Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 339: "Thus His Hands Were Steady Until The Sun Set."

Day 339: "Thus His Hands Were Steady Until The Sun Set."

Read: Exodus 17:8 - 20

Well, it is sorta good to be back. I have spent the last four days on vacation with my wife. I took no computer with me and neither did she. What a truly glorious and blessed time it was. Her and her intense devotion to her school work and my own intense devotion to bringing the Word of God to the breadth of the world community who are drawn by God to read and give consideration to it. It was quite the adjustment to be without our technology, our link to the rest of the world and we did miss it to some degree. What we both really needed was a time of intense devotion to ourselves and utmost to our God. What we really needed was a break from life, we needed husband and wife time. We needed husband, wife and God time. We needed to re-experience, re-share with each other God's love for us!

Our lives are so busy that often times we will feel like we are neglecting what is most important like our times of communication with God. Our husband and wife time, our prayer time with each other, our devotion to our prayer and share relationship with God are matters of the highest priority to us. However, life and school and a host of
other things, other distractions kept becoming inserted into the middle of it. We could feel it. We could could share it. We could pray about it. However, the opportunity to do anything about was remarkably fleeting. Times never quite meshed. Truth be told today, four days ago, I was not as devoted to prayer as I would like to or should be.

Perhaps this devotion has more application to me than it does to anyone, because many times I am speaking to myself. I do not dare to pretend to share what I share and claim to have it all figured out or mastered. I do believe that God answers prayer still today. I truly believe that people’s lives and hearts can be transformed through prayer. I do believe that our world can be turned right side up through prayer, but why is that we don’t always pray like we should. Perhaps why prayer is so much a difficult thing; because it is a very unnatural thing. Like in the Scripture passage today, Moses could not keep his hands steady until the sun set. Like Moses, our arms get too tired.

In much the same way that Aaron and Hur chose to devote themselves to holding up Moses’ arms resulting in victory, when the people of God choose to devote to lifting up theirs and each others arms and voices in prayer, when the people of God choose to take the time away from the battle raging front of them to supporting each others arms, helping them keep their arms and hands steady until the sun set and beyond, their enemies have no chance to win. The Bible never gives us a specific command for how much time we should spend in prayer. The closest we come is when it says, “pray without ceasing”. It's time well spent as God steady's our arms through prayer.

Let Us Pray: Psalm 66


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