absalom, and warring cities - with great poise and courage and with the shield of faith God forged for him from his earliest days as an infant. "My defense is of God, Who saves the upright in heart." "God is a righteous judge, God who feels (greatest) indignation every day." Such was this indignation that God said "Behold, I have created a Smith who blows the fire of coals, and produces a weapon for its purpose."
We are one of body, the Body of Christ of which Jesus Christ is the head. We are the church. There is so much that we can learn from the incredible faith David had in His one true God. He understood that grace is not just a word from the Father to us, but it is extended to all. Grace is a shield forged by Christ for each and everyone of us who are of one body, the Body of Christ. "My defense and my shield depend on God!" A shield forged from the fiery crucible of His betrayal, crucifixion, death, resurrection. "This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication from Me" as the Lord God decisively, emphatically declares before us today. For this day and everyday.
Let Us Pray: Let these Living Words from Psalm 26, David's great song of vindication, become your sure and true "shield and defense" for today, tomorrow, for all time:
1 Vindicate me, Lord,
because I have lived with integrity
and have trusted in the Lord without wavering.
2 Test me, Lord, and try me;
examine my heart and mind.
3 For Your faithful love is before my eyes,
and I live by Your truth. (Psalm 26:1 - 3 Holman)
You never let go - Matt Redman
you Lord - for never letting go of me. I am empty. I long for You as I
long for water in a desert. Personal Note: Thank you all for watching
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