Day 329: You Shall Tell Them, "I AM Has Sent Me To You."
Read: Exodus 3:13 - 15
God Himself initiated the first meeting with Moses when He called out his name three times to approach the burning bush. "Moses," "Moses," "Moses." Now,
substitute the name of Moses with your own and have someone repeat it
from another room from behind a closed door three times. Place yourself
in Moses' sandals as you consider what to do next. Was it perhaps "I must turn
aside now and see this marvelous sight," or was it perhaps something else
like dismissing or disregarding the calling of your name and going on
with your day to day life; "Nah, that wasn't God calling my name." Or
was it God who truly thrice called your name and you felt something else
going on inside of you?
There are times when we simply hesitate to do God’s will because of feelings of inadequacy. Moses felt so completely inadequate to lead the children of Israel that
he had offered several excuses to God, but found God to be His
adequacy. A right concept of God is absolutely essential to our serving the
Lord with power, purpose and proper perspective. God not only
reminded Moses of His covenant promise to Abraham, but God used the name
I AM to teach him about his unchanging and need meeting nature. Let us
look at 1 aspect of God’s nature that prayerfully enhances our sense of power,
purpose, perspective. What can we who count ourselves Christians today be learning from this revelation?
Essentially, the purpose of this meeting was God revealing His name to
Moses, to us. That sounds kind of strange at first because we are used
to a name being simply just a tag that we use to identify one person from
another. But in Holy Scripture, a name is in reality a description of a
persons character. The name is not just who they are, but what they are
like. Taking the time to notice what name is used by God when He is
thrice calling you out by name, I pray, will profoundly impact your reading and appreciation of
the Bible. The "I AM that I AM" teaches us GOD’S COMPLETENESS -
learning that whenever we are feeling inadequate, God is totally
sufficient, complete and adequate for all our needs.
completes whatever we are lacking in may it be courage, wisdom or
ability, He is our great I AM. He gives us the authority to do things
that are far above and beyond the ability of human beings because He
enables us with His Holy Spirit. So, how many excuses did Moses
offer unto God as to why he was not the right person for the job called
him to do? How many do we offer up? It is so important to stop and
reflect on the name "I AM that I AM." With your eyes closed call out
this name three times. How do you feel now? Intentionally seeking to
personally know "I AM that I AM" in a more profound deeper sense we
ourselves experience and prayerfully appreciate God's completeness.
Let Us Pray: Psalm 46 watch?v=1vtxpkJmxkA
Here I am Lord- Lyrics
Here I am Lord w/ lyrics. Hope you enjoy! And please subscribe and comment!
Day 329: You Shall Tell Them, "I AM Has Sent Me To You."
Read: Exodus 3:13 - 15
God Himself initiated the first meeting with Moses when He called out his name three times to approach the burning bush. "Moses," "Moses," "Moses." Now, substitute the name of Moses with your own and have someone repeat it from another room from behind a closed door three times. Place yourself in Moses' sandals as you consider what to do next. Was it perhaps "I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight," or was it perhaps something else like dismissing or disregarding the calling of your name and going on with your day to day life; "Nah, that wasn't God calling my name." Or was it God who truly thrice called your name and you felt something else going on inside of you?
There are times when we simply hesitate to do God’s will because of feelings of inadequacy. Moses felt so completely inadequate to lead the children of Israel that he had offered several excuses to God, but found God to be His adequacy. A right concept of God is absolutely essential to our serving the Lord with power, purpose and proper perspective. God not only reminded Moses of His covenant promise to Abraham, but God used the name I AM to teach him about his unchanging and need meeting nature. Let us look at 1 aspect of God’s nature that prayerfully enhances our sense of power, purpose, perspective. What can we who count ourselves Christians today be learning from this revelation?
Essentially, the purpose of this meeting was God revealing His name to Moses, to us. That sounds kind of strange at first because we are used to a name being simply just a tag that we use to identify one person from another. But in Holy Scripture, a name is in reality a description of a persons character. The name is not just who they are, but what they are like. Taking the time to notice what name is used by God when He is thrice calling you out by name, I pray, will profoundly impact your reading and appreciation of the Bible. The "I AM that I AM" teaches us GOD’S COMPLETENESS - learning that whenever we are feeling inadequate, God is totally sufficient, complete and adequate for all our needs.
He completes whatever we are lacking in may it be courage, wisdom or ability, He is our great I AM. He gives us the authority to do things that are far above and beyond the ability of human beings because He enables us with His Holy Spirit. So, how many excuses did Moses offer unto God as to why he was not the right person for the job called him to do? How many do we offer up? It is so important to stop and reflect on the name "I AM that I AM." With your eyes closed call out this name three times. How do you feel now? Intentionally seeking to personally know "I AM that I AM" in a more profound deeper sense we ourselves experience and prayerfully appreciate God's completeness.
Let Us Pray: Psalm 46 watch?v=1vtxpkJmxkA
Here I am Lord- Lyrics
Here I am Lord w/ lyrics. Hope you enjoy! And please subscribe and comment!
Read: Exodus 3:13 - 15
God Himself initiated the first meeting with Moses when He called out his name three times to approach the burning bush. "Moses," "Moses," "Moses." Now, substitute the name of Moses with your own and have someone repeat it from another room from behind a closed door three times. Place yourself in Moses' sandals as you consider what to do next. Was it perhaps "I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight," or was it perhaps something else like dismissing or disregarding the calling of your name and going on with your day to day life; "Nah, that wasn't God calling my name." Or was it God who truly thrice called your name and you felt something else going on inside of you?
There are times when we simply hesitate to do God’s will because of feelings of inadequacy. Moses felt so completely inadequate to lead the children of Israel that he had offered several excuses to God, but found God to be His adequacy. A right concept of God is absolutely essential to our serving the Lord with power, purpose and proper perspective. God not only reminded Moses of His covenant promise to Abraham, but God used the name I AM to teach him about his unchanging and need meeting nature. Let us look at 1 aspect of God’s nature that prayerfully enhances our sense of power, purpose, perspective. What can we who count ourselves Christians today be learning from this revelation?
Essentially, the purpose of this meeting was God revealing His name to Moses, to us. That sounds kind of strange at first because we are used to a name being simply just a tag that we use to identify one person from another. But in Holy Scripture, a name is in reality a description of a persons character. The name is not just who they are, but what they are like. Taking the time to notice what name is used by God when He is thrice calling you out by name, I pray, will profoundly impact your reading and appreciation of the Bible. The "I AM that I AM" teaches us GOD’S COMPLETENESS - learning that whenever we are feeling inadequate, God is totally sufficient, complete and adequate for all our needs.
He completes whatever we are lacking in may it be courage, wisdom or ability, He is our great I AM. He gives us the authority to do things that are far above and beyond the ability of human beings because He enables us with His Holy Spirit. So, how many excuses did Moses offer unto God as to why he was not the right person for the job called him to do? How many do we offer up? It is so important to stop and reflect on the name "I AM that I AM." With your eyes closed call out this name three times. How do you feel now? Intentionally seeking to personally know "I AM that I AM" in a more profound deeper sense we ourselves experience and prayerfully appreciate God's completeness.
Let Us Pray: Psalm 46
Here I am Lord- Lyrics
Here I am Lord w/ lyrics. Hope you enjoy! And please subscribe and comment!
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