Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 328: "I Must Turn Aside Now And See This Marvelous Sight,"

Day 328: "I Must Turn Aside Now And See This Marvelous Sight,"

Read: Exodus 3:1 - 15

Today's reading is the familiar account of Moses' meeting God at the burning bush. It was very important as Moses' first meeting with God, but also foundational for future meetings that followed, his as well as ours. This initial revelation began while Moses was in the desert happily tending the flocks of his father - in - laws sheep. Moses was minding his own business. I suspect that upon first leaving (fleeing actually) Egypt, he was all about his getting away from all of the attractions and the distractions of a cosmopolitan lifestyle. He's now spent the last forty years in “God’s School of The Desert.” Moses had seen the suffering of the people and he knew that he was to be their deliverer.

In forty years in Egypt Moses had learned the skills of worldly leadership, how to be a leader of men. In “God’s School of the Desert” he had for forty years been taught the qualities of spiritual leadership: patience, maturity and sensitivity in listening to the voice of God. With the passage of time and the coming of his children, he came to most likely love the solitude and unhurried pace of his life of freedom. He was at peace with himself and his family and his new role as shepherd. No going back to see his old relatives suffering in Egypt. What a wonderfully idyllic place Moses now found just for himself. No going back! No looking back! What a wonderful place for us to be in too!

All that surrounds us is just the here and the now. Only the future we try so hard to make for ourselves and our families. Going to work everyday. Sending the children off to school. Coming home after a long day at work to a meal prepared for us. Yep, it does not get better than this, loving our families, spending quality time together. I love that thought and kind of wish that maybe the Scripture writers would have left it alone right then and there. It would have been a perfect ending for us even today. I could preach many sermons, listen to many more on that subject and be satisfied. I believe God could easily lay back, love looking at a scene like this "Peace at long last!"

However, God had other plans for this relationship as He inevitably has for all of our relationships yesterday, today and tomorrow. He wants us to know Him. He wants us to be in love with Him. He wants us to know that we have an uniquely special purpose in life. The first thing to note about this passage is that this initial meeting came about
entirely at God's own initiative. God has used the burning bush as a device to arouse and peak Moses' curiosity. So Moses said (verse 3), “I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up.” Then God called him by name. So, right now, how is God trying to peak Your curiosity, gain Your undivided attention?

Let Us Pray; God, are you speaking to me today? Are you trying to peak my curiosity, gain my undivided attention about some matter I am not conscious of or I'm choosing to ignore? Do you have a plan uniquely set aside for me and my life right now that you are waiting so patiently to reveal to me, for me to see, get all excited about? Are
you calling out my name right now as you did your servant Moses at this moment? Are you waiting for me to exercise my own initiative to respond respond as Moses did then? That I must turn aside from where I am now, see the truly marvelous sight you have prepared uniquely and especially for me? Speak Lord, I so pray I am listening!

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