Day 315: "And I Say, Oh, That I Had Wings Like An Eagle!"
Read: Psalm 55:1 - 8, 16 - 23, John 16:25 - 33
When have you ever just wanted to just fly away from your problems? Has this feeling ever so completely consumed your spirit that it was just set ablaze by it? These problems are just so utterly overwhelming that all you ever wanted to do was escape into some desolate wilderness somewhere and disappear for a while, find a cave, cry an ocean of tears? Welcome, my friends, to a club that is not so exclusive as you may allow yourself to believe. I am a member, you are a member, we are all definitely lifetime members. Even David submitted lifetime membership application when he penned the words of Psalm 55. Image David, you, me, writing "And I say, Oh that I had wings like a dove!"
I have read that king David wrote this Psalm 55 during the rebellion of
his loved son, Absalom. So can you picture him, prior to leaving the
city, standing alone on the rooftop of his palace, overlooking Jerusalem as
the morning sun peeks over the eastern hills? Tears running down his
cheeks into his beard. His chest feels virtually constricted with the pain that fully squeezes his father’s heart. He turns and there, then only yards away, a small white dove casually perches on the edge of the roof. Can you picture him as he is watching this dove and listening to the words of overwhelming
suffering his heart is speaking to him at that moment? What an
extraordinary, painful nightmare he is living out!
Psalm 55 seems to point toward a parents worst nightmare: the total rejection from a child. When trust has been savagely broken, in whatever form it takes, it always finds the best of company with the greatest disappointments you have tried hard to forget. But how much more magnified does it become when it arrives with the
back hand of ones own best most trusted friend, or a family member (The
Prodigal Son's Brother)? Betrayal makes you feel very alone and very
vulnerable. Listen to David's heart, then listen to your own as you
speak the words of verse 2 "Attend to me and answer me; I am restless and distraught in my complaint and must moan" How deep do they go?
A deep sigh shudders through his grieving body and he almost whispers;
“Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” Can
you identify? Maybe you have never lost a loved one in that way. Maybe
what weighing you down is just the burdens of life. An addiction; a sad
family life; constant physical pain; or just a noisy unrest in your soul
that you can’t put a name to, but it is still there, doggedly disturbing your
peace nevertheless. God has better than dove’s wings. He offers
something to us better than escape to deserts, that is release to
the captives; complete victory to the brokenhearted; Don’t pray for
dove’s wings. Pray: "God, Oh that I had eagle’s wings."
Let Us Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Come to me, help my unbelief!
31 "Jesus answered them, Do you now believe? [Do you believe it at last?]
32 But take notice, the hour is coming, and it has arrived, when you
will all be dispersed and scattered, every man to his own home, leaving
Me alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect]
peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and
distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be
confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have
deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.] John 16:31 - 33 (Amplified) watch?v=xwwExdlgx2Q
Read: Psalm 55:1 - 8, 16 - 23, John 16:25 - 33
When have you ever just wanted to just fly away from your problems? Has this feeling ever so completely consumed your spirit that it was just set ablaze by it? These problems are just so utterly overwhelming that all you ever wanted to do was escape into some desolate wilderness somewhere and disappear for a while, find a cave, cry an ocean of tears? Welcome, my friends, to a club that is not so exclusive as you may allow yourself to believe. I am a member, you are a member, we are all definitely lifetime members. Even David submitted lifetime membership application when he penned the words of Psalm 55. Image David, you, me, writing "And I say, Oh that I had wings like a dove!"
I have read that king David wrote this Psalm 55 during the rebellion of his loved son, Absalom. So can you picture him, prior to leaving the city, standing alone on the rooftop of his palace, overlooking Jerusalem as the morning sun peeks over the eastern hills? Tears running down his cheeks into his beard. His chest feels virtually constricted with the pain that fully squeezes his father’s heart. He turns and there, then only yards away, a small white dove casually perches on the edge of the roof. Can you picture him as he is watching this dove and listening to the words of overwhelming suffering his heart is speaking to him at that moment? What an extraordinary, painful nightmare he is living out!
Psalm 55 seems to point toward a parents worst nightmare: the total rejection from a child. When trust has been savagely broken, in whatever form it takes, it always finds the best of company with the greatest disappointments you have tried hard to forget. But how much more magnified does it become when it arrives with the back hand of ones own best most trusted friend, or a family member (The Prodigal Son's Brother)? Betrayal makes you feel very alone and very vulnerable. Listen to David's heart, then listen to your own as you speak the words of verse 2 "Attend to me and answer me; I am restless and distraught in my complaint and must moan" How deep do they go?
A deep sigh shudders through his grieving body and he almost whispers; “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” Can you identify? Maybe you have never lost a loved one in that way. Maybe what weighing you down is just the burdens of life. An addiction; a sad family life; constant physical pain; or just a noisy unrest in your soul that you can’t put a name to, but it is still there, doggedly disturbing your peace nevertheless. God has better than dove’s wings. He offers something to us better than escape to deserts, that is release to the captives; complete victory to the brokenhearted; Don’t pray for dove’s wings. Pray: "God, Oh that I had eagle’s wings."
Let Us Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Come to me, help my unbelief!
31 "Jesus answered them, Do you now believe? [Do you believe it at last?]
32 But take notice, the hour is coming, and it has arrived, when you will all be dispersed and scattered, every man to his own home, leaving Me alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
33 I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.] John 16:31 - 33 (Amplified)
Scandal of Grace - Hillsong United (Worship song with Lyrics) 2013 New Album
Hillsong United - Scandal of Grace, Album: Zion,
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